Search results for "lati"

hari 1n younger sibling; a younger cousin [younger brother or sister. In a comparison, also used of a relative which is younger than another.] 2Older-younger sibling relationship. 3To be in relationship as siblings. 4v To have children one right after the other. 5v ?? 6adj younger

kakoy 1n Older sibling or relative. [The very oldest sibling is the panganoy.] 2Younger-older relationship.

mama n 1Address to an man. Nig-insò ka mgo boi no dalaga, “Mama ka pad?” Lituk, “Balubatò ka pad?” The unmarried ladies asked, “Are you still an unmarried man?” Meaning, “Are you still a bachelor?” [DB said that the term mama is not about whether a person is someone's brother. Rather it is a term of address, used especially by an unmarried lady to an unmarried man but also used as term of respect to a married man. Also used between men as sign of respect.] 2Term of address of an unmarried lady to an unmarried man. [also to a male relative or brother.??] Ka ig-umow to dalaga to balubatò, si Mama. That which an unmarried lady address to a bachelor is mama.

pugnut n A vine of which the saat bracelet is made; the bracelet is said to be used as a snake bite cure and as protection from one’s enemies; it is also said to be the means by which one identifies one’s close relatives in the resurrection.