Browse Vernacular - English



kogos n Headband, or bound scarf of a man. [A kogos is made from a large piece of cloth and tied either in the front or back. It may or may not be decorated with pamalumpung “tassals” (The scarf worn by a woman is not called kogos but is called a torong.)] gen: torung 1; gen: torong.
kogò, og== v 1To avoid, such as doing something that might cause a scandle. Ogkogò ki ko oglopow to baloy ko mgo boi na-an dò ka nig-ugpò. Ko du-on insò ta, konò kid oglopow to solod to baloy ko warò iglukos dan oyow konò ki ogkabayungon. We avoid going inside a house if women are the only ones staying there. If we ask [about it], we won't go inside the house if their men are not there so that we won’t be falsely accused [of doing something wrong]. 1.1To be hesitatant to do something, such as when shy or too embarrased to express oneself. Ka otow no ogkogò ka ogkagì, su ogkasipod to ognangon to duma rin ko du-on og-awos din. Ogkakono-konò ka ognangon. [Such as] a person who hesitates to speak because he is shy to speak to his companion if he has [something] he needs. He is unable to speak up. Ka otow no konò ogkogò, ogparagas ka ognangon to tu-ud din. Konò ogkasipod sikandin. The person who is unhesitant (lit. not hesitant) [in speaking], he goes ahead and states his purpose. He is not ashamed. see: ogkakono-konò. 1.2To be finicky about something. Ka otow no ogkogò, konò din oggongon to batò no iam pad niglosut su ogkaligsoman to langosa. A person who is finicky, won’t touch a baby (lit. child) who has been newly delivered because he will become contaminated (lit. dirtied) by the blood. 2To cause to avoid something, such as a law against touching something unclean or doing something that would be against the culture. see: sapad 1.
kogsik n 1Squirrel. 2A kobbiung tune.
kogukkoguk v To grunt, especially as pig when frightened. Ko ogkogukkoguk ka mgo bakotin ogmamasamuk. When the piglets are grunting they are very noisy.
kohulus so goinawa₂ phr. of: goinawa. To be dispirited, weak, depressed (such as, because of rumors about one)
kohulus so goinawa₁ phr. of: hulus. To become weak, dispirited, discouraged.
koil v To stir or spread around as drying grain on a mat. Ka otow no nigdarampil to homoy malasi rin ogkoilon. The person who drys rice in the sun frequently stirs and spreads it around [on the mat]. see: guligow; see fr.: guligow; see fr.: gowgow; gen: gowgow.
kois 1v To push or sweep aside, as with a broom, rake or stick. Ka otow no oglinis to solib, ogkoison din ka mgo lagut. A person who is cleaning under the house pushes aside the debris. see: limuron; see: sonson 1. 2v To ostracize someone. Ka otow no warò goinawa rin to duma rin, ogkoison din. Konò din ogdumaruma. A person who has no love for his companion ostracizes him. He won't accompany him. see: ostracize. 3To nudge someone, as with one’s elbow. see: songkil. 4v fFick off, as an insect see: pintik 1; see: kuit 1.
kolaab n Kind of decorated spear. [This type of spear has become rare because the custom has been to bury this kind of spear with its owner and so there are few, if any, who are artisn left who make them.] gen: kommag.
kolid 1v To give as a farewell gift when a guest, or relativeleaves. Du-on igsug-ut to apù no buyag no kuddò woy babuy no igkolid on to apù din no igpabolow to apù ko og-uli-on. The older person who is a grandparent gives without charge, a horse and a pig as a farewell gift for the child to take with him when he goes home. 2To fall off of something. 3To flick something off.
kolilit n Woodpecker. (small)
kolis 1v Position of sun about one o’clock in the afternoon. 2Position of the moon before it reaches the zenith.
kolit 1n Small green parrot with aqua blue head. 2deriv n A kuglung pick. see: koblit 1.
kolkol v 1To begin to shiver, because of cold see fr.: lukub; spec: korog. 2To have chills. Ko ogkolkol, ogbunsud no ogkolkolonon. If someone shivers, [he] begins to have chills. 3Tremble or shake, as person affected by a spirit or going into a trance. 4To have a case of chills as of malaria or dengue fever Ko ogkagi ka otow to, “Ogkorogan a,” ligkagt to busow sikan. Ko ogkagi to, “Ogpangolkolon a no oghagsilon a” ogsabut ki to ligkat to dalu. If a person says, “I’m trembling,” we know that that comes from an [evil] spirit. If he says, “Im shivering from being physically cold,” we understand that it comes from an illness.
kolog v To hard, become stiff; Stiffen out, esp. in death as with rigor mortise. Ko nokogbanggà ka "motor", nakatugdò a to mariù no nigkolog on ka lawa ku. When the motorcycles collided with each other, I was thrown far and my body became stiff. Ka isdà, ogkolog ko igtagù ta diò to "ice". DB Dic Nt Fish hardens when we put it in the freezer. [Meat also becomes hard when put in the freezer.]
kolong see fr.: balingù. 1v Turn, as one's head 2v Turn or twist something, as a knob, lid. 3Shake one’s head. 4Adulterer or adulteress; fornicator.??
kolop 1n Small, ruffly, light brown edible mushroom-like fungus which grows on decaying wood of dead trees. Ka pinolod no mgo kayu, ogtubuan to mgo kolop no maroyow ko oggulayon. The kolop mushroom grows on felled trees. 2v To feel chilly from being physically cold Ko makopal ka salagapun to masolom, ogkolopon ki. If the clouds are thick in the morning, we feel chilly. 3v To have chills as a person with malaria. Ka otow no ogkolopon, oghagsilon su nigdaralu to malaria sikandin. A person who has chills, he is feeling cold because he has malaria.
kolopì 1n Small, thin, double-woven two piece case or wallet. The inner part, called the lawa “body”, slides inside the outer part. It is used for carrying money or tobacoo.made of sodsod papyrus or baluy a kind of grass. 2one half slips into the other half.
kolopkolop n A brown, edibile fungus that sprouts around June, July or August if it is rainy. see fr.: kulat.
kolos v To squeeze juices as from something shredded as a vegetable, coconut or a poisonous tuber after it has been soaked in water. Ka otow no nigkagud to niug din ka tunù no iggata to manuk no ngalap dan to mo-ugtù on. To sqeeze juice fas rom shredded coconut.
koluk v A hens warning cackle when disturbed if she is setting on eggs -- her neck feathers will flare. see: pammokak.
kolut 1n A starchy tuber which has heart-shaped leaves and a vine-like stem that climbs. It has a yellow, poisonous sap called gitò, which must be removed by special preparation tand horough soaking before it can be cooked and eaten. Many tubers grow around a single stem. 2v To gather the poisonous tuber.
kombong 1v Wear wrap around skirt high tenough to cover breasts. 2n Basket with four to six corners, or points, on the bottom or on the lid. Ka liang, ghimuon to so-ub no ogkinombongan to susu. As for a basket, one makes a lib which has corners or points (lit. b reasts).
kombul v 1Stuff (one's) mouth with handsfull of food. Ka otow no ogkokombul, dakol ka ogkomo-on din no ko-onon no igsungit din. Naponù ka bo-bò din. As for a person who stuffs his mouth [with food], he makes a fist of foodwhich he feeds himself. His mouth is full. 2To greedily and repeatedly stuff ones mouth with food. see: golgol.
komi 1v To become bent or dented, as metal. Ka siin no atop no ninipisi, maga-an ogkakomì ka ogkadiokan ta to ig-atop. As for aluminum roofing which is very thin, it easily becomes dented when we step on it as we are using it to make a roof. 2