Browse Vernacular - English



sinul-ad n A kind of basket (liang) woven by strands of two.
sinulid n Thread.
sipala v To tentatively ask for something; to try someone out when begging.
sipit n 1Pinchers, tongs. 2A scorpion.
sipit to lombu-u phrase A kind of rattan (lobster claws). gen: balagon 1.1.
sipo-unon v To have a cold. Sipo-unon a. I have a cold.
sipod deriv.: kasipod. 1v To be ashamed, shy, embarrassed. Ko du-on problima ku, konò a ogkasipod to og-aku no ognangon to ogpabulig a. If I have a problem, I am not afraid to ask for help. see fr.: koblò. 2v to be ashamed; shy 3v to be a cause embarrassment Dakol igkasipod noy. It will be a cause of much embarrassment to us. 4vs With negative: Not ashamed (to do something). Not afraid (to do something) Ko du-on problima ku, konò a ogkasipod to og-aku no ognangon to ogpabulig a. If I have a problem, I am not afraid to ask for help. 5n Shame. 6deriv n Quiet, well-behaved.
sipò v 1To kick something. see fr.: tu-od 2. 2To inadvertently kick something; to stub one's toe. Pamitow to ogsipo-on. He hunted for something to kick. 3To buck, as a horse
sipsip v To make short, quick, side motions with a bolo on a flat surface (same as sapsap).?? osyn: sapsap 1.
sirà v To break, be destroyed.
sirula n Land tax of 25 centavos or a can of tipaka.
sising n A finger ring.
siù 1v To sweep away on a wave of water. Kasiù ka manggad. The clothes will be swept away. Ogsiu-on ki to Liboganon. We’ll be swept away by a wave of the Liboganon. 2v To go around in circles. 3A whirlpool.
siwang v Each person in a given group wearing a bolo.
so phr.: masakit so goinawa. part the, an, a (Impersonal, definite, topic-marking particle). Moon-ing so manukmanuk to koilawan. There are many birds of the forest. Ian nu dò nigkita so baoy. What you saw was the house.
so-i 1pron This, near the speaker; generally marks topic case unless preceded by to. Dakol so-ini. This is big. Komkomon so-i mundù. Hold onto this camote. Ay-ayaman ku so-i. I like this (food). Niglanog on so-in woig. This water flooded. 2here [In answer to, Where are you? A person will respond, So-ini a. I'm here. ck LA]
so-ikan dem That, near the hearer. So-ikan. That one. Igsaliu to babuy so-ikan. He will trade a pig for that one.
so-ilang 1v To peer through something; to peek. [as through a small opening.] gen: pitow 2; gen: look. 2So-ilangan ku ka manuk. I’m peeking at the chickens.
so-ini dem this
so-ip 1v To replace; take the place of; substitute; exchange places. 2v To take turns doing something. Soso-ipso-ip to babuy. They took turns carrying the pig. 3To take someone's place, as in an activity Nakaso-ip kanak. It took my place (arrived after I left.) 4v ?? 5v To take over, as custody, occupancy So-ipon to pao-os ka atolug to ibid. The big lizard replaced the eggs of the small lizard with her own. [In the following example, the palo-os larger iguana took the eggs of the ibid smaller iguana.]
so-ob 1n A cover or lid; to cover something. osyn: ampò. 2v To cover 3v To match, as a pair Ko igsala-ob ta ka tagu-an to puspuru, ogpokogso-ob dod ka lawa rin. When we slide [the box] portion into the match container, its body matches. 4v To be mutual Nig-a-alig sikandan su nokog-un-unawa goinawa ran. Nokogsabut ka sikan. Nokog-iniatoy. Nokogso-ob ka alig dan no darua. They have made a commitment [to each other] because their affections (lit. breath) are the same. They have come to agreement with each other. They desire each other. The attraction between the two of them is mutual. 5Beautiful. (as a girl)
so-og n A floor; to make a floor.
so-ol v 1To count. 2To bite all over the body, as insects.
so-om 1v To enter a fish trap (as po-it). Ogso-om kunto-on su tikakamot. They enter the traps now because it’s the season for making kaingin. 2To catch or get; obtain. 3[(as horses or material)]
so-ong To be frustrated. Kaso-ong to magaliug din. He’s frustrated because he has no chicken to feed to his visitors.