Browse Vernacular - English



ugsob 1v To swim deeply under water. Ka otow no mananoy ogko-opok ka ogsonob no og-ugsob to maralom no linow. The person who is slow to get out of breath is the one who will swim deeply underwater in a deep pool. [In a river, such a person would touch bottom. This word would also apply to a diver carrying his own air and going deep underwater in the ocean even though he might not touch bottom.] osyn: togkad 1. 2v To be deeply affected, especially emotionally Ka otow no ayu-ayu no ungud og-ogoti, ko ogko-ugsoban on to goinawa rin no konad on ogpaka-aguanta ogpaka-atu on sikandin. A destitute person who is always being scolded, when [the criticism] affects him deeply emotionally (lit. in his breath) so that he can no longer endure it, he will have to react. see: sugat 1. 3adj Of a person who can swim deeply under water. 3.1n A person who thinks deeply, who is wise.
ugsul v 1Move forward Ugsul ka dio’t ampow su itu-os a [to’ghibat]. You move forward and I’ll move back a bit (when lying down). ant: itu-os 1. 2Move up, as when climbing a tree. Ka otow no ogpamanoik to kayu ungod og-ugsul. A person who climbs a tree always moves upwards. 2.1To increase, as a fare Nig-ugsul on ka mgo pilitianan to mgo sakayan. The fare of transportation has increased. see: timul. 2.2To rise, as in temperature or pressure. Ka tirmomitir, og-isu-os ka woig din woy ko og-ugsul dio to ampow. As for a thermometer, the fluid (lit. water) in it falls orrises toward the top. ant: itu-os 1.
ugtu 1adj Middle of day, noon No-ugtu It's noon. [refers to the zenith of the sun in the daytime or the moon at night. However, if there is no visible moon, there is no mo-ugtu “zenith” of the moon so mid-night is simply referred to as liwarò to kausiloman “middle of the night”. The term lakbang refers to its being full.] 2Noon Ka nabarutan a to ngipon no warò a nakako-on to mo-ugtu. When I had a tooth extracted, I wasn't able to eat at noon. 3v Middle of night, or zenith of moon No-ugtu ka bulan The moon is at its zenith. 4v To eat lunch Nig-inbitalan koy ni Vivian to nigpapaninugtu. We were invited by Vivian to eat lunch [with her]. 5v Ko-ugtu on [The moon] is coming to its zenith.
ukaba n The hull, that is the outermost layer of a kernel of corn. It is the first thing to come off the corn if it is ground. Du-on durulison to in-ampow to ngipon to agoloy no ogko-iling to siropin. Ogngaranan to ukaba. There is an outer layer on top of the kernel of corn which is similar to plastic. It is called a "hull'. gen: dulis 2.
ukalò v To crow, as of a cock.
ukilom see fr.: dukilom 3.
ukù phr.: dakol no ukù. n Chickenpox. Nig-ukù on ka batò. The child has contracted chickenpox. [Specifically of chickenpox. Also used of some other kinds of pox in which there are similar blister-like sores such as a large pox. Smallpox, called dalap was also known before introduction of vaccine.] spec: dalap 2, dalap 1.
ul-ul₁ v To strip off as meat from a bone. Ko ogko-on ki to du-on bokog no du-on pad sapù, og-anguson ta to og-il-il. If we eat something that still has a bone, we bite into and chew [the flesh] off until it is stripped [of meat]. see fr.: angus.
ul-ul₂ 1n A kind of bird - golden-crowned kinglet pb. 2
ul-ul₃ v To chew on a bone. Pangul-ul si Impì. Impette’s gnawing on a bone.
ula-an v To dump out rice or millet on the ground because of spoilage; to tip over and spill a non-liquid. Nig-ula-an ku ka agoloy; maro-ot. I dumped out the corn; it was no good. Na-ula-an to miow ka asukal. The cat tipped over the sugar.
ula-ula n The face of a person. see: langlanguan.
ulaging n A song style used to tell a story. [such as to tell about difficult times during war. Usually sung by men. May be sung by a bailan but not used them.]
ulagin see fr.: kanta 2.
ulalì v To undergo a change of circumstances (same as hulalì). Kunto-on kò ka og-ulalì na-an to mongo anak ku no kakoy; igsabuk ku sikaniu to publi. From now on, you, my oldest children, won’t have any change of circumstances; I’m handing you over to poverty. Ulali-an kad solom ko wà duma nu. You’re going to suffer a change of circumstances tomorrow when your companions aren’t here.
ulaluy v To scream. Uauyi’n ka batò; kabigtawan. She’s screaming on account of the child; it’s about to faint. Nig-ulaluyan nu ganna ka asukal. You screamed earlier on account of the sugar.
ulamitan adj Fearful, afraid (as a child).
ulandoy n 1A speckled chicken. [The term seems to be of a black and white design.] see fr.: okang. 2An owl with a black and white design
ulas v To shed, as a skin or soft shell.
ulason deriv n The skin of something like a snake which is periodically shed; the soft shell of something like a shrimp.
ulat 1v To put aside or discard from it’s intended use. Ig-ulat ka anak to ibiron. The feathery chicken discarded her young when she was about to lay again. 2v to dry rice out a second or third time so that it’s completely dry. Ig-ulat ta ka homoy. We’ll finish drying the rice. 3v To kill, destroy, slay. Ulaton on ka babuy. The domestic pig will be killed and eaten when it’s old and weak. Ulaton ka to busow. The evil spirits will devour you. 4(smashed glass)
ulayan n A kind of wood.
uli-ulì kulitut phr. of: kulitut. Name of a small weed that has a fuzzy flower or seed that seems to restore itself when a portion is plucked off.
ulib 1n A stalk of bananas. 2A grain similar to rice which is harvested during rainy season. [Ko/ka ??] ig-orok, unawa to agoloy, homoy, balatung, ulibon, sikan ka igko-orok su ogpan-ulugon ta ka ig-orok That which is planted, like corn, rice, monggo beans, and ulibon grain, those are what are planted because we drop [the seeds] as they are planted. [Used to leaven/ferment ??] 3For birds to eat rice seed while being planted.
uling n Charcoal.