Browse Vernacular - English



kampit n Mediam length knife, especially that used in a kitchen.
kampot v Creep, as plants, sweet potatoes. Ka mundu no iam pad imbakul, ogkakampot on su ogtotomutomu ka lawa to mundù. The sweet potatoes whose stems have been newly planted will creep because the sweet potato plants (lit. bodies) will come together.
kampò adj A clever response to another’s joke or criticism meaning that whatever applies to one applies to the other. here. Similar to English idiom, “the shoe fits you”. Agad sikoykow. Kampò ka “Even you. The shoe fits you. Ogkagi ka songo otow dut dangob no ogpangispiu to, "Pangispiu ki rò ko maroyow ki." Ogtabak ka nigpitow to ispiu, "Kampò ka. Nahan no songo maroyow." One person says to another who is looking in a mirror, “We just look in a mirror if we are pretty.” The one looking in the mirror will reply, “Same to you. [He/she] also thinks he is pretty!” 1.1adj An more empathetic response identifying with another meaning something like, “same here”. Og-iling ka duma ta to, "Warò a noirogò ganna." No no tabak a, "Kampò a. Warò a songo noirgò." Our companion says something like, “I didn’t sleep last night.” And then I reply, “Same here. I also could not sleep.”
kampus v Finish. Ogpakampusa a [nu] pà woy ka ogsamboy to gabas kai to tagtu-un. You have to let me finish before you borrow the saw here from the owner. see: ponga 1.
kamulu n Any of several kinds of philodendra, the root of which is has been used in the mountains to blacken teeth. The center of the arial roots are used for weaving baskets, chicken coops or for tying together parts of fish traps or roofing.
kamunoy n Owner. Kagi to kamunoy to mundu-an, “Og-alaron ku bag so-in mundù ku.” The owner of the camote field said, “I am fensing these camotes of mine.” [This term used in Pipisan, Kapugi, Banuwaloy, Langilan, woy Sulit.] see fr.: tagtu-un; see: tagtu-un.
kamutul n A large, red biting ant with a black head which stays in the skin when it bites and causes bleeding when the head is removed.
kangga n Sled for cargo, pulled by carabao or cow.
kanggò n The pupa of various insects such beetles, bees, flies or cicadas. Ka kanggò, ogtotongos to ogko-ugpa-an. The pupa wraps [itself] up in a dwelling-place. [This is the stage where the creature usually has some kind of casing or as the beetle larva which wraps itself in a leaf.] gen: alibutod; spec: katod, langgi-on.
kanak see fr.: koddì. pron 1Me, I, to me, for me, from me (a 1st person, singular, oblique pronoun) Du-on nigsamboy kanak no salapì Someone lent me some money. No nig-angayan din on ka gabas no in-ulì din on kanak. So he fetched the saw and returned it to me. 2mine (1st person oblique) (A more emphatic way of saying that the speaker is the owner of something.) Kanak no kuddò ka sikan. That horse is nine.
kanami 1pron We exclusive; oblique pronoun. 2Free topic pronoun.
kanat v 1Stretch something (as rubber). 2To straighten up, as to straighten one's back or sit up straight.
kandal v To bristle with anger (chickens, cat, child).
kandan 1pron Oblique pronoun, they, them, to them, for them. 2Free topic pronoun. 3Free non-topic actor pronoun.
kandilà n 1candle 2Tipped with white, as the white tip of a tail or on the end of a carabao’s horn. Ko kandila-on ka ikug to itù, konò og-ayam to mgo otow su nahan dan no pamalili. If the tail of a puppy is tipped with white, people will not make a pet of it because they think it is bad luck. Ko kadila-on ka sukat to calabow, konò og-ayam to mgo otow su nahan no ogpanukat. If the tips of a carabao's horns are whte, people will not make make a pet of it because they suppose that it will horn people. [It is believed that if a puppys tail is tipped with white, it is bad luck. If a carabao’s horns are tipped with white, it is thought that it will horn the owner.]
kandiling n Tin can used for cooking.
kandin 1pron He, she; oblique pronoun. 2Free topic pronoun. 3Free source pronoun.
kandiru n Cooking pot.
kandul 1n Jowls of a pig. 2adj Having large jowls, especially of pig. (Inappropriat e and insult to use of a person).
kaniu pron 2nd person plural oblique pronoun: you, to you, for you. Also, alternates with the 1st person plural topic pronoun.
kannugun see fr.: akon 1.
kanokalan see fr.: kosog 1.
kanta₁ 1pron 1st person dual oblique pronoun, we (two); also used as substitute for inclusive pronoun sikantanow 2Free topic pronoun.
kanta₂ 1n Any Western-style song. 2v Sing Western-style song. see: uranda 1; see: tod-om 1; see: indakolon (story song); see: kumapoy 1; see: ulagin.
kapat 1v Clambering, especially monkeys in trees, fenses, or a single monkey clambering on a wall in a house but can be used of children. Ka ubal, ian dò ka ogkapatkapat to kakayuan. Monkeys are the only ones who clamber in the trees. see fr.: kawò 2. 2v To wander about with no particular destination Ka anak noy, nigkapatkapat ka nighihipanow no nalagak on. As for our daughter, she wandered around and got lost. see: lo-uglo-ug. 3vs To be wiggly; always moving about Amana so-i batò no kapatan. This wiggly hild is too much! see: kawo-kawò; see: nawo-il.