Search results for "lobang"

ayagad n A small white crayfish. [Swims on surface of water. It is more agressive and bumps into people in the water with its feelers causing one's body to smart.] gen: ulobang.

bukotut n A short, fat crayfish. [They have a patterned design. Those with a black body have white markings and those with white bodies have black markings. Others have red or rust-colored bodies with white markings. They carry their eggs on their belly.] gen: ulobang.

karugukduguk n A kind of crayfish with big, long pinchers. [Has tail that fans out. It crawls out of the water so must breathe air.] gen: ulobang.

lombu-u n Lobster. [Lives in the ocean or rivers. Probably related to crayfish because it breaths air and the tail fans out horizontally.] gen: ulobang.

sangal n A kind of crayfish having large claws. [Some are red, brown or rust colored or white. The tail spreads as do other crayfish. They live in swift water.] gen: ulobang.

tibogow n 1A type of cane, that grows along the river. Ka woig no Liboganon, makopal ka mgo tibogow diò to napu no mabasag ka lawa rin. As for the Liboganon river, the cane is thick there in the flad area and its body is hard. [The young leaves and plant are eaten by animals but not people.] spec: liung, sasò, sawow, bungbung. 2A kind of shrimp which has hairs on claws. [They live where the tibogow cane has fallen into the river. They are red and white.] gen: ulobang.

tu-ug to uak A kind of shrimp. [The black ones have a white band. Others are white with a black band.] gen: ulobang.

ulobang n Any kind of shrimp or crayfish. Tobtobi nu ka ulobang. Bite off [the tails] of the shrimps. [Generic for any kind of shrimp, lobster or crayfish. Shrimp have vertical tails and get air from the water. Crayfish and lobsters breathe air like a crab and have tails that fan out. There are many specific names which include many kinds of shrimp, lobsters and crayfish.] spec: karugukduguk, lombu-u, mangalow, salanggungow, sangal, ayagad, agal, tu-ug to uak, bukotut, tibogow 2.