Search results for "bagò"

abin v 1To claim something for oneself. Woy rin ogka-abin ko ogkapurut din on. He cannot claim it until he has taken it. Ian og-abin to ulu ka nigbaba to babuy. The one who will claim the head is the one who carried the pig. Ian dò ogpa-abinon to ulu ka nigbaba to babuy. The only one who will be designated to claim the head will be the one who carried the pig on his back. [One of the components of abin that contrasts it to alam is that something may be given or the item may have been earned in some way.] see fr.: akon 1. 1.1To have someone take something for him/herself. Niggupal on woy nigtaladtalad dan on woy impa-abin dan ka ulu to nigbaba to sikan no babuy. They cut the meat up and divided it between themselves, and then they had the person who carried the pig on his back take the head for himself. osyn: akon 2; see: indan 1. 2To claim ownership of something. Nig-abin din on no kandin no gabas. He claimed that it was his own saw. see: kuò 1. 3To acknowlege as a relationship, or someone's authority. Nig-abin ni Pablo ka pogko-uripon din diò ki Hisus su noimu sikandin no sugu-anon. Paul acknowledged his [role as] slave to Jesus because he had become his servant. see fr.: unung 1; see fr.: damoy 2; see: tokod, patokod, ogho-o. 4To claim a relationship with someone not physically related; regard as related. Nig-abin a to sikan no otow; naan din no hari a rin. I have been claimed by that person; he regards me as his younger brother. Pan-abin din ka konò no hari rin. Layun ogsulodsulod kanta. He claims relationships with those who aren't his [real] younger-siblings. He is always paling-around-like-family with us. 5To admit or confess something, such as a fault. Kagi to sikan no nigtakow, “Og-abinon ku to koddì ian ka nigtakow koykow.” That person said, “I admit that it was really me who stole from you.” see fr.: angkon. 5.1Acknowlege or claim as one's own, such as one's subjects Og-abinon ni Joaquin ka taga Maambago no sakup din. Joaquin claims the residents of Maambago as his subjects. [DB says the relationship already exists. A leader is acknowledging his subjects as his. DB says that the sense is different than that of the earlier example in which Paul acknowledges that he is a slave/servant of God.] see: tokod 1. 6To attribute one's own thoughts or actions to someone else; shift blame to someone else. Ko du-on otow no ian nakasalò, no nigbayungan din ka songo otow su igpa-abin din ka nigtakow rin no salapì. If there is a person who actually was the one who did wrong, and then he accused someone else because he was causing his theft to be attributed [to someone else]. Ka sikan no nigpa-abin din diò to songo otow, impoid din ka salò din. That which he caused to be attributed to someone else, was used to cover up (lit. rub out) his fault. see fr.: bayung. 6.1To take the blame or assume the responsibility for someone else's action, such as someone else's debt, or of Jesus who took the punishment, blame or responsibility for the wrong doing of other people.

agap 1v To race, involving just two people. Darua ka og-agap no ulì diò to baloy. Two people will race [each other] to return home. Nig-a-agap ka darua. The two people were racing [each other]. 2v To race one another, esp. of three or more people. Ka sikan no ogpa-ag-agapoy, li-agan. Ogtagù to saku no ogpallaguy. Ka ogpakaponga, ian ogpakaro-og. That [word] race each other is a game. They get in sacks and run. The one who is able to finish [first] is the one who wins. Ogpa-ag-agapoy ka mgo kuddò. The horses are racing each other. [such as in a game with multiple participants or when racing horses.] 3v To chase and catch up with someone or something. Ko du-on darua no ogpalawod no ka sagboka oghun-a, og-agapan ka oghun-a. If two [people] are going downriver [by raft/canoe] and one gets ahead, the other will chase and catch up with the one which got ahead. [The term agapan “catch up” includes the components of the words gapun “chase” and ogko-umaan “overtake”.] osyn: liu 1. 4vs To be overtaken and passed so that the other person will reach a destination ahead of him/her; beaten to a destination. Ko du-on taga Maguimon no ogligkat to Patil di nig-ulì on sikandan, no du-on nasinundul no og-ulì diò to Maambago, kagi sikandin to, “Ogka-agapan ka Usì.” Ogtabak ka taga Maguimon to, “Balagad. Hun-a ka rò du-on.” If there is someone from Maguimon who is leaving from Patil but he has left to return home, and there are others who have followed later who are returning to Maambago, they will say, “Usì, you will be inadvertently passed up.” The person from Maguimon will answer, “Nevermind. You just go on ahead.” Darua ka og-agap no ulì diò to baloy. Kagi to sagboka, “Ko ogka-agapan ka, koykow ka ogsakaru. Two were racing to return to the house. One said, “If you happen to be beaten [to the destination], you will be the one to fetch water.”

bagoloy 1n A multiple-pronged spear. Ka otow no ogpanong-ow to bakbak, ogpilakon din to bagoloy. The person who uses a light to fish for frogs spears them with a multiple-pronged spear. [used to catch water life such as frogs, shrimp or fish. May have three to six prongs.] 2v To produce shoots as young rice about 1 ft. high with multiple shoots. [so called if there are multiple shoots from one stalk which are like prongs. Can also apply to other grain but is more rare.] 3deriv n A field of young rice shoots about 1 foot high.

ingkatalaran ... ka goinawa phr. of: talad. to have a generous attitude, lit. share one's breath (=be generous). Ingkatalaran nu ka goinawa nu diò to Maambago. You were generous toward Maambago. [Context was that of sending relief rice to Maambago. The gift itself was the result of an attitude of generousity.]

ma-an v 1To become familiar with as a friend. Kama-anan ta. We will find out [about something]. [DB says that the above form and meaning is Dibabawon. But Ata Manobo would say something like, Katagaanan ta ka nokoy ka ignangon din. “We will find out what he will tell us.”] 2To find out about something. Ko oglogsad ka ariplanu diò to Maambago, moon-ing ka mgo otow no ogma-anma-an ko hontow ka inlonò no magaliug. No sikan ian to ogtagataga sikandan ka ogtagbu. When the airplane lands in Maambago, many people come to find out what guests have arrived. So that’s why they come to find out. [By asking or going personally to find out about something.] see fr.: dalangin 1; see: tagataga.

nangon 1n A message, especially by word of mouth. Du-on nigbogoy koddì to sulat. Kagi to sika otow no nigtilala ku, “Igpa-alap ku bag no nangon to og-uroik a diò to Maambago.” Someone gave me a letter. That person whom I knew said, “I'm sending a message please that I will travel upriver to Maambago.” Ko nigbogoy to sulat, nigpatimul to nangon no igpasiguru no ogpasabuk bag to agoloy. When he gave the letter [to me], he instructed (lit. caused) [me] to add to it by word of mouth to insure that [the person] would set aside some corn [for him]. see fr.: gugud 2; see fr.: lalag 2. 2v To tell, say, speak Di du-on og-abalang no konò ogpoko-uwang ko ognangon. But there are those who keep coming back with their request who cannot express what they [want to] say. Og-agbotan nu to ognangon oyow lagboy ogpakarinog ka duma. [Speak] louder when you speak so that the others can hear. see fr.: gugud 1. 3Si Lita, nignangon ki Mery to diò oghibat to kandin. Lita told Mery that she would sleep at her [place]. 4Agad nokoy ka ignangon ku, konò ogpa-agad-agad no og-ugpò diò to dangob no anak din. No matter what I say, [my mother] won't agree to stay with her other offspring. 4.1Warò ikanangon dan to duma no kinagian. They weren't able to tell me another word [for the word aguanta “endure”.] 5Tell. [This word can be used in direct or indirect speech, with or without an object. The English word “tell” requires an object and is also used in indirect speech.] 6Ognangonan kow rò ko ogkapalusan on. You will be told when [the grains] have filled out. 7v Repeatedly ?? tell Si Apù Amasig ka nignangonnangon kanak to ogngilam ki su du-on ogpoko-uma no mangayow. Grandfather Amasig was the one who was repeatedly telling me that we will be alert because raiders would come. 8To plan. 9n guarantee (lit. something used to tell) Ko du-on og-indanan ku no kuddò, ogbogoy a to babuy no igpohun-a ku. Sikan ka igmaganangon ku to og-indanan kud on. If there is a horse which I will reserve, I will give a pig as a downpayment (lit. that which I [give] ahead of time). That is my guarantee that I have reserved it.

olog 1n For something to be fitting or OK with someone, to be the right fit or size, or to be possible or appropriate for a specific occasion or use. Olog nu bua ka so-ini no kinabò. Perhaps this is your size. see: karakoli; see fr.: ongod 2; see fr.: togkad 3. 2adv Possibly Olog bua ko ogpakasamboy a to kuddò nu su oghondiò a to Patil su ogboli a to tambal. Maybe it's a possible that I could borrow your horse because I will go to Patil because I will buy medicine. Konò no olog to ogkasambayan su masakit so pa-a to kuddò. It's not possible to borrow it because the horse's foot is sore. [That is, OK with someone.] 3n Enough, adequate Olog nud ka so-ini no salapì to ogpoko-uma ka diò to Davao. This money is adequate for you to reach Davao. Ka igkarangob on ka no-olog on to nakaboli. The next year the [amount of] corn was enough that it could be sold. see: litos 1. 4n When preceded by ian, it means, the very thing which is fitting for some purpose. Ka mgo bo-ugan, ian olog no litos to sikan ka ogkoimu no maroyow no indanan to olatan to kara tanò no du-on mgo kamunoy. A creek is the very thing which is appropriate to be that which can be made the marker between two fields which have [different] owners. DB Dic Nt May/2006 5v To fit Ka an-anayan no turukan to agoloy ku, katoluan dò no saku ka no-olog to sikan no pinayag ku. From my first corn harvest, only thirty sacks fit in my granary. 6v To be suitable, OK, fitting Du-on otow no ogko-iniat to bogyas. Og-insò to, “Ogko-olog bua to goinawa nu ko ogsaliuan ku to manuk?” There is a person who wants to buy a fish trap. He will ask, “Maybe it is OK with you (lit. suitable to your breath) if I trade a chicken for it?” 7v To try. Ka so-ini no simana to katamanan to Mayo, og-olog-olog a porom to og-ulì diò to Maambago, di nig-ugsul on ka mgo pilitianan to mgo sakayan. This week at the end?? of May, I would like to try to return to Maambago, but the fares to the vehicles have gone up. Sikan ian ogtimulan ta pad ka salapi ku oyow og-olog-olog to pogdatong dio to Maambago. That's why we will increase [the amount of] my money so that it will be enough to arrive at Maambago. 8v test Kò nu og-ol-ologi ka inoy nu su maro-ot. Don't test your mother because it's bad. [If a child disobeyed his mother to go to swim in a deep place someone would say:] 9vs To fit