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dagmoy 1n A woven material. made of strands of abaka fiber (lanut) dyed in different colors and woven into a colorful pattern; a skirt made of the abaka fiber material. [This was a long, tubular skirt (logkak) made by Manobo people years ago. It is now rare or non-existent. It may still exist in upriver villages where abaka is still grown and sold. It has been replaced by the cloth malong which is like a long, tubular skirt which is sold by the Moslem people. The latter is generally put on and used for sleeping.] 2v For many to put on abaca fiber skirts.

dugong v Partial damming of river to trap fish. [One side of the stream is blocked with leaves so the water becomes dried up on that side. Conical fish traps are placed at either end of the open channel to catch the fish which swim either upriver or downriver.] see: sagop 2; see: ponong 2.

gamut n 1Poison used to harm or kill an enemy. Ka gamut, agad nokoy ka ogpokohilu, unawa to tayuran [commucial poison.] Ka duma, ogkagamut ka ighilu to ambow. As for poison, whatever is able to poison such as tayuran [a commercial poison]. As for other, rat poison can poison [an enemy]. [This poison may be an actual poison or something which someone has performed using witchcraft. An attack by bees or a severely dehabilitating illness with a sudden onset such as cholera may be suspected to be due to witchcraft. A cure or an antidote will be sought. If a person suddenly dies of illness after visiting another village, witchcraft may be assumed and a revenge killing may follow. ] ant: tokas; ant: alang 1; osyn: hilu. 2Hex, as a sickness or death brought on by use of a fetish or witchcraft. Ka gamut, ogsabukan ki oyow maga-an ki ogkamatoy. As for a hex it is placed on us so that we will quickly die. Gamutan ki. We’ll be poisoned/hexed. see fr.: busung 1.