Search results for "uban"

agubanga v Slightly unripe, as bananas or papaya. Og-agubanga ka kapayas; warò pad amana noinug. The papaya is unevenly ripe and unripe; it isn't quite ripe yet. [Texture of something partially ripe which is hard on the outside, soft in the middle as an unripe bananas or papaya.]

kalipuan 1v White headed when all hairs have turned grey. Ogkalipuan ki to uban. We have become white headed from grey hairs. 2Tune of kobbiung or kuglung. [story of a bachelor who lived long ago. ??] [According to legend, Banlak commanded the bachelor to cease from work because they were going to ascend. The bachelor continued to cut down the trees in his field and was therefore changed into a mangguapuy bird which has a long tail. Its call sounds like his own name.]