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bokas v 1To initiate a conversation, or a discussion such as that of a marriage arrangement. Ka oghun-a ogkagi, sikan ka ogbokas to alukuyan. The person who is first to speak, that is the one who initiates the discussion. 2To release, as trigger of a trap. Ko ogkabokas on ka bagwanan to balatik, du-on on ogsagad no babuy. When the trigger of the pig trap is released, a pig which has been caught. see: basikal. 3To block as an inlet from a river so as to drain area and catch fish in traps. Ka otow no ogngangalap to siak to woig, ogbokason din ka og-atangan din ka siak oyow og-otì on. A person who is fishing on a tributary of the river blocks the tributary so that it will dry up. [The common thread of meaning may be that the blocking of the river initiates the trapping of the fish, someone walking into an ambush, initiates/sets in motion the act of spearing an enemy, and the person who speaks first, initiates the conversation. A person who is angry, lets loose with angry words and/or a physical attack. (In the latter case, ogtokow his words take others by surprise.] see: atang 1. 4To vent, as anger in such a way that people are taken by surprise. Ka otow no nabolù, nigbokas ka nigkagi; nigparagas nigkagi. Nigma-agbot to nigkagi su ogkatokow ki. The angry person, vented [his] anger; he went right ahead and spoke. He spoke loudly because we are taken by surprise. see: tokow 1. 5To be the recipients of an angry outburst. Moirap ko ogbokasan ki to kagi. It is difficult if we are the recipients of [someone's] angry outburst. 6To strike. Ka otow no oggopas, ogbokas to usig ka ogpilak. The person who is lying in ambush, strikes [his] enemy when he spears [him].