Search results for "sinikot"

arab 1n A kind of curved knife, or bolo. Ka arab, marulag igkakamot su ogsinsinikoton dò to oghiipanow, panagana ko du-on usig. The arab knife is rarely used to cut a field because it is just strapped at the waist and worn when one travels, in case (lit. preparation if) there would be an enemy. [which has triangular shaped blade at the apex at about a 45 degree angle. Sometimes only the bottom edge is sharpened but all edges may be sharpened. It is about 2-3 inches wide and 15-20 inches long.] 2v to sharpen one or both sides of a piece of bamboo. Ko og-abat ki to bulu, og-araban ta su oghimuon ta no sinombung. When we cut down bamboo, we sharpen it because we will make into a bamboo spear. [Thought used primarily of sharpening an edge of bamboo, the same word and procedure could be done to certain kinds of hard wood but more rarely as most wood is not suitable. DB said it would not apply to sharpening metal.] see: mo-irob.