Browse Vernacular - English



sagmak v To bite aggressively as a pig, non-human [A component of meaning seems to be movement toward the person or animal that is being bitten.]
sagman phr.: konò ogsagman. v 1To pay attention to something or someone. Sagmana nu ka batò no og-a-ambò to bintana no ogko-ulug on angkuan. Pay attention to the child who is leaning [out of] the window who will fall after a while. ant: mata 5; see fr.: anam. 2To make a visitor feel welcome by attending to their needs. [These two meanings are not totally different because the way one makes a guest feel welcome is to pay attention to them. By contrast, if one ignores a guest, it is not only impolite but communicates that they are not welcome and they may leave.]
sagop v 1To work as a group to dam up a stream with stones and/or leaves in order to catch fish. see fr.: olot 3. 2To trap, as fish and shrimp by blocking off a small section of the river with stones and leaves so water is impeded. Sagopon ka isdà. The fish are being trapped by impeding the flow of the water. see fr.: dugong. 3To be protected from the flow of water as by something that is impeding that flow. Nasagop ka kanta no baloy to woig. Our house was protected from the water [by the library which was in front of the flow of current]. see: alindung 2. 4To impede, as water of a flood Ka library, ian ka nakasagop to nalapoy no woig. The library was what impeded [the flow of] the flooding river (lit. water). see: atang 1; see: olot 1.
sagow v to compete for a bride.??
sagpit v To stop over somewhere enroute while traveling. Sagpit kow pad woy inum kow. Stop over for a while and drink [something]. Du-on ka mgo otow no nigtilala kanak no nigsagpit diò to baloy ku no nigbuyù to og-inum. There were people who knew me who stopped over at my house and asked for [something] to drink.
sagpì v 1To intentionally break off, as ears of corn or tree branches without using a bolo. 2To break off spontaneously, as branches troken by wind or rain.
sagupit n A tightly woven tapered backpack made of rattan or the roots of a philodendra plant which comes to a tip at the mouth and may be closed at that tip or left open. It is used for carrying items to the field such as a cooking pot, ladels or other items.
saguysuy n Small flute, esp. bamboo
sakad v To refuse to turn one’s head when called, because of being peeved.
sakang v To sit or stand with legs spread out; to take long strides.
sakat v To attend a wedding (male relatives only).
sakit 1n Illness, disease. Konò ka ogdagkot kanak su oghalinan ka to sakit ku. Don’t be in physical contact with me because you will catch my illness. Ko nokoy no tambal no ogpakabatuk to masakit, ian ka ma-agbot no tambal. Whatever medicine is effective [against] an illness, that is strong medicine. see: dalu 1. 2n Pain. Og-agbas ka masakit to sosolobon woy ka poka ni Anggam. Uncle’s lung and back pain penetrates all the way through. 3adj Hurt. 4v To hurt or experience pain. Ka buyag no otow, konad ogpoko-orol ka oghipanow su mamasakit on ka bu-ol din. [As for] the old person, he is unable to get around as he walks because his knees are hurt ing. Ko oggoramon to inoy to ogmasakit, ogpa-agud. When the [pregnant] mother experiences pain, she will have someone manipulate [the unborn] child. 5v To be hurt, injured Konò ogbubulung su kasakitan. She won’t use the medicine because it may hurt her. Ka ulu to otow no nigtinugpò, nakasungal diò to batu to woig no napalisan ka bokod [rin] no nasakitan lagboy sikandin. The person who dove, he happened to bump his head against the rock in the water and his forehead was abrazed and he was injured badly. 6v To deliberately cause pain or hurt, as when a parent disciplines a child.
sakit, spec: korol.
sakmag v To bite by snapping at, as pig, dog, crocodile, or snake. Panakmag ka bu-aya. Crocodiles bite by snapping. [Has the connotation of advancing aggressively to bite. (A snake would sakmag or dogkal.)] gen: kagat 1.
sakolow 1v To grab, as a stick. 2...sakolawon, no woy makasakow so datù to kayu.. now before the rich man could grab a stick..
sakomit v To snatch quickly, grab. Sakomiton ka mo-irob. He grabs the bolo from someone. [If someone doesn't give someone something they want they will just grab it like children playing with a toy and another child grabs it and runs.]
sakopu v To hold or carry in the arms as a child or pet. [If we are standing ogsakupon. If we are sitting, oggibo-on.If one holds and carries a child or pet in front of one it is sakupu, but if carried to one side as under the arms the word is sapipion. If one holds and carries objects, the term is laglag.] gen: alap 1.1.
sakoru 1n Bamboo water pole. 2v To fetch water. Ko ogka-agapan ka, koykow ka ogsakoru. If I get home first, you will be the one to fetch water. 3v To fetch water.
sakoy 1v To ride. 2Vehicles. 3
saksak v To slash up into pieces with a bolo. Saksakon ka ko kai ka to longod ku. You’d be slashed into pieces if you were near me.
sakub 1v To dip. 2deriv n Dipper
sakug 1v To dip up. 2deriv n Bucket. [Anything that is filled and used to transfer water from one container or one place to another.] 3Dipper.
sakul v To play a kobbiung tune.
sakulab n A tree vine having a large leaf which is used to cover a violin box; the plant doesn’t flower.
sakup 1n Follower, or subject of someone. Ko du-on diò to songo barrio on ka ogka-alap, inat to mgo sakup din tibò. If there are those in a some village who are under [someone's] authority (lit. carried by someone), it seems that they are all his subjects. 2n Insider, member, as of family or organization Ko bo-ot to amoy woy inoy no oghimuon nu no pamilia nu, konad no agpot sikandan; sakup nu. If it is the decision of the fathr and mother that you make them [part of] your family, they are no longer strangers; [they are] member(s) [of your family]. ant: agpot 1. 3v To be included with a group or in some activity Warò masmasakup. They weren’t included [in the group that saw the plane].