Search results for "tampak"

sugkal 1v To stab upward with a spear as through the floor, or to knock papayas from a tree. Sugkalon ki. They spear us up through the floor. [The term can refer to the upward thrust of a spear or the thrust of a pole when getting fruit.] 2v Jab with an upward motion. Ko du-on kapayas, maroyow no sugkalon. If there are papayas, it’s good to jab them. [In this case, one does not intend to damage the fruit.] 3n A jabbing pole used to get fruit. Nokogtampak ka susugkaloy su insumpul on. The jabbing pole was fitted together because it was extended. [If one has a picker with a crook and basket, one would sanggat the fruit. The term sugkal refers to the upward jabbing motion.]

tampak 1v To insert into a hole or slot; to fit together Ka puspuru, nokogtampak ka lawa rin. The matchbox, its body was fitted together. [As when an extention is added to something, or as a knife is inserted into a handle, or the handle of an umbrella is inserted on the end of shaft, a pen is inserted into its cover or a matchbox into its lid. The component of tampak seems to imply that the item fits into the other part. The word suksuk would apply to a single match which was inserted inside the matchbox.] 2v Fit one part on another. Intampak ta ka so-ob to balpin diò to lawa rin. We fit the lid on the shaft (lit. body) of the ballpen. 3Arrowhead. 4Hip; thigh joint.