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agpu-unan 1n To be afflicted by an illness believed to be a result of meeting a long-haired spirit while bathing in a river or stream. Ko du-on batò no ogdaralu no ungod ogparigus, ogkagi ka mgo buyag to na-agpu-unan su nalimuan to gamowgamow. If a child gets sick who is always bathing [in the river], the older people say that he afflicted by an evil spirit because he affected by a long-haired spirit [which lives in the water]. [Wherever the swelling is on a body of the child, the people believe that is where the hair of the spirit wrapped around the child’s body.] see fr.: gamowgamow; see: limuan; see fr.: limuan; see: gamowgamow. 2v To become ill from contact with a female spirit with long hair which lives near a stream or river. Ko duon ogdaralu no mgo batò no malasi ogpamarigus diò to woig, kagi to amoy, “Pitow ka. Na-agpu-unan ka.” If there are children who become ill who are often bathing in the river (lit. water), the father says, “See. You have become ill from a spirit source.” Ko du-on batò no ogdaralu no ungod ogparigus, ogkagi ka mgo buyag to na-agpu-unan su nalimuan to gamowgamow. If a child gets sick who is always bathing [in the river], the older people say that he afflicted by an evil spirit because he was affected by a long-haired spirit [which lives in the water]. [They believe that there is a female spirit with long hair called a gamowgamow who lives in the water. They believe that if an adult or child gets tangled in her hair while bathing, it will cause them to be ill. They also believe that unless a special spirit ceremony is performed to remove this illness, the person may die. They believe a withered calf is one form of this illness but any illness following bathing is suspect.] see: limuan; see: gamowgamow.

alimbual n A wave or breaker, as on the beach; the result of a strong current which splashes or breaks against the rocks. [DB describes this like when there is a whirlpool and the water strikes the rocks and rises and splashes. He would say that the Nigtaplak ka luak no nakasawig diò to ampow ie against the ship. DB 18/Jan/2006] gen: luak.

anoy₁ 1deriv n First; in the beginning. An-anayan, og-umawon nu. Ko konò oggoram, oggongonan ta oyow ogka-antog. First, you call [the sleeping person]. If he doesn't sense it (lit. feel) we take hold of him so that he will be disturbed [from sleep]. Ko du-on oghimuon ta di ko du-on igkasasow ta, na-akoban ka oghimuon ta porom no an-anayan no na-aloy ki diò to dangob no warò ta nato-ori. If we are doing something but if there is something worrying us, the thing we would have done in the beginning is supplanted (lit. layered or covered over.) And then we are distracted to something else so that we didn't accomplish [what we started out to do]. 2adv Since; ever since; from the time that something happened. Anoy ki oglibonglibong no ogtalabao no ogkapolaan ad. Since we keep going back and forth (lit. returning) to [our] work, then I am becoming weary. Anoy a no batò, warò inoy ku no nigsagman kanak woy sagboka bag ka sabinit ku. Ever since I was a [smaller] child, I haven't had a mother to attend to me and I had only one item of clothing. Anoy on no-otow si Huan, diad on ka Magboboot to pusung din su kandin ian ka nigbo-ot ki Huan no no-otow. From the time that John was born, God was in his heart because He [God] was the one who determined that John should be born. syn: aligbat 1; osyn: taan 3. 3adv After having [expected something]...then [there was an unexpected result]. Anoy no og-iman-iman to pila no bulan ka pogtagad dan to ogsanggì no warò nakasanggì. After having anticipated for how many months as they were waiting to harvest, then they were not able to harvest [after all]. [The sense here is that the end result is not that which was anticipated. ] 4adv Habitual. Napolaan ad to batasan nu no anoy kad ogkalasing. I've become tired of your conduct of habitual (lit ever since) drinking. 5deriv n Firstborn child. 5.1v To be born first.

balò 1n A prediction based on some procedure or ceremony. Ka poghusud to natampod no songo banoy no bulu ko naponù to tanò, maroyow ka balò din su ogtuga ka homoy. When the single length of bamboo is pulled up, if it is full of earth, its sign is good because the rice will be plentiful. [Some predictions as from a test of the soil are not considered to be associated with sympathetic magic. However, predictions made in conjunction with ceremonies or sacrifices or the call of the omen bird are associated with traditional beliefs and involvement with the spirit world.] 2n With negative: Bad sign, as of bad luck Ogkagi to buyag, “Purut ka to manuk no igkuyab nu ig-awò to maro-ot no balò nu.” The older person will say, “Get a chicken to waver to remove your bad luck.” [especially that based on sympathetic magic] see: pamalii. 3v To use divination to determine the outcome or value of something. Ka mgo buyag, ogpanlo-uy to matosan no latì, no ogbabalo-an pad ko maroyow ka tanò no ogkamotan. The older people go out to a field of matured secondary growth and have a ceremony to determine whether it would be good to cut the growth on that piece of ground [for a field]. [It is based on sympathetic magic which may take various forms which are used by the Ata Manobo people to determine whether or not to cut a certain field. One method is to cut a piece of rattan the length of their cutting knife and then cut it again into lengths of the width of that same knife. From the pieces, they make a diagram on the ground of a rice house. If the pieces build a complete diagram with a ladder and an extra piece to fit in one of the rooms, the sign is good and they will cut that plot. However, if it comes out short, tor they have a tiny piece left over, they will not cut that field because they determine that the land will not produce a good crop. If there is a futhur extra long piece, it is put on the opposite end of the diagram which resembles a casket. Then they will not cut the field because they believe someone will die.] 4v To use something as a means to predict an outcome (??) 5v To have a resemblance to something Nabala-an to pogul su pogulon. He has a resemblance pogul wood because he’s lazy. [The following statement also seems to imply that that the lazy person was “destined” to be lazy. It is an insult by a parent who is angry because of the conduct.] 6v To treat by using sympathetic magic to bring about a desired result such as to rub bodies of an agressive wasp on a horse’s lips to make the horse agressive for a horse fight. Ka kuddò no nabalangitan, ogkabala-an to mgo ulod-ulod no songo ogmabulut. The horse which is being treated, [with something to make him fierce], he becomes like the creatures which are likewise fierce. 7deriv n Kind of bushy weed with long leaves which are tipped with red which could be used as a decorative plant.

bongkag 1v To break up, turn over, as the soil in a field. Ka otow no an-anayan din pad nigbongkag to tanò din ka nigdaru, noirapan pad lagboy sikandin ka nigtalabau. The first time that a person broke up the soil as he plowed his land, he had great difficulty [doing] the work. cf: gulak 1. 2vs For something to be broken loose from something else such as blood clots that break loose and are discharged from the womb of a mother who has just given birth. Ka goti-an no agoloy, igpako-on to iam no nig-anak oyow ogkabongkag ka langosa no nigmalibuson to diralom. The roasted corn is fed to the [mother] who has newly given birth so that the blood clots will be broken loose [and be discharged] which were inside [her body]. see: pitas 1. 3v (Fig.) To be broken loose from a marriage relationship. Nabongkag on to inayon ka anakon din no iam pad na-asawa su nigtambag dò to ogpo-ongkoran din on ka asawa rin. The neice who had been recently married was broken loose [from her marriage relationship] by her aunt because she had simply advised her to desert her husband. 4v For something to inadvertently cause termination, as a pregnancy. 4.1v To be terminated, as a pregnancy resulting in a miscarriage. s Ka boi no ogpangiram, ko warò ogkako-on din no ogko-ibogan din, ogkabongkag ka batò su ogka-awa-an on. As for a woman who is newly pregnant, if she cannot eat what she is craving for, the [pregnancy] will be terminated because [the baby] will come out (lit. be removed). see: landan; see: tampod 2.

dangatan deriv. of: dangat. n result [Often used as borrowing but Ata Manobo would be ka ogko-umaan.]

doga deriv.: karoga. 1vi To act out as a result of feeling slighted such as to not eat or throw a tantrum. Ko do-isok ka igbogoy no ko-onon, ogdoroga on ka batò su do-isok ka ko-onon. Ogsinogow no konò ogko-on. If given just a small amount of food, the child will act out [a feeling of being slighted] because he has a small amount of food. He will cry and not eat. 2v To discourage others [from helping] by one’s behavior. Ka otow no konò ogbayad to talabau, sikandin ka ogpandoga to mgo otow no ogbulig kandin. A person who doesn't pay those who work, he discourages the people who help him/her. [Such as someone fails to pay those who worked in his field, the people he hired are discouraged from ever helping him again.] 3vs To be discouraged from continuing an activity or behavior. Ko oghirogoon, to inoy ka batò, ogbogayan din to dakol oyow ogkaroga. If the mother does something to put her child in his place, she will give a lot [of food] so the child will be discouraged [from acting up]. [ The same word would apply to someone who erred while learning a skill and was so embarrased that he/she would be discouraged from ever trying again. ] see: sapad 1. 3.1v To have had it with someone, such as to have totally given up trying to help in the fields if not paid. Narogaroga ad on ian ka so-oyò no otow, konà ad oghutuk ogbulig. I’ve really had it with that person; I will never help [him] again. 4v To put down; punish. Igdogaroga rin ka duma rin. [It was said] to put down his companion [for repeatedly going back for more food]. see: logpad 1. 5v With negative: [Not] to give in, not to yield or not to quit. [This form with a negative can be used in a negative or positive sense. The negative sense would describe a child or adult who will not yield to discipline or pressure and who will continue to do whatever his parents or others are trying to get him to do, or not to do. The positive sense would be that a person will not give up and quit trying if something is difficult to accomplish.]

porom 1part Particle used in indicate the equivalent of “nearly”, “would”, “fain”: 2should Dakol pad porom; maintok on. It should have been large, but it’s small. [This frustration particle expresses something that is unfulfilled as something that might have happened.] 3part would like to do something Ulì a ian porom dio’t Maguimon, di konò ad man. I would indeed like to return to Magimon, but I really won't. Ko pananglitan du-on oghimuon ta di ko du-on igkasasow ta, na-akoban ka oghimuon ta porom no an-anayan no na-aloy ki diò to dangob no warò ta nato-ori. If for example we are doing something but if there is something worrying us, the thing we would have done at the beginning is supplanted (lit. layered or covered over.) And then we are distracted to something else so that we didn't accomplish [what we started out to do]. 4part almost, nearly Kausing poron na-uug. Kausing nearly fell. 5part unrealized result Naallok ka poron. Your fear was unrealized. [In the following example, I had called out in alarm because some flaming oil was all over the porch. However, after using a fire extinguisher, the flames were put out. Afterwards, I expressed how afraid I had been, May-as corrected me and said, Naallok ka poron, and explained that, though my fear was real, they were not realized because the house had not burned down.] 6part Should. Dakol pad porom; maintok on. It should have been large, but it’s small.
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