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ibog 1n A strong desire or craving for something. Ka miow, ko ogdatong ka ibog dan to lukos no ungud ogmasamuk ka ogmiawmiaw su sikan ka batasan to miow ko ogko-ibog to ogpa-anak. DB Dic Nt May/2006 As for a cat, when it's craving for a male [cat] arrives, it noisily miows because that is the conduct of a cat when it craves to have offspring. 2vs To be thirsty. Ogbuyù a to woig su ogko-ibog a. I’m asking for water because I am thirsty. see fr.: laklakalan. 3vs To stongly desire something such as to be hungry for some specific food or for merchandise in a store. Purut ka. Alam ka to ogko-ibogan nu. Take something. Choose that which you are hungry for (lit. which is craved by you). Ko nokoy ka ogko-ibogan din, ogbolion. Whatever he/she strongly desires, [he/she] buys it. 3.1vs (With negative)To not have an appetite or desire for food. Du-on allow no konò ki ogko-ibog. Og-alam ki to ogko-ibogan ta. There are days when we don’t have an appetite. We choose what we desire [to eat]. 3.2v To strongly crave for something such as a pregnant woman who craves for a particular food. Du-on ka iam no alunggun, ko ogpangiram ka boi, ogko-ibog-ibog to bogas to mangga no ogpogos to iglukos din to ogpakuò to mangga. Mangkuan ko du-on on, konad ogko-ibogan. There was a newly [married] couple, [and] when the woman was in the beginning of pregancy, she strongly craved the mango fruit and so she forced her spouce to get a mango [for her]. Later, when it was already there she was no longer hungry for it.

orol v 1To get up enough energy to do something. Og-orol-orol a to baatik ku. I'll get up enough energy [to go check on] my pig trap. Ko ogdaralu ki, oglogoslogos dò ka og-onow. Sikan ka og-orol-orol su ogpogos ki to lawa ta. When we are ill, [we] just expend great effort to get up. That is [the meaning] of managing because we force ourselves to do something (lit. force our body). [Arlyn said the following expression orol-orol might be made by an older person who does not feel so energetic but he will manage enough energy to get out to check his trap. If a person has been ill, this term implies that he is just beginning to recover but is not yet strong.] see: logoslogos. 2With negative: [not] to be able to manage well to get around Ko kulang ka langosa ta, ogkatabolog ki ko oghipanow no konò ki ogpoko-orol. If our blood is lacking we will be lightheaded when we walk and we won't be able to manage well to get around. Ka buyag no otow, konad ogpoko-orol ka oghipanow su mamasakit on ka bu-ol din The person who is old cannot manage to walk well because his/her knees hurt. Ko oggutasan ka otow, konò ogpoko-orol to ogtalabao. Warò dayagang dan. If a person is hungry, he cannot manage to work. [A person in this condition feels weak and can hardly get around and may need physical support if he/she walks very far.] 3To become ambulatory, or have the ability to walk around. Ogbuligan ta ka otow no malotoy to ogkitkit oyow ogpaka-anad to oghihipanow oyow ogpoko-orol on. We help a weak person by holding [his/her] hand so that [he/she] will gain the ability to walk so that [he/she] will be able to become ambulatory.
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