Search results for "dokad di"

antuk 1v To use another name for an in-law, avoiding the use of the person\\\\\\\'s actual name, the use of which is believed to cause a curse. [ogbusungon]. 2n Something with a hidden meaning; a riddle. Nahan ku ko ian tu-ud to antuk din ko og-ugpò a to malayat pad no allow. Dokad di lo-in ka tu-ud din. Ogbogayan a poron to boi. I supposed that the meaning of his riddle [was] that I would stay for several days (lit. a long day). However his purpose was different. He wanted to give me a girl. 3v To make up riddles, especially at a vigil for the dead. [It is believed to be pamalii "bad luck" to tell riddles at any other time.] 4deriv n A riddle, especially that told at a wake. [To make up riddles at any other time than a death is believed to be bad luck. The purpose seems to be to distract the grieving from the reality of the grief over the loss of a loved one. Someone gives a characteristic of a balubatò "bachelor" or a dalaga "maiden" and others make guesses as to the meaning. An example might be a "maiden covered with eyes" which turns out to be a pinapple. ]

sial 1n sharpened slivers of bamboo Aboy ki sogbayò dokad di sial. We assumed this was [a good place] to pass however there were sharpened pieces of bamboo. [Sharpened small pieces of bamboo stuck in the ground as protection against raiders; make a deep puncture wound when stepped on. (TL says they may be 4 or 5 inches long.)] 2Punctured (foot) by sial 3n Name of a man’s dance to kuglung accompaniment.