Browse Vernacular - English



bigsanan n A kind of shrimp.
bigtas v To go over horizon as the moon, set. Ogbigtas to karusiloman. It becomes dark as the [moon] sets. Ogbigtas ka bulan; og-awo-on. The moon goes over the horizon; it disappears (lit. becomes removed). see: salop.
bigtow phr.: kabigtow ka goinawa. 1v Snap in two; to break, as of a string. 2Faint.
bigut v 1To cut wood into tiny slivers for starting a fire. Ogbibigut ka otow to kayu no mallintokon din ka ogsapsap oyow ogparokotan din to puspuru. A person makes wood shavings so that he can ignite them with a match. 2To start a fire by making a sawing motion to produce friction and heat. Ogbibigut ki oyow ogmokohimu ki to hapuy. We use a sawing motion to create friction so that we can make fire.
bila v Stretch a basket in the making, in order to shape it and make it larger.
bilas n Discharge from infected eyes. cf: kamogò.
bilog n Eel.
bilù (dial. var. biluò) n Large water heron or bittern--legs about 12 inch long, feet not webbed, back toe raised, straight beak, body and head about 18 inch--brown with white spots, greenish legs and beak. see: tagwak.
biluò dial. var. of bilù Check with LA if biluò is a dialectual variant of bilù.
bingas 1adj Split lip, harelip. [It is culturally inappropriate to ask questions or refer to a person's harelip deformity in their presence because it causes shame and sometimes even suicide. One must exercize great caution if the condition is referred to at all to be sure that the person or his/her relatives understand that one wishes to help that person, not make fun of or put them down in any way.] 2v To be born with a split lip.
bingbing v 1Pinch and pull someone; esp. on the cheek. Nigbingbing to inoy ka apongag to anak din su konò og-ulì ka ungud ogli-ag. The mother pinched and pulled the cheek of her child (lit. offspring) because he was always playing [and] wouldn’t come home. 2For a noose to tighten on the neck of a bird or other animal. Du-on otow no nigto-on to hilut diò o salag to limukon. No na-alow din on on ka limukon no nohilut ka li-og no nabingbing on. There was a person who placed a noose beside the nest of a dove. Then he shooed the dove and then the neck of the dove was caught in the noose because the noose tightened around its neck. see: hilut.
bingow v 1To lose permanent teeth. 2To be missing teeth
bingù v To fold leaves of certain rattan and palm leaves when preparing leaves for roofing so that they all hang in the same direction. Leaves which can be used are palasan, Ianibulung, balala and tubu.
binaklid n Language shorthand, a short of piglatin. Gus ka nog im to kap? (Lituk: Gustu ka no og-inum to kapi?) Do you want to drink coffee?
binanga n Kind of white rice having large grains.
binayu 1v Pound, pulverize with a pestle; esp. rice or other grain. An-anayan, ogdokdokan dan pad to kayu. Ko ogmalunoy on, oghalinon dan on diò to do-isok no losung no diò dan ogbinayuan. First, they pound [the tabacco] with a small [piece of] wood. When it has become smooth, they transfer it to a small mortar and then they pound it there with a pestle. [This word for pound includes the meaning of the pestle. It would be redundant to say “pound with a pestle” because pestle is understood.] see: ; see fr.: dokdok 2. 2v Pulverize.?? see: bokbok. 3deriv n Pounded rice; eggbeater.
bindas v 1To grab or pull on as clothing in such a manner that it may tear. Kò nu bindasa ka kinabò ku su ogkagisì. Don't grab and pull on my dress because it will tear. 2Woohoo, nabindas on ka kinabò din. Oops! His shirt has been torn.
binilug n Heart, breath (poetical).
bino-bò n Carved bolo handle resembling an alligator’s open mouth.
binti n A tiny brilliant red bird with purple flocks on the head, has a long pointed black beak; said to live in a hole in the river bank (same as minti)
binuga-an A kind of kuglung.
binuklad n Kind of wide, beaded bracelet.
binukul 1n Bracelet. spec: saat. 2Forearm.
binuligay deriv. of: bulig. deriv n A group of people working together; a team.
binuta n Basket, square or round basket with lid,.It may or may not be covered with a sap to make it waterresistant. Binuta ka ogsabukan to mgo otow to kalaglagan dan. Konò maga-an ogkamolù ko ogtabuntabunon. The people placed their things in a bedbasket with a lid. It won’t deteriorate if it is covered with the sticky sap of a tabun fruit.