Search results for "sayow"

hinang 1v For a shaman to perform a ceremony. [by sacrificing a pig. The meaning seems to include the whole ceremony from the beginning of placing the pig, the dancing of the shaman and the sacrificing of the pig and the feast.] 2Ko nigdaralu, sikan ka nighinangan to Bailan. Ko du-on babuy, sikan ka ogtubaran dan no ogmanasayow on ka bailan no ogpalpalibut to babuy. If someone is ill, that is the person over which a shaman will perform a pig sacrifice.

sudsud 1v To pound rice with short, quick strokes; to poke around in the ground with a stick. Sudsuron ta ka mundù. We poke around in the ground for camotes. 2Name of a dance to kobbiung accompaniment. Ogsayow ki’t sagudsug. We’ll dance the sagudsud. 3To pound rice fast in order to get done in a hurry. Sagudsura nu. 4v To drag a net such as a mosquito net as a means of catching fish