Browse Vernacular - English



lagting 1n The sound of instruments that are plucked. Ka lagting, sikan ka dagin to kubbing, kuglung woy saluroy. The plucking sound, that is the sound of the jew’s harp, kuglung or zither instruments. 2n Third right string of kobbiung. 3adj High note, brittle sound.
laguat v Writhe; [To struggle as to] wrench free, as from someone’s grasp. (writhe)
lagulagu n Larynx.
lagut n 1Trash. 2debris Ko moon-ing ka lawo-lawò to talubagì, ogpanguiton ta to walis ka baloy to talubagì oyow ogka-awò. Ko ogkuiton nu ogkaragdag ka mgo lagut. If there are a lot of dirty spider webs, we brush off the webs (lit. houses) of the spiders so that they will be removed. When we brush them off, the debris drops to the floor. 3A hodgepodge mixture, as salad
laguy 1v To run, run away. 2v see: sasalia. 3deriv n A place for racing 4To set dogs on a trail.
lahag n Yellow bead; yellow.
lakas adj Swift, fast see: talongtalong.
lakbang 1v Full moon. 2adj Filled out or expanded. Malakbang ka sopi-on ta ko ogkaboros ki. Ogmaluag. Ogbokal. The small part of our back becomes filled-out when we are pregnant. It becomes wider. It expands. 3n Width. syn: kaluwagi.. 4n Large-grained rice.
lakbò 1n A welt, as from insect bite. 2To break out in welts on the skin due to insect bites or sting, or due to hives.
lakilas v To scratch or rub a body part against an object such as when one is itching. [People or animals can do this when they cannot reach the part that is itching.]
laklakaan v Fan oneself because of the heat; to be thirsty from being in the sun.
laklakalan v To be intensely thirsty. Ko oglaklakalan ki, og-awoson ta no og-inum ki to woig. When we are intensely thirsty, we need to drink some water. see: ibog 2.
laku 1n Small fox-like animal having habits similar to a weasel. 2Kind of black rice.
lala₁ n A fussy catapillar, esp. one whose hair produces blisters. Oglakbò ka laplap ta ko ogdagkotan to bulbul to lala. Our skin will blister if it is touched by the hair of the catapillar. [Each kind of catapillar has its own specific name.]
lala₂ v For fingers or toes to become severely infected under the skin [Not necessarily related to the catapillar by the same name.]
lala₃ 1n soup 2v To cook in water as a broth or soup. see: tua.
lalab v 1Red; colors with reddish hues including pink, brown, orange. [The red color class includes pink shades of orange or violet in which the red color dominates.] 2That which makes something red. 3??
lalad v 1join together, as villages ?? Ko du-on oghimuon no oglalaron noy, tagsongo punduk, [o] suun. If there are those which we-excl join together, [they are] each a small unit, [or] a satallite (??) [DB gave example of five areas joined together such as Salug, Tala-Ingod, Langilan and Tagpopo-ot which become part of the Langilan area.] 2to bring together?? Ka tibò no pogbuyagon to simbaan, ian oglaad. All the leaders of the church(es), they are the ones who are joined together. Oglaaron din. He will bring them together. [DB if one uses ogpanlaad, it is in one direction, ie. on the way to a meeting, not on the way back (maybe because one is adding to the group on the way to a meeting but the reverse would not be true. Maybe there is another word for dropping off people on the way back.)]
lalag 1v To tell something to someone.[converse, discuss] (esp Tigwa) [Tigwanan for nangon, “tell”.] 2see: nangon 1.
lalanok n Mud, kind of on river banks.
lalaron v To bring people together. osyn: tuluy 1.
lalì v To leave a remnant; not to use up every last bit.
lalow 1v To become alienated to such an extent that the persons involved will not speak to each other. They also pronounce curses on each other if they should ever see each other again. Ka oglalalow, ogsasapot no konad ogpa-al-alukuyoy. Ogpo-us-usigoy kandan. The persons are alienated lalalow, when [someone] vows that they no longer converse. They become enemies to each other. Ka otow no oglalow to duma rin, ogpangusig sikandin. A person who becomes alienated from his companion becomes an enemy. [The belief is that if such people do happen to see each other and converse it will result in someone dying such as the children of a divorced couple. To remove that threat, gifts from each offended parties much be exchanged before the alienated persons attempt to converse.] 2v [Too fast, as when someone dies or is divorced.] ?? 3To abstain from working for a day, or to prevent others from singing or playing instruments because of being in mourning.]??
lalud 1n Friendship name, usually a name used between two or more friends who call each other by the same name and often refer to their friend by the friendship name. 2v To call each other by a friendship name. Lalaud ki. Let's give each other a friendship name. 3v To give a friendship gift when either visiting or entertaining.
lalung 1adj Morally bad. 2Naughty. 3Prostitute.