Search results for "kagi"

bagu-bù see: ubun-ubun. n One of the calls of a white breasted ubun-ubun dove. Ko ogkagi ka ubun-ubun, ogkagi to bagu-bù, huun, huun, huun. When the ubun-ubun dove calls it says, “bagu-bù, huun, huun, huun.” [The dove has a creamy white head, long curved black back, long black tail, auburn over back -- about the size of a young hen.]

balò 1n A prediction based on some procedure or ceremony. Ka poghusud to natampod no songo banoy no bulu ko naponù to tanò, maroyow ka balò din su ogtuga ka homoy. When the single length of bamboo is pulled up, if it is full of earth, its sign is good because the rice will be plentiful. [Some predictions as from a test of the soil are not considered to be associated with sympathetic magic. However, predictions made in conjunction with ceremonies or sacrifices or the call of the omen bird are associated with traditional beliefs and involvement with the spirit world.] 2n With negative: Bad sign, as of bad luck Ogkagi to buyag, “Purut ka to manuk no igkuyab nu ig-awò to maro-ot no balò nu.” The older person will say, “Get a chicken to waver to remove your bad luck.” [especially that based on sympathetic magic] see: pamalii. 3v To use divination to determine the outcome or value of something. Ka mgo buyag, ogpanlo-uy to matosan no latì, no ogbabalo-an pad ko maroyow ka tanò no ogkamotan. The older people go out to a field of matured secondary growth and have a ceremony to determine whether it would be good to cut the growth on that piece of ground [for a field]. [It is based on sympathetic magic which may take various forms which are used by the Ata Manobo people to determine whether or not to cut a certain field. One method is to cut a piece of rattan the length of their cutting knife and then cut it again into lengths of the width of that same knife. From the pieces, they make a diagram on the ground of a rice house. If the pieces build a complete diagram with a ladder and an extra piece to fit in one of the rooms, the sign is good and they will cut that plot. However, if it comes out short, tor they have a tiny piece left over, they will not cut that field because they determine that the land will not produce a good crop. If there is a futhur extra long piece, it is put on the opposite end of the diagram which resembles a casket. Then they will not cut the field because they believe someone will die.] 4v To use something as a means to predict an outcome (??) 5v To have a resemblance to something Nabala-an to pogul su pogulon. He has a resemblance pogul wood because he’s lazy. [The following statement also seems to imply that that the lazy person was “destined” to be lazy. It is an insult by a parent who is angry because of the conduct.] 6v To treat by using sympathetic magic to bring about a desired result such as to rub bodies of an agressive wasp on a horse’s lips to make the horse agressive for a horse fight. Ka kuddò no nabalangitan, ogkabala-an to mgo ulod-ulod no songo ogmabulut. The horse which is being treated, [with something to make him fierce], he becomes like the creatures which are likewise fierce. 7deriv n Kind of bushy weed with long leaves which are tipped with red which could be used as a decorative plant.

bokas v 1To initiate a conversation, or a discussion such as that of a marriage arrangement. Ka oghun-a ogkagi, sikan ka ogbokas to alukuyan. The person who is first to speak, that is the one who initiates the discussion. 2To release, as trigger of a trap. Ko ogkabokas on ka bagwanan to balatik, du-on on ogsagad no babuy. When the trigger of the pig trap is released, a pig which has been caught. see: basikal. 3To block as an inlet from a river so as to drain area and catch fish in traps. Ka otow no ogngangalap to siak to woig, ogbokason din ka og-atangan din ka siak oyow og-otì on. A person who is fishing on a tributary of the river blocks the tributary so that it will dry up. [The common thread of meaning may be that the blocking of the river initiates the trapping of the fish, someone walking into an ambush, initiates/sets in motion the act of spearing an enemy, and the person who speaks first, initiates the conversation. A person who is angry, lets loose with angry words and/or a physical attack. (In the latter case, ogtokow his words take others by surprise.] see: atang 1. 4To vent, as anger in such a way that people are taken by surprise. Ka otow no nabolù, nigbokas ka nigkagi; nigparagas nigkagi. Nigma-agbot to nigkagi su ogkatokow ki. The angry person, vented [his] anger; he went right ahead and spoke. He spoke loudly because we are taken by surprise. see: tokow 1. 5To be the recipients of an angry outburst. Moirap ko ogbokasan ki to kagi. It is difficult if we are the recipients of [someone's] angry outburst. 6To strike. Ka otow no oggopas, ogbokas to usig ka ogpilak. The person who is lying in ambush, strikes [his] enemy when he spears [him].

bonnal 1n An accusation. Ko tu-tu-u ian ka bonnal to nakasalò, ogbotad dan on ka nakasalò to husayan. If the accusation is true that [a person] has done wrong, they will pay up front for the settlement of one who has sinned. [The leaders of the village will collect what is needed to settle the issue if the person accused doesn't have mon] 2v To make an issue or accusation about something; such as when someone takes a comment to be an insult so wants payment for the allenged offense. Ka ogbobonnal, du-on songo otow no ogkagi no ogmohushusayoy on. As for the person who makes an issue about something, someoneelse will have to speak in order to make a settlement [for the issue.]. 3To be convicted; to establish guilt Ogpatigda-an to kagi. Ogkabonalan on. Konò ogpakatabak ka otow. [They will use] speech that hits the mark. It will establish [the truth of the matter. The person cannot answer back. 4v To demand a retribution for assumed guilt such as ridicule or for not keeping an appointment; a forfeit. Ka otow dongan, konò ogkali-ag su maga-an ogbobonal no ogbuyù to dakol no ighusoy. As for people long ago, they weren’t able to play because they would be quick to demand retribution and then would ask for a large settlement. [Would apply to demanding payment for any other real or assumed fault. In the culture, if a stranger hears laughter he may assume that he is being ridiculed and demand anything in payment. If not given he may instigate a raid on the village or kill someone. If an animal is given scraps from someone and the animal dies, he may demand payment for the animal.] 5v For something to be forfeited as compensation for a loss. Ko du-on igholon ku to nati to kalabow di ko konò ku ogkato-od to igbayad, konad ig-ulì ka inkoholon ku no salapì su igbonnal on. If I have made a deposit on a carabao calf but I cannot follow through to pay for it, the money I paid to hold it will not be returned because it will be forfeited [as compensation to the owner of the carabao.]

bugsong v 1To obstruct, as a path or one's view. [DB comment regarding having words and meanings jumbled/pass by too quickly. (ck TA) DB contrasted this with a view from a mountain top that is unobstructed, straight and clear.] see: atang 2; ant: taloytoy. 2To be hindered as by clutter. Ko oghipanow ki diò to dalan no du-on kayu no napolod no konò ki ogpakabayò, nabugsongan ka ogbaya-an ta. Nabugsongan ka dalan su konad ogkabaya-an to otow. If we are walking on a path and there is a tree which has fallen and we cannot pass by, our pathway has been obstructed. Our path has been obstructed because people cannot get through.; DB 24/Feb/2009 Ko ogkabugsong, konò ta ogkakita-an ka ogkabaya-an. If something is cluttered, one cannot see where he is going. see: bunbun 1; ant: taloytoy1. 3To interrupt. Ko ogkagi a no du-on otow no ogtampod to kagi ku, ogbugsong. Ko og-ampawan din ka kagi rin, igdo-isok. If I am speaking and there is a person who cuts off my speech, he interrupts. If someone overrides [another's words] with his words, it is disrespectful to (lit. belittles) [the other person]. [as when a person's speech is interrupted] 4To be interrupted as of speech, or cut off as of electric current if uf a line has been broken Nabugsong ko du-on kinagian no konò ogka-ayun. [The meaning] is jumbled when there are words which don't fit. Ko du-on abogaru no ogkaro-og no warad igkatabak din, ogkabugsong on sikandin. see: tampod 1. 5To initiate. Ko oghunno-on og-unuk ka langlanguan, no ogbugsongan ka batò ka ogtulin. When the face [of a baby] fills in, then the child's growth is initiated. see: bunsud 1.