Search results for "usig"

arab 1n A kind of curved knife, or bolo. Ka arab, marulag igkakamot su ogsinsinikoton dò to oghiipanow, panagana ko du-on usig. The arab knife is rarely used to cut a field because it is just strapped at the waist and worn when one travels, in case (lit. preparation if) there would be an enemy. [which has triangular shaped blade at the apex at about a 45 degree angle. Sometimes only the bottom edge is sharpened but all edges may be sharpened. It is about 2-3 inches wide and 15-20 inches long.] 2v to sharpen one or both sides of a piece of bamboo. Ko og-abat ki to bulu, og-araban ta su oghimuon ta no sinombung. When we cut down bamboo, we sharpen it because we will make into a bamboo spear. [Thought used primarily of sharpening an edge of bamboo, the same word and procedure could be done to certain kinds of hard wood but more rarely as most wood is not suitable. DB said it would not apply to sharpening metal.] see: mo-irob.

bokas v 1To initiate a conversation, or a discussion such as that of a marriage arrangement. Ka oghun-a ogkagi, sikan ka ogbokas to alukuyan. The person who is first to speak, that is the one who initiates the discussion. 2To release, as trigger of a trap. Ko ogkabokas on ka bagwanan to balatik, du-on on ogsagad no babuy. When the trigger of the pig trap is released, a pig which has been caught. see: basikal. 3To block as an inlet from a river so as to drain area and catch fish in traps. Ka otow no ogngangalap to siak to woig, ogbokason din ka og-atangan din ka siak oyow og-otì on. A person who is fishing on a tributary of the river blocks the tributary so that it will dry up. [The common thread of meaning may be that the blocking of the river initiates the trapping of the fish, someone walking into an ambush, initiates/sets in motion the act of spearing an enemy, and the person who speaks first, initiates the conversation. A person who is angry, lets loose with angry words and/or a physical attack. (In the latter case, ogtokow his words take others by surprise.] see: atang 1. 4To vent, as anger in such a way that people are taken by surprise. Ka otow no nabolù, nigbokas ka nigkagi; nigparagas nigkagi. Nigma-agbot to nigkagi su ogkatokow ki. The angry person, vented [his] anger; he went right ahead and spoke. He spoke loudly because we are taken by surprise. see: tokow 1. 5To be the recipients of an angry outburst. Moirap ko ogbokasan ki to kagi. It is difficult if we are the recipients of [someone's] angry outburst. 6To strike. Ka otow no oggopas, ogbokas to usig ka ogpilak. The person who is lying in ambush, strikes [his] enemy when he spears [him].

lalow 1v To become alienated to such an extent that the persons involved will not speak to each other. They also pronounce curses on each other if they should ever see each other again. Ka oglalalow, ogsasapot no konad ogpa-al-alukuyoy. Ogpo-us-usigoy kandan. The persons are alienated lalalow, when [someone] vows that they no longer converse. They become enemies to each other. Ka otow no oglalow to duma rin, ogpangusig sikandin. A person who becomes alienated from his companion becomes an enemy. [The belief is that if such people do happen to see each other and converse it will result in someone dying such as the children of a divorced couple. To remove that threat, gifts from each offended parties much be exchanged before the alienated persons attempt to converse.] 2v [Too fast, as when someone dies or is divorced.] ?? 3To abstain from working for a day, or to prevent others from singing or playing instruments because of being in mourning.]??