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agum 1n The pattern formed during the intial stage of weaving a basket. Ka pogbatokbatok, sikan ka agum. The forming of the pattern [of a basket], that is the agum. 1.1v The initial stage of beginning to weave a basket which includes the formation of the pattern of the basket. Ogbunsud to oghimu to liang. Agad nokoy kalasia no liang, sikan ka og-agumon. One begins to make a basket. Whatever kind of woven basket, that is the initial stage of weaving a basket. [One takes certain strands with each hand and begins to weave them together. This term apparently applies to any type of basket but it is at this stage that the pattern is set.] 2v To teach someone how to weave a basket. Og-a-agum si Buntit to liang no ogpabantayon din ka og-anaron din. Buntit is teaching someone how to weave a basket and she is watching the one she is teaching,

batuk 1v To find, discover. Inat konò ogpakabatuk. It's as if one cannot discover [the meaning]. Warò ki pad makabatuk to maroyow no dalan. We had not yet discovered the good path. Iglobong diò to tanò to daruwa no allow ka pogbatuk to sikan no agkud. [The mixture] is buried in the ground for two days [before]] finding [it to have become] the agkud delicacy. see fr.: tugul 3; see fr.: kita 2; see fr.: tolom 3. 2v To be effective. Ko nokoy no tambal no ogpakabatuk to masakit, ian ka ma-agbot no tambal. Whatever medicine is effective against an illness, that is strong medicine. 3v To identify, such as to narrow down to the one person whom one would marry. Ko konò ogkahalin ka goinawa nu diò to duma no boi, no ian nu ogbatukon ka sikan no boi no nasabutan nu. If your love (lit. breath) does not change to another girl, then you have identified the girl with whom you had an agreement [to be the one whom you would marry]. [The sense here seems to be that one's search is narrowed down to this one person so that one knows she is the one he is looking for.] see: tu-on 1. 4v To locate, or go to a specific place for a specific purpose. Ka kunto-on no tipouri no mgo otow, du-on batasan to du-on on indosanan no kasilyas no du-on dò ogbatuk ka og-indos. As for the present-day people who have come later (lit. last), there is a custom to have an outhouse for defecating and so that is [the only] place people will go to to defecate. [The following seems to mean that in contrast to the past when people defecated anywhere, now people go to only that specific location which has been made for that purpose.] 5v To find or locate Ko oglapas ki, ko konò ki ogpakabatuk to mababow su mabolbol ka woig, ogka-alus ki diò to maralom. If we cross [a river], if we cannot locate a shallow area because the water is swift, we will be carried away by the current to a deep area. 6v To get at, or be effective against, as an illness. Ko nokoy no tambal no ogpakabatuk to masakit, ian ka ma-agbot no tambal. Whatever the medicine is which gets at the illness, that is efficatious (lit. strong) medicine. see: tu-on ??. 7v To be passed down, as some characteristic or authority which is recognized in someone's descendant Sikan ka oghingaranan noy no batuk to anak. Ka katondanan ni Dabid, nigbatuk ki Husi. No ka katondanan ni Husi, nigbatuk man dò diò ki Hisus. That is [what] we call passed down to an offspring. The authority of David, it is passed down to Joseph. And the authority of Joseph, it is then passed down to/found in in Jesus. 8v to find to be [or to have become] something Iglobong diò to tanò to daruwa no allow ka pogbatuk to sikan no agkud. That which found to be agkud is buried in the ground for two days. [In the following example, the it takes two days for the mixture of ingredients to change into the food item called akud.] 9Retrieve food once cached away. 10Return. 11v find out, reveal 12Kabatukon ku so-i komos. ???

dangag v To attend a spirit ceremony held by a shaman. Ka otow no ogdangag to bailan, og-amut sikandan ka ogpamminog ko nokoy ka ignangonnangon to bailan kandan. People who attend a spirit ceremony of a shaman, meet together as they listen to whatever the shaman is telling them. [The shaman will often go into a trnce and then report to the people what the spirits are saying. Singing of epic songs such as a tutulalang are often done while people are together but is not actually part of the ceremony.]

gamut n 1Poison used to harm or kill an enemy. Ka gamut, agad nokoy ka ogpokohilu, unawa to tayuran [commucial poison.] Ka duma, ogkagamut ka ighilu to ambow. As for poison, whatever is able to poison such as tayuran [a commercial poison]. As for other, rat poison can poison [an enemy]. [This poison may be an actual poison or something which someone has performed using witchcraft. An attack by bees or a severely dehabilitating illness with a sudden onset such as cholera may be suspected to be due to witchcraft. A cure or an antidote will be sought. If a person suddenly dies of illness after visiting another village, witchcraft may be assumed and a revenge killing may follow. ] ant: tokas; ant: alang 1; osyn: hilu. 2Hex, as a sickness or death brought on by use of a fetish or witchcraft. Ka gamut, ogsabukan ki oyow maga-an ki ogkamatoy. As for a hex it is placed on us so that we will quickly die. Gamutan ki. We’ll be poisoned/hexed. see fr.: busung 1.

ibog 1n A strong desire or craving for something. Ka miow, ko ogdatong ka ibog dan to lukos no ungud ogmasamuk ka ogmiawmiaw su sikan ka batasan to miow ko ogko-ibog to ogpa-anak. DB Dic Nt May/2006 As for a cat, when it's craving for a male [cat] arrives, it noisily miows because that is the conduct of a cat when it craves to have offspring. 2vs To be thirsty. Ogbuyù a to woig su ogko-ibog a. I’m asking for water because I am thirsty. see fr.: laklakalan. 3vs To stongly desire something such as to be hungry for some specific food or for merchandise in a store. Purut ka. Alam ka to ogko-ibogan nu. Take something. Choose that which you are hungry for (lit. which is craved by you). Ko nokoy ka ogko-ibogan din, ogbolion. Whatever he/she strongly desires, [he/she] buys it. 3.1vs (With negative)To not have an appetite or desire for food. Du-on allow no konò ki ogko-ibog. Og-alam ki to ogko-ibogan ta. There are days when we don’t have an appetite. We choose what we desire [to eat]. 3.2v To strongly crave for something such as a pregnant woman who craves for a particular food. Du-on ka iam no alunggun, ko ogpangiram ka boi, ogko-ibog-ibog to bogas to mangga no ogpogos to iglukos din to ogpakuò to mangga. Mangkuan ko du-on on, konad ogko-ibogan. There was a newly [married] couple, [and] when the woman was in the beginning of pregancy, she strongly craved the mango fruit and so she forced her spouce to get a mango [for her]. Later, when it was already there she was no longer hungry for it.

tangkò 1v Facing, front. 2In front of. 3n The front of; in front of Takas sikan, du-on ogpati-ulug dii to tangka-an ta. After that, there was something that just caused to drop in front of us. 4v confront Ko ogsupmatan ta, oghondiò ki to baloy rin no diò ta ogtangkò kandin. Unawa ka supmat to ogtangka-an nu su ogkagion nu sikandin. If we confront [someone], we go to his house and there we will confront (lit. face) him. The [word] supmat is the same as that you are confronting (lit. facing) him because you speak to him. 5v To face, as someone whom one has wronged. No impo-umow on kandin oyow ogtangkò to sikan no pigtakawan din. And then he was called so that he would face that person from whom he had stolen see: sondit 1; see: supmat 1. 6v With negative: Not to give audience to, that is, not to see someone. Konò ogtangkò su dakol ka ogtalabawon din woy ogpalpalaguy sikandin. She would not give audience to him because she had a lot of work and also [because] she was avoiding (lit. running from) him. [Context of next example is of a woman who has pledged herself to marry someone so will not see another man who is trying to gain her attention.] 7v To point towards a given direction, as of footprints or compass Og-ikulon ta ka komos ko hondo-i ogtangkò. We will follow the footprints in whatever direction (lit. if where) towards which they are pointed. Ka tinurù din ka ogtangkò. Its pointer (lit. index finger) is what points toward a given direction. [The second example is DB's comment re a compass.] 8v To stand in front of Layun kow tangkò dini kanak.. Always stand in front of me...; show your face to me.. 9v To be facing each other as in a group. Ko diò ki to kalibulunganan, su ogpokogtangko-tangkò ki to ogpitow, ogpokog-iom-iom ki. When we are gathered together there, because we are looking at each other in front of us, we keep smiling at one another. 10To face each other. [Of two people ?? (Can it be two or more people/groups??)]