Browse Vernacular - English



buliburan n A circular growth of hair. Ka otow, du-on buliburan to puù to ulu rin no ogkohimuan no pusod. A person has a circular growth of hair on his head which makes a swirl.
bulig₁ n A kind of wild banana; soft white-colored trunk. gen: saging; see fr.: abaka.
bulig₂ deriv.: binuligay. v To help. see fr.: ganti 1; see: pangabang 4.
bulignus v 1To spear, stab or cut in the same place as when killing an animal that did not die from the first stroke. Ko ogbulignusan, ta ka babuy, og-ul-uliton ta ka palì oyow ogkabitawan on. When we repeatedly stab or spear a pig, we repeatedly [stab/spear] in the wound so that i[ts life] will be cut off. 2To command someone to finish off an animal that hasn't died as a pig that was speared.
bulili-i n Kind of large, red, biting ant which makes its nests in trees, leaves or in the ground.
buling 1adj Having fur of mixed with black, grey and/or white, as a dog or tiger stripped grey cat. 2n Kind of millet in which there are various colors of grain ranging from reddish-brown, black and white.
bulit 1n Lime which has been moistened. Poiri nu to bulit ka kalisow. Spread wet lime on the betel nut. 2v Spread, such as paste. Bulita nu pà oyow ogdokot. Spread it next so that it will stick. see fr.: poid 1.
buliung n Kind of bird, which has a feathered headdress: Bohemian waxwing.?? Ka manuk-manuk no buliung du-on sulang to ulu rin. The buliung bird has a [feathered] headress on its head.
bulog v Get something in eye. Ka otow no nabulog ka mata rin konad on ogkabulat ka mata rin. A person whose eye gets something in it cannot open his eye.
bulotok adj A particular pattern, especially of a piglet, which has black, white and reddish horizontal stripes. (Later, however, the pattern is lost as the piglet grows and sheds its baby hair.) Ka bakotin no bulotok, og-ayun to lawa rin ka batok din no maputì, mo-itom woy malalab. A bulotok patterned piglet which is varicolored has a designed body.
bulò 1n A cough 2v To cough Ka otow no oggoram to bulò, ungud ogbulo-on ka og-okayan su ogdogos ka li-og din. As for a person who has a cough, the one who has a whooping cough is always coughing because his throat is itching. 3n Foam, as on sea, cooking rice, or glass of soft drinks.
bulu n 1Medium size, smooth bamboo used for rafts, woven walls of village homes which is also, split for use as roofing. Ka bulu, oggasapon to otow ka ig-alabat to baloy rin. Smooth bamboo is cut dcut and trimmed by a person to use [to make] a wall for his house. 2A kind of sugarcane. (Obsolete because no more of that kind currently exists.)
bulukù v Lie curled up as dog or cat. Ka asu ko oghibat ogbulukù su ogpoku-on on ka lawa rin. A dog, when it lies down, curls up because it curls up its body. [Only applies to an animal but popokù applies to either.] gen: pokù 1; syn: pokù 2; osyn: kulubung.
bulung 1n Remedy, cure, medicine. see fr.: alang 2; see fr.: tambal 2. 2v To cure, remedy Niggoram a nokai to sikan no alap-ap no malintok a pad di nigbulungan ku to kayu no kapigsula no ogtubù diò to pantad. Some time ago when I was still a child, I had an ailment called alap-ap but I cured it with the plant kapigsula [which grows on ] the beach. 3v To satisfy or satiate such as one’s hunger or desire to relax. An-anokon din ka lawa rin. Ogbulungon din ka lawa rin to woig. His body was refreshed. He was satisfying his body in the water. 44.1v To be cured or treated for something. 4.2vs To be full or satiated as from food. 5v To use something as a treatment, or medicine, for something. Ka doun kunakun, igtotomug to homoy no igbulung to ulod. The leaves [called] kunakun are fed into the fire as a treatment for bugs. see: tambal (Ceb). 6deriv n Medication or treatment. Ka maro-ot no otow ka ogsugù no og-ubatan din ka songo otow to ibudbud nu ka so-in no bogas to tabaku su bubulungoy to sakit. A bad person is the one who gives a deceiving order to some person to sprinkle this tabacco seed [on the ground] because it is medication for illness.
bulus₁ dial. var. of huus
bulus₂ v 1To flow forcefully, as water under pressure from a faucet; or swift water in a stream. Ogbulus ka woig no ogma-agbot to oglibuas to gripu. The water flows forcefully as it forcefully comes out of the faucet. 2To be drawn together as people are drawn to a sale or celebration. Ka mgo otow, ogkabulusbulus ka og-amut to Kaamulan su du-on ogpitawon dan. The people are being drawn together to attend the Kaamulan celebration because there are things to see. see: limud 1; see: libulung 1.
bulut 1adj Fierce; quick to be angered. Ka mabulut no otow, maga-an og-ogot to duma rin. Ogpasakit. The fierce person is quick to fight with his companion(s). He will hurt [them]. see fr.: bu-al. 1.1v To become fierce or violent. 1.2adj To be exceedingly fierce. Og-awò ad su bubuluti ka so-in patiukan su no-obukan on so-i namu ku. I'm getting out of here because these wild-bees are exceedingly fierce because they put out my torch. 2adj To be brave; courageous. Ka batò no mabulut, konò ogkahallok ko og-indiksion on. A child who is brave is not afraid if he is given an injection.
bulutut 1n A boil, either open or not yet open. Ko ogbugsi on ka bulutut, ogsolug to langosa ka nanò din. When a boil bursts, the pus will be mixed with blood. 2v To have a boil form.
bumba v Bomb; spray.
bungabungan 1n A kind of tree with wide, fuzzy leaves. 2n Name of a creek at the Southern end of Mansalinaw village. 3deriv n Of an area which is all grown up into the bungbunan tree.
bungag n A bugal is a horn made of a horn of an animal such as that of a cow or carabao.
bungbung n A kind of reed. gen: tibogow 1.
bunggù 1v To break neck. Nigbunggù to boi ka ulu to alu-an no namatoy on. The woman pressed the head of the mudfish to break its neck and so it died. 2Du-on otow no nigparigus no nigtinugpù no nighun-a ka ulu rin no nabunggù ka li-og din su nakasungkul There was a person who went bathing and dove (lit. jumped in head first) and broke his neck because he hit his head [against something].
bungit n Filth, especially dirt that sticks to sweat. see: lu-od 1.
bungkal n Woven rattan seive placed in the mouth of a lbamboo ime container which permits the powdered lime to be shaken out but pevents the larger pieces from coming out. Ka bungkal, songsong to tagan to apug. Balagon ka inhimu no ian ag-agan to apug. A rattan seive is the plug of a lime container. It is made of rattan and is a seive for the lime.