Browse Vernacular - English



sul-ug 1v To transfer ?? water as from one water tube to another. 2Sul-ug ad to woig nu. I’ll pour some of your water [into my water tube]. Kasul-ugan to woig ka balutu. The water came into the boat.
sula vs To emter house [interrupt ??] occupants who are eating or
sulak 1v To boil over. [The water, or liquid, leaves the pan when it boils over. DB says meaning is not related to whether the liquid foams or not.] 2osyn: salibuak. 3Waxy cone plant.
sulam 1v To embroider. 2Embroidered knee trousers or blouse. Nig-awosan ku ka sinulaman. I needed an embroidered blouse.
sulambì n Low platform around inside of house where people sit or sleep.
sulang n A chicken’s comb. Ka manuk no ogdaralu ogto-ob ka sulang din. A chicken who is ill, its comb darkens. see fr.: pagang.
sulat 1n A letter. 2v To write. 3deriv n Anything used for writing such as a pencil or pen.
sulì v To do to another what he has done to you; to revenge; pay back (over in good manner). see fr.: balos 2. 1.1v To reciprocate in any action.
sulib n The woodsy area between a village and the river.
suling 1v To mimic someone’s talk. 2Ogsulingon ki to’gkagi ki. They mimic us when we talk.
sulip 1n shingle 2v To repair a roof by sliding new shingles in between the old. Insulip on ka lata. The cans were used as shingles [to repair the roof]. see: suksuk ??.
sulod 1n A relative. 2n Cousin. Ko ogko-iling ki Emuel, su Ariola on sikandan, igkarangob on no sulod. Someone like Emuel, because they have become Ariola, he is [my] second cousin (lit. another cousin). [In the following example, igkarangob on no sulod is like saying “one cousin removed”, meaning second cousin.] 3Closely related.
sulon v To romp together, as dogs, cats, pigs, goats.
sulow 1v To look down upon something that’s on a lower level [Similar to pantow but when we look out we try not to be seen such as when there is an alert for raiders.] see: pantow 1. 2To look down at someone coverty, so as not to be seen. Sulawon ta ka otow. We look down at someone without being seen. Ko ogsusulow ki, layun ta ogpitawon ka otow no konò ki ogpakita kandin oyow konò ki ogtokoron. When we look down at someone, we are continually seeing the person but we don't let him see us so that we will not be recognized. see: ogpandomoldomol; see: ogbabantoy.
suloy v 1to go off in a different direction [from someone else] see fr.: batili 2. 2To stray from a path 3To stray, as from one's faith. 4To be distorted, as meaning Ka nigkita rin no sulat, nig-ay-ayaran pitawa oyow kono` ogsuloysuloy su songo ogsulat to nangnangonon. As he looked at the writing, he looked at it carefully so that [the meaning] would not be distorted. 5to digress, as from one's work Konò ki ogsuloysuloy to pogtalabau ta. Let's not digress from our work.
sulu phr.: sulu to asu. n Fingernail, toenail, claw or hoof of an animal. Dongan, suu ka lawa ta. Long ago, our bodies were [formed of] fingernail. [Also applies to the hoof of an animal such as a horse, cow or carabao.]
sulu to asu phr. of: sulu. A kind of thorny weed.
sulud phr.: sulud to ubal. 1n Fine toothed comb for combing out lice from hair. 2v To strain hair through a comb in order to remove lice. 3A long comb of la-ak with fine teeth for combing lice and nits from the hair.
sulud to ubal phr. of: sulud. A kind of rattan.
sulug 1n A clanmate, or individuals of certain areas (i.e. people from Kapugi, Mansalinow and Maambagu are all kasulug to each other.) 2A family group from a particular river or section of river; (i.e. Kapugi, Mansalinow and Malambagu form one kasulugan; Magimon forms another; Togop, Banualoy and Langilan from another.) [Each kasulugan has its own leader.]
suluk v To escape being caught (as wild pigs on a pig hunt). Ogsuluk ka magintaunan. The wild pigs escape.
sulung 1v To attack see fr.: gubat 1.1. 2Og-a-alamaraan to ogsulungan ka songo baloy. They are banding together to attack a certain house. see: lusud 1. 3v To take initiative ?? [to hang around men visitors (girls only.)] hang around men visitors Ka mongo boi ogsulung. The women hang around ?? the men.
sulun 1n Several units combined into one, as several families in one house or several villages united. Ko du-on oghimuon no oglalaron noy, tagsongo punduk, [o] suun. If there are those which we-excl join together, [they are] each a small unit, [or] a satallite (??). 2v To pack up in a basket to move. Nigsusulun ka gimukud ku. My soul rolled up [the mat] and packed it in the basket. [When a person dreams of doing something he/she refers to it as his/her soul performing the activity.] see: hi-os.
sum-ak v To stub one’s toes.