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akob 1n A layer of something, such as an additional layer of clothing like an undergarment, underskirt or slip or an upper garment such as a shawl or coat.. [Almost anything which can be layered, such as a layer of paint or a layer of wood.] see fr.: laplap 2; see: linas. 2v To be layered, as plywood. [This applies to thin layers or items such as plywood, paper or paint and would not be used of thicker items such as books or boards which would be stacked. It could also apply to layers of skin or leaves on the ground.] 3v To be multi-layered or stacked as many sheets of paper. [But not stacked as books. That would be ogpokog-ampow-ampow.] 4vs (Fig) To have one's thoughts or activities supplanted, or overlaid, or taken over by something. Ko pananglitan du-on oghimuon ta di ko du-on igkasasow ta, na-akoban ka oghimuon ta porom no an-anayan. If for example we are doing something but then something is worrying us, what we had been doing at first was supplanted [by that which is disturbing us]. Na-akoban ka doromdom ta to igkasasow ta no warò ta nato-ori to oghimuon ta porom. Our thinking was taken over by that which was worrying us and so we didn't accomplish what we would have done. [The following is an example of having one's thoughts so much supplanted or taken over (lit. overlaid) by something else that one cannot concentrate on what one had originally planned to do.] see: aloy 2.

ko-on phr.: songo pogko-on. 1v Eat. 2v Eat up! Ognangonan ta to, “Pango-on ka” oyow ogdakol ka ogko-onon din [This is said to a new guest who is shy to take very much food.] 3v To have plenty to eat. Ognangonnangon on to mgo duma rin to dio to Nasuli, mako-onon atag kandan no kai to kanta, moirap ki to ogkako-on. He will tell his companions that at Nasuli, they have plenty to eat in contrast to us here who have a difficult time eating. Ka mako-on, oglituk to dakol ka ogkako-on kai to Nasuli woy to warò bitil. The [word] mako-on means that what is eaten is plentiful here at Nasuli and there is no famine. ant: bitil 1. 4v Many have begun to eat 5v (Of a group) To be in the process of eating. Pananglitan, ko nanumbaloy a, nakasalangan a to ogko-on, kagi a to, “Ogmangoko-on kow na-an.” For example, if I have gone to visit [someone, and] I happen to arrive as they are eating, I will say, “So you are in the process of eating. ” 6v To avail oneself of an opportunity to eat [at someone else's house]. Ko ogpakapango-on ka anak ku diò to songo baloy no warò nigpataga kanak to nigko-on, og-ogotan ku. If my child avails himself/herself of an opportunity to eat at someone else's house, I will scold him/her. 7vs to be edible; can be eaten Ko konò kow ogtamong, pamanghò kow to ogkako-on." If you won't take care [of the children], go look [elsewhere] for something to eat! Ko ogkapongaan to poghimu to darua no allow, bali ogkako-on ka sikan no agkud. When two days of [this] process has been completed, finally that agkud is edible (lit. can be eaten). [The non-intentive form of the word implies eating anything edible, not just rice or a staple. The nominalized or objective form of the verb generally understood to refer to rice or a staple.] 8 9v To be in the process of eating. Kagi to magaliug, “Warò batasan ku to og-alukuy to ogko-onko-on a.” A guest said, “It isn't my custom to carry on a discussion while I am in the process of eating. 10Feed (lit. cause to eat). 11v To feed someone. 12A staple food, esp. rice, dried grains or sweet potatoes. 13Eating place.

porom 1part Particle used in indicate the equivalent of “nearly”, “would”, “fain”: 2should Dakol pad porom; maintok on. It should have been large, but it’s small. [This frustration particle expresses something that is unfulfilled as something that might have happened.] 3part would like to do something Ulì a ian porom dio’t Maguimon, di konò ad man. I would indeed like to return to Magimon, but I really won't. Ko pananglitan du-on oghimuon ta di ko du-on igkasasow ta, na-akoban ka oghimuon ta porom no an-anayan no na-aloy ki diò to dangob no warò ta nato-ori. If for example we are doing something but if there is something worrying us, the thing we would have done at the beginning is supplanted (lit. layered or covered over.) And then we are distracted to something else so that we didn't accomplish [what we started out to do]. 4part almost, nearly Kausing poron na-uug. Kausing nearly fell. 5part unrealized result Naallok ka poron. Your fear was unrealized. [In the following example, I had called out in alarm because some flaming oil was all over the porch. However, after using a fire extinguisher, the flames were put out. Afterwards, I expressed how afraid I had been, May-as corrected me and said, Naallok ka poron, and explained that, though my fear was real, they were not realized because the house had not burned down.] 6part Should. Dakol pad porom; maintok on. It should have been large, but it’s small.