Browse Vernacular - English



lagalad v 1To visit each house in a village. 2To deliver a portion of fish or game to each house. Ka otow no noko-utol to babuy, iglagalad din ka tiuk to babuy to kara baloy. A person who has caught a pig, he delivers a forkful to each house.
lagandang adj 1Pebbly or bumpy surface. 2Rough, harsh.
lagap v To be confused or distracted as by other designs, or too many things to see. Ko du-on otow no ogboboli diò to dakol no tindaanan, oglagapan to ogbolion su moon-ing ka ogkito-on. If a person is shopping in a big store, he is distracted from making a purchase because of seeing so many things. [A person looking through a microscope is distracted by designs on a tablecloth or someone shopping cannot focus on one thing because his eyes are drawn to other objects in the store.] see: talap 1; see: aloy.
lagas phr.: dilò to lagas. 1n The seeds of the pangi fruit. 2v To soak out the poisonous sap before cooking. Pamurut kow pad to lagas su oglagason ta. Pick up the pangi seeds because we will soak out [the poisonous sap]. 3n Time when the seeds of the pangi fruit are becoming ready to gather, typically in January when it may be rainy season.
lagat 1adj Wide-eyed. 2To be able to see clearly and well also, naturally wide-eyed. 3To watch closely. Kaagati nu to’ghondo-i oglibuas ka babuy. Keep your eyes peeled to where the pig comes out.
lagbas see fr.: lawang 2.
lagboy 1adv Very. Lagboy igka-aras su naan din no warò ogpakabulig to oghimu to pinayag. It was very upsetting because she supposed that there wouldn't be anyone who could help her to make a rice granary. Ogkaroromdom ta lagboy ka amigu ta. DB Dic Nt 08/04/05. see fr.: laban; see fr.: dakol 4. 2very much Ogkaroromdom ta lagboy ka amigu ta. We keep thinking very much about our friend. 3adv Especially. Lagboy ku ogkaroromdom ka inoy ku woy amoy ku. I especially think about my mother and father. 4adv True, real. Ko amoy ku lagboy, ogpoko-umow a to apa. If it is my real father, I am able to call him “father”.
lagboy no maapun phr. of: hapun. Evening.
lagdong phr.: oglagdong ka mata. 1n Kind of long, narrow fish, similar to alu-an. 2
laghuy v Sigh from weariness.
laging 1n Logging industry. 2v Cut trees (to sell for lumber)??
lagkit n Black, sticky rice or red, sticky corn.
lagkos v 1To Include. Konò oghingaranan ka bituka su ogkalagkosan on to ogtaladtalaron. The intestines are not mentioned (lit. named) because they ibecome included in the dividing up [of the pig]. Ogkalagkos on ka homoy woy agoloy to og-alang. The rice and corn are included. in the treatment. see fr.: salupung 3; see: salupong. 2To hold or carry more than one thing at the same time. Pinoglagkos ku to ogkomkom. I held [both] of them at the same time.
laglag 1v To carry an object in the arms. 2deriv n Things, belongings. 3n Euphemism for private parts.
lagmow n Bees wax. Sikan ka oghingaranan no lagmow ka nigtunow. Ogko-unawa to kandilà. That is what is called lagmow, that which was melted. It is like candle-wax. see: taru.
lagobgob v Crunchy (sound) made when eating something crisp.
lagong₁ see fr.: li-og 4.
lagong₂ n 1Sound or quality of a voice of humans or of animals. Kò kow ogpamminog to lagong noy su maro-ot. Ian now rò ogpamminogon ka kalitukan to ogkantoon noy. You don’t listen to our voices because they are bad. Just listen to the meaning [of the words] about which we are singing. Ka lagong to kambing woy ka lagong to babuy, oglo-inlo-in. The sound made by a goat and the sound made by a pig, are different. [The following means, “Don’t listen to the quality of our voices because it is bad] 2Other sounds which have a distinctive quality such as of bamboo or of an airplane. Konon lagong to ariplano to Nasuli. That isn’t the sound of the Nasuli airplane.
lagong₃ n A kind of weed having thorns.
lagot n Sap, or juice, of a tree spec: gitò, salong; see fr.: bungul 1.
lagotong 1v To travel directly to one’s desitination without delays or detours. Ko lagotong ka ariplano to poglayang din, ogparagasdagas to ogdatongan din diò to America. If an airplane has a direct flight, it continues directly to its destination. 2v To speak well, that is, clearly or directly to a point. Ka lagotong no otow no ogkagi, maroyow ka kagi rin no warò maro-ot. A person who speaks well, his speech is good and there is nothing bad [in it]. 3adj To be clear, unambiguous. Malagotong to sabut dan no og-al-alukuy ka mgo buyag. Their agreement is clear and unambiguous. 4v Straight forward. Ka otow no lagotong dò ka ogkagi, malul-id dò ka ogkagion. Konò ogkasuwoysuwoy ka kagi rin. The person who is forth rightly in his speaking, his speech is straight. 5v Ka otow no oglagotong to ogpalaguy, konò ogsuwoysuwoy. A person whose running is straight, he doesn’t swerve. 6Good talk.
lagoy n Narrow, rushing stream of water, as in a sluice.
lagsik v 1To fly out of, as sparks. Ko ogtingkik ki to bangan no batu, oglagsik ka baga. Ko ogwelding ki, ogpanlagsik ka mgo baga When we strike a flint stone, sparks fly out. When we weld, [many] sparks fly out. 1.1Splatter, as hot grease from a frying pan. see fr.: bosik 1. 2To skid out of, drift out [and fall to ground]. Lagsikan ki to mo-init. The hot [steam] will drift out on us.
lagsob adj Of someone with supernatural knowledge [Ka lagsoban], ogkatagaan ki to otow ka maroyow woy ka konò. [As for the seer], we are known by the person, the good [things] and bad. [Given as equivalent to Ceb. mananagna.]
lagtang 1n Fruit of a vine which is fried then pounded and mixed with lumut “moss” and used to poison fish. 2v To poison fish with the fruit of the lagtang vine. Ka lagtang no bunal, ka bogas din, iglagtang to banak. The lagtang vine, its fruit is used to poison the banak fish.