Browse Vernacular - English



asukal n Sugar.
at-at n Skin inflammation; red and blistery.
atag₂ v To do travel or do something by pairs manga-atag Two pairs. nanga-atag Went by pairs. nangatag-atag Many people doing something by pairs. [This use seems it is less in use now??]
atag₁ part On the other hand, in contrast to others. Ka nigga-ani on ka homoy, natalaran ka warò atag no naga-ani, no tibò no otow, nakako-on. At the time when [the rice] was harvested, [they] shared with those who in contrast to others didn't have anything to harvest, and so all the people were able to eat. Karumaan to kuron ka bobotangan, di dakol atag. The bobotangan clay vessel is in the same catagory (lit. companion) of the clay pot, but on the other hand, it is large .
atang 1v To block. Og-atangan ku ka ig-abalangi din. I am preventing that which [someone] is relentlessly pursuing. [This word can be used of physically blocking. It can also be used of blocking someone's purpose.] see fr.: balabag 4; see fr.: sagop 4; spec: olot 1, olot 3; see fr.: bokas 3. 2vs To be blocked or closed off, as a porch or a path see fr.: bugsong 1. 3v With negative: Not closed off (=open) Warò atangi ka balokon. The porch is not closed off. 4To be shielded, such as to shield a child with one’s own body to prevent it from being killed or kidnapped.
atigbun n Ashes, such as those on the hearth.
atingig n Ear wax.
atoboy n 1Sister (of boy or man) [Sometimes a male cousin will refer to his female cousin as ataboy but DB says the term applies more correctly to one's own biological sister.] 2Female cousin (of a boy or man). 3A boy or man with his sister.
atoganan v To be constipated.
atol v 1To be sheltered or protected. Ka bogas to mundù, naka-atol to lobut to kayu no moon-ing dalig; konò ogka-ayunan to ogpurut. The tubers (lit. fruit) of the camote are protected under the tree where there are many root; one can't get at them to take [them]. [such as camotes growing under a stump.] 2To take refuge. Ko ogpangilian, nig-ugpò koy on diò to bubungan. Og-atolan noy ko du-on mangayow. “When [someone] holes-up, we-excl. stay there in the mountain(s). We take refuge [there] when there are raiders.” [such as on a mountain with one path that can be protected from above.] see: ili.
atolug 1n Egg, especially that of a chicken, a bird or lizard. 2v To lay an egg. 3deriv n Time when eggs are laid, about 9 a.m.
atolugan deriv n Nest, lit. place of an egg
atop 1n Roof. 2v To make a roof.
atoy n Liver.
atoy-atoy n A disease which sickens chickens causing them to die.
atu v 1To resist, to return evil for evil. Ko du-on otow no ogdakopon ta, ogkagi ki to, “Konò kad og-atu su no-upul kad on no nalingutan kad on.”. If we are taking someone into custody, we say, "Don't resist because you are caught and you are already surrounded." 2React against someone. Koddì ka og-uwangan din su awoson to og-atuan ku ka nigsulung koddì. I am the one upon whom he was venting [his emotions] because he wanted me to react against the ones who were attacking me. Hagtongid to ogkagi su ogko-opos on ka goinawa ku koykow no ogpaka-atu ad koykow. Quit talking because I will get fed up with you and I will happen to react [in an undesirable manner] against you.
atu-at n Sic chickens on each other
atuk 1v To tell riddles as part of a wake after a death. [It is considered pamalii "bad luck" to tell riddles on any other occasion.] 2deriv n Riddle.
aus n Garlic.
awang phr.: ogma-awang to goinawa. 1adj Light, as that of a lamp, or sun. Ka goinawa ran, ogpoko-uma sikandan to ma-awang pad. . It was their desire (lit. breath) to arrive while it was still light. Ko du-on manggad no manipis, mo-ilag ka pogpitow ta su oglagbas ka ma-awang. If there is thin materials, it is show-through because light goes through it. Ka allow, ogbogoy to layag to ma-awang. As for the sun, it produces (lit. gives) rays of light. see fr.: ilag 2; osyn: ting-ow 1, ilag 1; see fr.: ilag 3. 1.1phrase To be free of apprehension; peaceful. With negative, to be unpeaceful. Ka sikan no ma-agkap so goinawa ta, ogkalituk to, ma-awang ka goinawa ta. Ogpakasalig ki kandin. When we feel OK about something (lit. as for our breath which is light-weight), it means that we are free of apprehension (lit. our breath is clear). Ka sikan no ogka-aras, lagboy no konò ogma-awang ka goinawa rin. As for that being frustrated, she was definitely not at peace (lit. her breath was especially not clear/peaceful). 1.2v To be clear, sediment free. Ka woig no mating-ow, mo-ilag dod. Ka mating-ow woy ka ma-awang, warò ogpaka-atang. Water which is sediment free, is also transparent. That which is sediment free and that which is clear have nothing obstructing the light. 1.3adj (Fig) Clear, as of understanding, comprehension. Ogmataloytoy, matul-id woy ma-awang ka pogsabut ta. The meaning is uncluttered, straight and our understanding [of the words] is clear. 1.4adj Empty, as an open space. Du-on batò no magalat ka ngipon din. Ka ngipon din, du-on olatan no ma-awang. There is a child whose teeth are far apart. His teeth have an gap between them which is open. 1.4.1adj Open or unobstructed, as when a roof has been blown off. 1.5v [A command] to clear [something] of debris or make something which has been said more understandable. 2v To clear or become sediment free like water in a spring fed pool clears after rain has muddied the water. 3v To make free of clutter. 3.1v To say or do something to prevent, or clear away a harmful situation. [When a misfortune such as an injury or illness happens to someone, others will put index finger between lips, spit and say ‘pa-awang’, pointing to the ground, so that the same thing won’t happen to them.]
awon 1n White bird similar to a cedar waxwing. 2v To reciprocate in work as a group. Ko sampulu no mgo boi ka oghilamon to homoy ran, ogman-a-awon sikandan to oghilamon. If ten women are weeding their rice, they work together as a group as they weed. [Two or more persons will work as a group in one person's field then move on to the next until all the fields of the group have been finished. Beginning from cutting until the crop is finally harvested, the same group stays together. If someone becomes ill they seek a magalawa rin substitute to work in his/her place.] see fr.: ganti 1.
awos v Need; be necessary. Ko tongod to baloy no og-awos to ogmatikangon, og-alikan to nanoynanoy su awos to ogsongolan. If it is a house which needs to be made higher, it will be jacked up slowly because it is necessary to insert props [under the house posts].
awoy 1v To get off alone by oneself' withdraw. Nig-awoy a to oghibat. I slept by myself. 1.1v To be able to get away by oneself. Ko du-on oggalat to mgo batò, ogka-awoy ka inoy. When there is someone to take care of a child, The mother can get away by herself. [as a mother who needs to do something outside the home to get water or wash clothes.] 2v To take someone aside away from others such as when needing to talk privately. Ogpa-awoy nu rò to ignangon to anak ku diò to warò ogdinog to ogpo-uli-on ku pad to takas to ogli-ag. Take my son aside to tell him where others won't hear that I will have him come home for a while when [they] have finished playing." 3deriv n A place removed from others; place outside a village removed from the residences 3.1v To get someone off by themselves, esp. for the purpose of harming that person. Ka-awoyan ku sikoykow. I’ll get you off by yourself. 3.1.1v To get someone off by himself/herself. Si Ka-in, nigpa-awayan din ka hari din to poghimatoy. As for Cain, he got his younger sibling off by himself to kill [him]. [often for a bad purpose]
awò deriv.: a-awo-oy. v 1Remove. see fr.: layud 2; see fr.: salin 1; see fr.: lokas 2. 1.1To be removed. Ko ogka-awò on ka tagù, ogma-agul on. When the contents [of the egg] are removed, [the eggshell] is empty. 1.1.1To be resolved, as a problem. Ko og-ma-am-amanoloy ki to duma ta, ko du-on maintok no problima, maga-an dò ogka-awò. When we are in a good relationship with our companions, if there is a small problem, it will be quickly resolved (lit. removed). 2Leave. Ko ogkohon-at, ogdorongan ka tibò no og-awò. If [people] pick up and leave, they will all leave at the same time. 2.1Make someone leave, or have something removed [by someone else]. 2.1.1A command to leave. Aw ka! Get out [of here]!
ay-ayaman deriv n Something stored up as valuable to that person; a treasure or a keepsake.