Search results for "kanak"

talosob 1n Gossip. [This information, though usually given in secret, is negative information. Something nice that is secretly shared is not considered to be talosob “gossip” but rather to be “praise”. (Important information regarding some strategy which is shared by leaders with a select audience of one or more people is tungop and is not considered to be talosob.}] 2To gossip about one another. 3New moon phase. Nokoy so igtalosob kanak? What are you keeping secret from me?

tangkò 1v Facing, front. 2In front of. 3n The front of; in front of Takas sikan, du-on ogpati-ulug dii to tangka-an ta. After that, there was something that just caused to drop in front of us. 4v confront Ko ogsupmatan ta, oghondiò ki to baloy rin no diò ta ogtangkò kandin. Unawa ka supmat to ogtangka-an nu su ogkagion nu sikandin. If we confront [someone], we go to his house and there we will confront (lit. face) him. The [word] supmat is the same as that you are confronting (lit. facing) him because you speak to him. 5v To face, as someone whom one has wronged. No impo-umow on kandin oyow ogtangkò to sikan no pigtakawan din. And then he was called so that he would face that person from whom he had stolen see: sondit 1; see: supmat 1. 6v With negative: Not to give audience to, that is, not to see someone. Konò ogtangkò su dakol ka ogtalabawon din woy ogpalpalaguy sikandin. She would not give audience to him because she had a lot of work and also [because] she was avoiding (lit. running from) him. [Context of next example is of a woman who has pledged herself to marry someone so will not see another man who is trying to gain her attention.] 7v To point towards a given direction, as of footprints or compass Og-ikulon ta ka komos ko hondo-i ogtangkò. We will follow the footprints in whatever direction (lit. if where) towards which they are pointed. Ka tinurù din ka ogtangkò. Its pointer (lit. index finger) is what points toward a given direction. [The second example is DB's comment re a compass.] 8v To stand in front of Layun kow tangkò dini kanak.. Always stand in front of me...; show your face to me.. 9v To be facing each other as in a group. Ko diò ki to kalibulunganan, su ogpokogtangko-tangkò ki to ogpitow, ogpokog-iom-iom ki. When we are gathered together there, because we are looking at each other in front of us, we keep smiling at one another. 10To face each other. [Of two people ?? (Can it be two or more people/groups??)]

ulì phr.: ogpo-ul-uli-oy to goinawa. 1v To return to a starting point; to go home. 2To return something. Nig-angayan din on ka gabas no in-ulì din on kanak. He fetched the saw and returned it to me. Ka sika gabas, songo tu-id woy moko-ulì koddì su diò to Kapugi nigdolog. As for that saw, it was a year before it returned to me because it ended up in Kapugi. 3v For a group to return home. 4v to reimburse; give [something to someone] in return for [something else] Kagi ni Angelina to, “Uli-id ka sapatus ni Ivy su konò ogko-olog to pa-a ni Ivy.” Og-uli-an ku ka sapatus ni Ivy. I'm going to reimburse Ivy's shoes. [In the following example, Angelina had purchased shoes which did not fit Ivy. So she offered the shoes to Arlyn for her child. Since they were new, she was expecting full reimbursement for what she had paid for the shoes. If the item is new, they will reimbuse the full amount.] 5v To have someone reimburse or give in return for something Og-inso-on ku ko pila ka igpo-ulì din." I'm going to ask how much she will have [me] give her in return [for the shoes]. syn: liwan 1. 6To go somewhere and return the same day. 7v To allow someone to return home, as guests. Ko ogmamagaliug ki, dipindi ko ignangon ta ka tagbaloy ko pila ka allow woy ka ogpo-uli-on. If we are guests, it depends whether we tell the host how many days before he will let us return home. 8v To allow someone to return home. Konò ku ogpomo-uli-on. I will not let them return home. [The following example implies that the persons referred to will not be allowed to return home alive.] 9v To keep on returning something for exchange. 10v To be healed, to get well. 11v To go far off to get food from someone else. Manag-ulì to mundù. [they] are fetching camotes from others. [such as rice, camotes, cassave, bananas or root crops. Implies making a request for these when food is in short supply in one's own area. Term applies even if those going after food return empty-handed.] osyn: angoy.
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