Search results for "api"

bonnal 1n An accusation. Ko tu-tu-u ian ka bonnal to nakasalò, ogbotad dan on ka nakasalò to husayan. If the accusation is true that [a person] has done wrong, they will pay up front for the settlement of one who has sinned. [The leaders of the village will collect what is needed to settle the issue if the person accused doesn't have mon] 2v To make an issue or accusation about something; such as when someone takes a comment to be an insult so wants payment for the allenged offense. Ka ogbobonnal, du-on songo otow no ogkagi no ogmohushusayoy on. As for the person who makes an issue about something, someoneelse will have to speak in order to make a settlement [for the issue.]. 3To be convicted; to establish guilt Ogpatigda-an to kagi. Ogkabonalan on. Konò ogpakatabak ka otow. [They will use] speech that hits the mark. It will establish [the truth of the matter. The person cannot answer back. 4v To demand a retribution for assumed guilt such as ridicule or for not keeping an appointment; a forfeit. Ka otow dongan, konò ogkali-ag su maga-an ogbobonal no ogbuyù to dakol no ighusoy. As for people long ago, they weren’t able to play because they would be quick to demand retribution and then would ask for a large settlement. [Would apply to demanding payment for any other real or assumed fault. In the culture, if a stranger hears laughter he may assume that he is being ridiculed and demand anything in payment. If not given he may instigate a raid on the village or kill someone. If an animal is given scraps from someone and the animal dies, he may demand payment for the animal.] 5v For something to be forfeited as compensation for a loss. Ko du-on igholon ku to nati to kalabow di ko konò ku ogkato-od to igbayad, konad ig-ulì ka inkoholon ku no salapì su igbonnal on. If I have made a deposit on a carabao calf but I cannot follow through to pay for it, the money I paid to hold it will not be returned because it will be forfeited [as compensation to the owner of the carabao.]

bungkù v 1To come to an end, limit; boundary. Ko hondo-i ogkataman ka hikot to asu, du-on dò ogbungkù. Wherever the tether of the dog ends, that is where he will be limited. Du-on otow no nalagak ka salapi din no darua no gatus. Nigbungkù dò du-on to namanghò di warò din on kita-a. There was a person ho lost two hundred [pesos] of his money. He came to an end of looking for it but didn't find it. 2Give up on someone or something, as when an action proves futile Ko du-on duma ta no du-on batasan no konò ogkabalowbalow, ogbungku-an tad ka og-anad kandin to maroyow. If we have a companion who has conduct which cannot be changed, we sgive up on teaching him [to do] good. 3To run out of options, as a doctor who cannot treat an illness. Nigbungku-an on to doctor si Ann Joy. Agad ko du-on ogkoimu on dan to ogpangabang, ogkamatoy rò sikandin. The doctor gran out of options for Ann Joy. Even if there was something they could do to save her, she would still die. see: tawad 1; see: taman 1. 4To allow to go so far and no farther such as when cutting a field. Ka otow no ogkakamot, du-on patamanan din ka ogpo-ilisan ka kamot din no ian ka pabungku-an to kamot din. A person who is making a field, has an ending of the edge of his field and that is how far he will ballow his field to extend. [It may not be the boundry of his property but it is the farthest extent to which he will have his field cut.] 4.1To set a limit. Ka lubid to asu ka ogpakabungkù oyow du-on dò ogkataman. The rope is that which is setting a limit it so that it will not go any farther.

bunbungan 1n A smooth kind of bamboo similar to bulu which is good for weaving walls. 2n Kind of white, long-grained rice. 3deriv n The delayed moon-rise of the first quarter of moon at the when the moon delays to rise, considered to be a good time to start making fields. Ogka-atangan pad ka bulan ko an-anayan ogsilò. Sikan pad ka ogbagungbunan. Ogdoloman pad to malintok. Ognangaran noy to “magapiniongan to manuk.” The moon is still blocked [from shining] when it first comes up. That is [the meaning of] bagungbunan. It is still moonless for a short time. [in the evening] We call it “the blink of a chicken”. 4n To be a strong person, as one who to able to lift something heavy without help as if it were light-weight. 5v Manage easily as a strong person for whom a heavy item seems light. Ka otow no ogbagunbungon din to songo saku, konò ogpabulig to oghonat su manokal sikandin. A person who ilifts a weight easily does not have someone help him lift it because he is strong. see: dayagang 3; see: logon 1; see: nokal 1.

burun n larvae, of various honey bees and wasps. Ka patiukan, tamo-ing tamusan, woy ka tabu-uan, lapinid, baga-baga, tibò du-on mgo burun. Sikan ka mgo anak dan. The honey bees patiukan, tamo-ing tamusan and the wasps tabu-uan, lapinid, baga-baga, all have grubs. Those are their offspring. [DB says the larvae of the honey bees (including tamo-ing, patiukan) as well as the larvae of the large wasp tabu-uan) can all be eaten, but are usually cooked first but the honey, the wax and the fluid from which the honey is made, are all eaten raw but may be cooked to preserve it over a longer period. Many children eat not only the larvae of the various honey bees but even the larvae of various wasps and don't bother to cook them. These larvae are reportedly very good bait for fishing.]

ipi 1adj Narrow, small in area. 2v To short-change someone Nig-ipian din ka duma rin to sikan no salapì no warò tonga-a to pogba-ad. Nig-alakansi rin woy nigdo-isok din ka duma rin. He short-changed his companion of that money and did not [give] him half of the payment. He cheated him and belittled his companion. [This seems to have a dual meaning of cheating a person and also belittling them in the process. The following example pertains to two of a house that was sold for twenty thousand pesos, but the one holding the money only gave five thousand of that to his companion.]

ipi ?? see fr.: api.