Search results for "hibat"

agpot 1n To be an outsider , that is, someone who is living in a location other than his own. Ko oghalin ki diò songo ugpa-an, mgo agpot ki rò. Agad duma ta no Manobò, mgo agpot ki rod su konò no ugpa-an ta. If we move to another place, we are just outsiders. Even if they are our fellow Manobos, we are still outsiders because it is not our place. ant: sakup 2. 2n Foreigner, that is, someone who resides in a country where he/she is not a citizen. Ogkohingaran to agpot kow kai to Pilipinas su sakup ka to songo ugpa-an. You are called foreigners here in the Philippines because you are subjects of another country. 3n A person who lives on someone else's property; displaced person. Ko warò tanò dan, mgo agpot sikandan. If they don't have land they are residing on someone else's land. [The Ata Manobo term agpot applies to a renter or someone who has permission to live on someone else's land. It does not have the negative connotation of the English term “squatter”. However, the people who dwell on a dump would be considered agpot because it is not considered that it is an appropriate place to live.] 4v To go somewhere for a short stay. Si Lita, nignangon ki Mery to diò oghibat to kandin. Nig-agpot si Mery su nig-amut on to songo kausiloman dò. Lita told Mery to sleep (lit. lay down) at their place. Mery stayed a short time with them because she joined [them] for only one night. [In the following example, DB says the verbal form applies but Mary is not an agpot because she only stayed one night.] see: panumbaloy. 5n To be temporary residents of some place Mgo agpot ki rò kai to tanò. We are just resident aliens here on earth. Ko malayat ka pog-ugpò nu, sikan ka agpot su nig-amut ka. If your stay is long, that is the meaning of an resident alien because you have joined in [with those people]. [DB says the word can mean amut if it is in a temporary sense. See example. [original gloss: Mingle with.]] osyn: amut 1. 6v To stay somewhere for a short time Nig-agpot si Mery su nig-amut on to songo kausiloman dò. Mary stayed for a short time because she joined [them] for only one night. [In this case, a person does not become an agpot “alien” or “foreigner” because the intent is just a short visit.]

daliwasoon v To have a condition of sleeplessness, or insomnia, often taken as a sign that someone has died. Ko ogdaliwasoon ka, konò ka ogkohirogò. Ungod ka ogbalbalikid ka oghibat no ungod ka oglimusongan taman to ogkapawa-an ka. If you have insomnia, you cannot sleep. You are always tossing and turning as you lay [there] and you are always sweating until it becomes morning. [This is something said to be unusual, not due to a cronic night sweat, so it is taken as a sign that something has gone wrong or someone has died. Term also applies if sleeplessness is due to a natural cause such as having drunk coffee or eaten sweets before retiring for the night.]

hibat v To lie down on one's back. [This is the position for resting which is considered normal. If a child turns over on its stomach it is considered a bad omen. ] ant: langkob 1.

langkob v 1To lie on one’s stomach. [There is a belief that it is a bad omen if a child turns over on its stomach to sleep. Also, it is considered pamalii “bad luck” to lay a baby on its stomach or for an adult to sleep on one's stomach. It is thought that this will cause someone to die.] ant: hibat. 2To lay something on its stomach. 3To topple and land on one's stomach and/or face.

nangon 1n A message, especially by word of mouth. Du-on nigbogoy koddì to sulat. Kagi to sika otow no nigtilala ku, “Igpa-alap ku bag no nangon to og-uroik a diò to Maambago.” Someone gave me a letter. That person whom I knew said, “I'm sending a message please that I will travel upriver to Maambago.” Ko nigbogoy to sulat, nigpatimul to nangon no igpasiguru no ogpasabuk bag to agoloy. When he gave the letter [to me], he instructed (lit. caused) [me] to add to it by word of mouth to insure that [the person] would set aside some corn [for him]. see fr.: gugud 2; see fr.: lalag 2. 2v To tell, say, speak Di du-on og-abalang no konò ogpoko-uwang ko ognangon. But there are those who keep coming back with their request who cannot express what they [want to] say. Og-agbotan nu to ognangon oyow lagboy ogpakarinog ka duma. [Speak] louder when you speak so that the others can hear. see fr.: gugud 1. 3Si Lita, nignangon ki Mery to diò oghibat to kandin. Lita told Mery that she would sleep at her [place]. 4Agad nokoy ka ignangon ku, konò ogpa-agad-agad no og-ugpò diò to dangob no anak din. No matter what I say, [my mother] won't agree to stay with her other offspring. 4.1Warò ikanangon dan to duma no kinagian. They weren't able to tell me another word [for the word aguanta “endure”.] 5Tell. [This word can be used in direct or indirect speech, with or without an object. The English word “tell” requires an object and is also used in indirect speech.] 6Ognangonan kow rò ko ogkapalusan on. You will be told when [the grains] have filled out. 7v Repeatedly ?? tell Si Apù Amasig ka nignangonnangon kanak to ogngilam ki su du-on ogpoko-uma no mangayow. Grandfather Amasig was the one who was repeatedly telling me that we will be alert because raiders would come. 8To plan. 9n guarantee (lit. something used to tell) Ko du-on og-indanan ku no kuddò, ogbogoy a to babuy no igpohun-a ku. Sikan ka igmaganangon ku to og-indanan kud on. If there is a horse which I will reserve, I will give a pig as a downpayment (lit. that which I [give] ahead of time). That is my guarantee that I have reserved it.

ulun phr.: ulunan to maya. 1v To lay one’s head on something, as when sleeping. Nig-u-ulunan ka batu. He laid his head on the rock. Ko oghibat ka, dii ka og-ulun. When you lay down, lay your head here. [especially of the location or position of one's head.] 2deriv n Pillow. 3deriv n Placenta or afterbirth. [Spec of the membrane surrounding the unborn child also called the chorion.]