Search results for "torong"

abat v 1To harvest individual plants such as corn or sugarcane by cutting or breaking off the plants. Ko mo-ilow pad, ka agoloy, og-alabat ki to litos no ogkasugba. When the corn is still unripe, we harvest enough individual plants to cook. [One can abat corn, sugarcane, banana leaves by breaking off or cutting. One can take just a few or harvest the whole field. Contrasting abat with ga-ani, DB says with abat, the whole body, that is the trunk or stem is removed, but when one ga-ani “harvests” the rice, one just gets the grains. DB further said that if the corn is mature and the field is harvested, the word is sanggì.] gen: ga-ani. 2To cut or break off leaves from a plant such as the leaves of a banana or similar plant. Og-abat to doun ko ogdatunan to ogko-on. One breaks/cuts off leaves when food will be served up on them. Ko og-uran, og-abat ki to doun no ogtorongon. When it rains, we break/cut off leaves for a head covering. [These leaves may be used for serving rice at feasts or as protection from rain, but the process is also used for thinning the leaves of similar plants.] see fr.: gasap.

kalù n A hat. [A Manobo hat is woven from leaves but commercially sold hats would also be called kalù. Other types of head covering such as a scarf or umbrella would be called a torong “head coverings”.] gen: torung 1; gen: torong (generic).

kogos n Headband, or bound scarf of a man. [A kogos is made from a large piece of cloth and tied either in the front or back. It may or may not be decorated with pamalumpung “tassals” (The scarf worn by a woman is not called kogos but is called a torong.)] gen: torung 1; gen: torong.

torong spec: kogos.

torung 1n A head covering, as for the rain. Ka kalù, torong dod di du-on ngaran. A hat is also a head-covering but it has a [specific] name. [Anything that covers the head is a torong even if it does not touch the head, such as an umbrella is also a torong. It covers the head and protects from rain though it does not touch the head.] spec: kalù, kogos. 2v To cover something, as corn or homoy. 3v To cover, as one's head Totorung to doun to saging. He’s covering [his] head with a banana leaf.