Browse Vernacular - English



hulup v To swarm Ka poghulup to patiukan, songo simana rò ka pog-ugpò dan no oglokas on ka oghalin. When bees swarm, they stay just one week [in their hive] and then they leave the hive to transfer.
hulus phr.: kohulus so goinawa. 1v To force or squeeze the contents from something (as from the intestines of pig or chicken). see fr.: bulus. 2Bowels.
hulù v To treat nicely or “butter up” in order to take advantage of someone.
humil adj Cool, or cooled down. Ko nigdaralu ka batò ganna to masolom, mo-init lagboy. Ko a las nuibi on, no oghutukon ta no ogdampò no mohumil on ka lawa rin. Nig-itu-oson ka mo-init din. When the child was ill a while ago [this] morning, he was very hot. When it was nine o'clock already, his body was already cooled down. [as of cement that has cooled of but is still warm to the touch. or a child whose fever has dropped.] see fr.: maga-inallow.
humol 1adj Easy, soft. ant: kogal 1. 1.1adj Fragile, breakable. 1.2deriv v To become soft. 1.3adj Very weak, physically. 2v To make something soft, such as when a leaf is pounded to soften it.
humul n Rice softened from dampness and breaks when pounded.
hunghung v To steal food.
hun-a 1v Go first, precede. Ko ogmanggi-anak on ka manuk, oghun-a to mgo piak. When a chicken is a mother, it goes ahead of its chicks when it scratches as it looks for something to have [her] offspring eat. She goes first. see fr.: inagak 1. 1.1v The be in front or to be first. 1.2v To cause to precede or walk ahead of. Ko du-on hari ta no maintok pad, igpohun-a ta to igpoipanow ka batò. When we have a younger sibling who is still small, we have the child precede (lit. walk ahead) of us. 2v To do something ahead of time. Oghun-a a ogpurut to kuddò nu no asolom ka pad on oghondiò to baloy ku no og-insò ko du-on igbayad ku. I will take your horse ahead of time and then the next day you will go to my house and inquire whether I have something to use for payment. see fr.: panoy 1. 2.1v To give something ahead of time, such as a downpayment. Ko du-on og-indanan ku no kuddò, ogbogoy a to babuy no igpohun-a ku. Sikan ka igmaganangon ku to og-indanan kud on. If there is a horse which I will reserve, I will give a pig ahead of time [as a downpayment]. That is my guarantee that I have reserved it. 3Nighun-a ni Boyboy so-ini pamulingan to kò ki ogko-ibog to kanta no ko-onon. Boyboy started this changing things into something else because we didn’t like our food.
hunagnag 1v To choose from many. 2Hunagnaga nu ka manggad. Choose the cloth.
hunhun v To thread on a string (as beads.) see: tuhug.
huntù 1v To wrap up many or all. Huntu-on ogbukusi ka lison. Both her legs are wrapped up. Huntu-a nu, dakdakola ka kanak. Pick out the biggest ones for me. 2A medium-sized rice pot.
hunung v To do; work. Nokoy hununganan nu to’g-u-ugpò to wà ka makasagman? Haven’t you anything better to do than just sit around and not pay attention (to work)?
hural v To raise hand indicating that one will cease misbehaving. Hural kad. ??
huri 1adv Last, latest 2v last ...oyow konò ogmaliwog. Ka kalitukan, konon igpanoy, namouri. [Switch sentence parts] so that [the meaning] won't be turned around. The meaning isn't first; it was last. 3deriv n Present generation. 4v The latest one.
husoy 1v To mediate, judge or settle a case. 2n Mediator. 3n A peson who mediates or settles disputes. 4n What is used as a settlement.
husud v 1To pull something. Ko ogkaganuy nu ka gakit, ogkohusud nu. If you drag something, you pull it. If you would tow a raft with a tether, you would pull it. 2To pull back as a large saw used to cross cut logs. Moirap ku to oghusud to sikan no gabas su lagboy no mabogat ku to oghusud. It was difficult for me to pull back on that [logging] saw because it was very hard (lit. heavy) for me to pull back. ant: usung 2; see fr.: ganuy 1; see fr.: katkat 2; ant: dusù. 3To pull out, as thread from a spool. Ko ungod ta oghusuron ka lubid, ogkakatkat. Konò ogkatapid. Dic nt 26/Jan/2006 If we continually pull out the thread [from a spool] it will become disarranged. It will not be arranged.
husung v push [Ka agud,] ogko-iling to ighusung di mohimulung dò. [The manipulation in childbirth] is similar to pushing but just gently.
hutuk v To repeat.
huus (dial. var. bulus₁) Word used for shoo off goats and pigs.
huyat 1v To lengthen or draw out a conversation or speech or song. 2Pouyhuyata nu ka tulaang. Make your song a long one.
v 1To treat or to speak nicely to someone. Hu-a nu ka batò oyow konò ogsinogow. Speak nicely to the child so that he won't cry. [If word is used of an adult it would mean to help that person in some way, such as good advice, so they would feel better. If word is used of a child, it would imply doing things for him or with him so that he would be happy. (It applies to the activity whether or not the child has a reason to be unhappy.)] 2“Butter up”, that is, treat nicely, or teach carefully but with alterior motives. Moon-ing ka mgo otow no oghu-hu-an dan no ogka-ayatan dan no oggawayan dan. There are many people whom they are buttering up and so they entice them and deceived. [When the reduplicated form is used the connotation is that the activity is being done with deceptive or alterior motives.] osyn: imu-imu-an, ayat 1.