Search results for "tangkò"

alukuy 1n A friend. 2v To discuss something with someone else. Ko du-on ogko-iniatan no ogpangasawa, og-abalangon. Og-alukuyon ungod ka amoy taman to ogho-o on. If someone desires to get married, he will pursue it. He will continuously discuss it with the father [of the girl] until he agrees (lit says “yes”). [This word seems to apply to discussion of specific issues and not to casual conversation. Ogpanangnangonoy seems to apply more correctly to casual conversation and exchange of general information.] 2.1v The thing which is being discussed. Ian dò ogka-alukuy ko songo monu ka igbotad no gastu to sikan no boi. The only thing they will be discussing is how much they will pay immediately upon request as a brideprice for that girl. 2.2v That which is discussed; topic of discussion. Ko du-on otow no og-utang di ogkasipod no ognangon, di songo otow on ka ognangonan din. Ogkagi to sikan no otow to, “Du-on ig-alukuy din koykow.” If there is a person who [wants to] borrow get something on credit but is ashamed to speak up, then he will tell another person. That person will say, “He has something to discuss with you.” 2.3v To have a group discussion. Ogma-al-alukuyoy ka mgo buyag tongod ko du-on mgo lupuganon. The leaders are having a group discussion about whether there will be [eventual] reciprocal exhanges for a brideprice. 3deriv n Discussion. Ian on amoy-amoy ka ogtangkò to alukuyan. The person who speaks on behalf of the man is the spokesman for the discussion (lit. one who faces the discussion). [In a wedding arrangement, the spokesman for the man is called an amoy-amoy (a term used for an adoptive or foster father).] 4deriv n A friendship gift. Pal-alukuyan dan. [It is] their friendship gift.

silò 1v To rise, as of sun or moon. [The sun newly shines in the morning or after a rain when it comes out from behind a cloud. This may not be two meaning senses to the Manobo.] ant: salop; ant: tangkob 1. 2v Newly shine, as the sun after a rain. ant: halomhom. 3n East 4v To be shined on by the sun. [This applies to any time of day, whether morning, noon or afternoon.] syn: ogkalayagan.

tampod 1v Cut off. [This seems to be generic as the length of the object which is cut or how much is cut off may vary and whether straight or at an angle, does not matter. If a small amount of hair is cut off, straight, pulpul is used, but if a lot of hair is removed, or if the style is tapered, the word would be tampod.] see fr.: tompug 1; spec: gotad 3, gotas, logtas 2, pulpul 1, gotad 1, gupal, logtas 1; see fr.: kotu; see fr.: bugsong 4; syn: tompug 3. 2v Terminate. see fr.: bongkag 4.1. 3v That which is used to cut something off. Ogsamboy a to gabas nu su igtampod ku to kayu. I will borrow your saw because I will use [it] to cut off[the ends] of wood. 4v To become inadvertenty severed or cut off. Ko ogkatangkoban ka dilò, ogkatampod. If the tongue is clamped down on [by one’s teeth], it may become inadvertantly severed. Natampod ka kayamoy no tindalikday ni Igi. Igì’s middle finger was inadvertently cut off. Ko nakabayò ka gakit to mababow, ka balagon no ingu-os, natobtob woy natampod to batu. When the raft passed through the shallow [water], the rattan which was used for holding it together was chewed off and severed by the stones. 5v To interrupt, or cut off, another's words. Ko ogkagi a no du-on otow no ogtampod to kagi ku, ogbugsong. Ko og-ampawan din ka kagi rin, igdo-isok. If I am speaking and there is a person who interrupts my speech, he messes it up. If someone overrides [another's words] with his words, it is disrespectful (lit. belittles) [to the other person]. spec: toptop, pulpul 1. 6vs To be interrupted as to be a different color as from the middle, as of a tail where the color is interrupted. Ogkatampod to mapotì ka ikug to ambow no kawwilì. The [color of the] tail of the kawwilì rat becomes white about midway (lit. is interrupted by white.). 7n An instrument used for cutting/sawing off something Du-on gabas noy no tatamporoy to atop. We had a saw which was an instrument for cutting off the roofing. 8Just a portion of a piece. 9A division of something. 10Upriver or downriver division of the river. (1) Maambagu, Kapugi, Mansalinow; (2) Togop, Banualoy, Langilan Panamporon ka kayu su iglaras dio’t dibabò. The trees are sawn in portions to be sent downriver. (Logging)

tangkò 1v Facing, front. 2In front of. 3n The front of; in front of Takas sikan, du-on ogpati-ulug dii to tangka-an ta. After that, there was something that just caused to drop in front of us. 4v confront Ko ogsupmatan ta, oghondiò ki to baloy rin no diò ta ogtangkò kandin. Unawa ka supmat to ogtangka-an nu su ogkagion nu sikandin. If we confront [someone], we go to his house and there we will confront (lit. face) him. The [word] supmat is the same as that you are confronting (lit. facing) him because you speak to him. 5v To face, as someone whom one has wronged. No impo-umow on kandin oyow ogtangkò to sikan no pigtakawan din. And then he was called so that he would face that person from whom he had stolen see: sondit 1; see: supmat 1. 6v With negative: Not to give audience to, that is, not to see someone. Konò ogtangkò su dakol ka ogtalabawon din woy ogpalpalaguy sikandin. She would not give audience to him because she had a lot of work and also [because] she was avoiding (lit. running from) him. [Context of next example is of a woman who has pledged herself to marry someone so will not see another man who is trying to gain her attention.] 7v To point towards a given direction, as of footprints or compass Og-ikulon ta ka komos ko hondo-i ogtangkò. We will follow the footprints in whatever direction (lit. if where) towards which they are pointed. Ka tinurù din ka ogtangkò. Its pointer (lit. index finger) is what points toward a given direction. [The second example is DB's comment re a compass.] 8v To stand in front of Layun kow tangkò dini kanak.. Always stand in front of me...; show your face to me.. 9v To be facing each other as in a group. Ko diò ki to kalibulunganan, su ogpokogtangko-tangkò ki to ogpitow, ogpokog-iom-iom ki. When we are gathered together there, because we are looking at each other in front of us, we keep smiling at one another. 10To face each other. [Of two people ?? (Can it be two or more people/groups??)]