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amana adv 1Enough; too much, to have had it [with someone for some reason], my goodness; not fair “Amana so goinawa nu no ma-agkap.” “Can’t you get just a little angry?” Amana so-ini no batò no ungod ogsinogow no ma-agol so bo-bò. [I've] had it with this child who is always crying who has a hollowed-out mouth! Amana to nigsingallow kow to subla no mo-init. My goodness that you have been traveling in the sun when it is excessively hot. (meaning: [You] shouldn't be traveling in the sun.) [used to express frustration, irritation or surprise about something or someone. Some idiomatic English expressions connote similar iconcepts in the following examples:] 2With negative: [not] quite, [not] so much Ka abu-on, ogko-iling to kolor no abug. Konò amana no maputì; ogsolug. [The color of the abu-on bird resembles the color of ashes. It isn't quite white; it's [color] is mixed. 3An exclamation indicating surprise, sometimes with a hint of disapproval. The meaning is similar to the English expression, “goodness gracious”. Amana so goinawa nu no ma-agkap! How can you be so calm! Amana so-ini no batò no ungod ogsinogow no ma-agol so bo-bò. Goodness gracious this child who is always crying whose mouth is a cavern (lit. hollow)! Amana to nigsingallow kow to subla no mo-init Goodness gracious that you travelled in the sunshine when it is exceedingly hot! [The following was the surprised response of a neighbor who wondered how someone could stay peaceful/calm when being threatened. There is also a hint that the speaker wishes he would at least get a little upset.] 4Idiom similar to English, “Bless your heart”, or “You poor thing”. Amana-amana ka bag no sasampoton koddì. Bless your heart for feeling lonely for me.

ambò v 1Lean on something as a means of conveyance while floating Ko sagboka nu ka og-ambò, og-ayunon nu to lawa nu ka bulu. Ka bolad nu, ian nu igbogsoy. When you lean on something for floatation you line up your body with the bamboo [pole]. You use your hands to paddle. [One can use ones' arms to prop oneself on bamboo or other object of conveyance, but the arms can be left free to paddle. When water is involved, the meaning includes the component of conveyance by water. When in any other place, such as a house, movement or conveyance is not a component of meaning.] 2Lean on anything, usually with arms or hands, but could be with a part of one's body Sosolobon ka ig-ambò. Lean on [something] with one's chest.

angga-an v Abandon; neglect. Og-ang-angga-an ta [ka anak ta]. We are [deliberately] abandoning [our offspring]. [As to abandon a child i.e. in field, but also would apply to the neglect of a child by a parent who does not care for a child even though it is in the home.]

ana-ana 1vs To be rushed. Ogka-ana-ana ko ogga-ani oyow maga-an ogkaponga. Those who are harvesting are being rushed so that [the harvesting] will soon be finished. [TA comment was that if it took Titus 10 years to do a task one would not use the completive particle on because the work would be on-going.; The owner of a field may feel rushed or pressured due to being worried that it might rain and the harvest be ruined. His concern also puts pressure on the harvesters to hurry.] see fr.: ga-an 2.1; see: dagusu 1; see fr.: ga-an 2. 2v To be pressured to hurry. Ogka-ana-ana ki to igbuyag ta to oyow maga-an on ogkapongoi ka talabawon ta. We are being pressured by our leader to hurry so that our work will be finished soon. see: paragas.

anak phr.: anak to dalan; phr.: anak to pamubungon. 1n A male or female offspring of an animal or human; son or daughter. 2v To give birth. Ko ogkapanoy ogkatapid ka batò diò to diralom to gotok, oglomulan ka inoy ko og-anak. If the baby (lit. child) in the abdomen has been properly positioned ahead of time, the mother will have it easier when she gives birth. Gabi-i pad nig-anak on ka kuddò ku. Just yesterday my horse gave birth. cf: agud. 2.1v To give birth in some place. - Ogdurugmun ka babuy to og-anakan din. A pig makes a bed for [a place where] she will give birth. 2.2v To give birth to multiple offspring. Ka karpa no ngalap, woy ogpanganak ko ogsilò ka bulan. Carp fish don’t give birth to multiple offspring until the moon comes out. 2.2.1v To give birth multiple times; give birth frequently. Ko du-on og-anak no warò pad nigtu-ig ka anak din no ogpanganak man dò sikandin, oghingaranan no mahariharion no manggianak su malasi og-anak. If someone gives birth when her child is not yet a year old so she is giving birth again, she is called a mother who produces siblings [one after another] because she frequently gives birth. 2.2.2v To reach birthing time. Ko du-on og-insò ko kon-u nanganak ka amboy nu, kagi to songo otow, “Ka ligad dò no allow ka pogpanganak.” If someone asks when your daughter-in-law delivered [her baby], another person will answer, “The previous day was her birthing time”. 2.2.3v Those which are birthed. Ka po-it, ka alu-an, woy ka pantat, ogparagas ogko-otow ka igpanganak dan. The po-it, mudfish and the catfish, are birthed alive (lit. directly live, when it is the time for them to be born [lit. the ones being birthed]. 3deriv n Uterus Ka a-anakan, sikan ka ugpa-an to batò diò gotok to inoy. The uterus, that is the dwelling place of the child in the abdomen of the mother. 4deriv n An adopted child. Ogko-iling ki Ugalinga no nig-uyamu to mgo batò, ogkoimu no anak-anak ran. It’s like Ugalinga who is caring from the childen, they have become heir adopted children. see: uyamuan. 4.1deriv n A stepchild. [A stepchild, that is the child of one's spouse is an anak-anak but not considered to be an uyamuan which is used of an adopted or foster child] 5deriv n Nephew or neice, also a cousin’s child. Si Binitu, songo maka-amung ku rod su anakon ku si Angelina. As for Binitu, he has also become my son-in-law because Angelina is my neice. 6deriv n Anything that has a young offspring; a mother, but especially a nursing mother. Ka mgo ngalap to woig no poit maroyow ka sabow rin to duon iam no manggi-anak su oggatasan. As for the po-it fish [lit. creatures of the water which are po-it], its soup is good for the nursing mother because [her breasts] will produce milk . [Also applies to female animals with young.] 6.1vs To become a nursing mother. Ka ogkamanggi-anak on no boi, sikan ka iam nig-anak no du-on on ogtago-uro-on no batò. Sikan ka ungod din oggibo-on, ogpasusuon, ogsakopuon woy og-uahon. A woman who has become a nursing mother, that is the one who has has newly given birth and now has a a child to care for. [Also applies to female animals who newly give birth] 7deriv n Parent and child doing something together; from parent’s standpoint. 8deriv n A child accompanied by his/her parent or parent accompanying his/her child. Ka tag-anak, ka amoy nigduruma to anak din. A child accompanied by its father, [that is when] the father has accompanied his son/daughter (lit. offspring). Ka amoy no nighondiò to lunsud, tag-anak ka nigduruma to du-on ogbolion dan diò to lunsud. The father who went to town, they are the child with his parent who accompanied each other to buy [something] in town. 8.1n A mother and her child. 9deriv v To hunt for frogs by searching for the frog eggs. Ogpaki-anak ki. We search for the offspring [of frogs]. Ogpakianak ki, ko ogkita ki to atolug to bakbak, du-on ta rò ogpamitawon ka inoy su du-on dò ian to marani ka og-olon. When we hunt for frogs, when we see the eggs of the frog, we will just find the mother [frog] because she will be there closely watching over [her eggs]. 10n Descendent of recent past [That is, descendants who were known andcan be recounted by one’s relatives in contrast to kapunganan which would refer to decendants a long time removed.] see: kapunganan 1.

andal v 1To start as a machine or motor. 1.1To operate something such as to turn on, or play, a radio. Agboti nu to og-andal ka harayu. Turn up the volume (lit. operation of) the radio. 2To trigger, as a reaction or a memory. Inat to ogka-andalan ka doromdom ta. It is as though [something] triggers our thinking. see: ogka-alimotow. 3To get something started, such as to get a friend to come and eat Ko du-on magaliug noy, ko oghonatan to ko-onon, og-andalan ta to, “Usì, ogko-on kid on.” Oghinggaton tad to ogko-on kid. When we have guests, when the food is served, we get it started [by saying], “Friend, let’s eat now.” We are inviting [him] to come and eat (lit. that we-dual will eat). 4To release from mourning as to permit a widow to resume normal activities. Ko du-on ogkabalu, no tatolu on no allow no warò mokoipanow, ogkuò ki to manggad no igmaganangon ta to litos to oglo-ug kad on to so-in no manggad no ig-andal ku koykow to warò og-ogot koykow su nigbo-otan ku to nig-andal. If someone has become widowed and for three days has not been able to go out [of the house] (lit. walk), we get a piece of cloth/clothing by which we signify that it is OK now for you to run errands as this clothing is what I use to release you because I have decided to release [you]. [Typically, a widow is given something, such as an item of clothing to indicate that she is released from mourning and may resume her normal activities. Similar restrictions apply to widowers but are often less severe than those applied to widows.] 4.1To cause someone to be released from mourning. Og-andalan ta to manggad. We release [her] with [an item of] clothing to resume normal activity.

anoy₁ 1deriv n First; in the beginning. An-anayan, og-umawon nu. Ko konò oggoram, oggongonan ta oyow ogka-antog. First, you call [the sleeping person]. If he doesn't sense it (lit. feel) we take hold of him so that he will be disturbed [from sleep]. Ko du-on oghimuon ta di ko du-on igkasasow ta, na-akoban ka oghimuon ta porom no an-anayan no na-aloy ki diò to dangob no warò ta nato-ori. If we are doing something but if there is something worrying us, the thing we would have done in the beginning is supplanted (lit. layered or covered over.) And then we are distracted to something else so that we didn't accomplish [what we started out to do]. 2adv Since; ever since; from the time that something happened. Anoy ki oglibonglibong no ogtalabao no ogkapolaan ad. Since we keep going back and forth (lit. returning) to [our] work, then I am becoming weary. Anoy a no batò, warò inoy ku no nigsagman kanak woy sagboka bag ka sabinit ku. Ever since I was a [smaller] child, I haven't had a mother to attend to me and I had only one item of clothing. Anoy on no-otow si Huan, diad on ka Magboboot to pusung din su kandin ian ka nigbo-ot ki Huan no no-otow. From the time that John was born, God was in his heart because He [God] was the one who determined that John should be born. syn: aligbat 1; osyn: taan 3. 3adv After having [expected something]...then [there was an unexpected result]. Anoy no og-iman-iman to pila no bulan ka pogtagad dan to ogsanggì no warò nakasanggì. After having anticipated for how many months as they were waiting to harvest, then they were not able to harvest [after all]. [The sense here is that the end result is not that which was anticipated. ] 4adv Habitual. Napolaan ad to batasan nu no anoy kad ogkalasing. I've become tired of your conduct of habitual (lit ever since) drinking. 5deriv n Firstborn child. 5.1v To be born first.

antog 1v To purposely disturb or jostle something or someone. Ogtu-uran ta to og-antog to duma ta su ogko-on kid on; ogpukawon ta. We purposely disturb our companion because we will eat now; we awaken him/her. [such as when wanting to awaken someone] see fr.: dugnal 1. 2vs To be jostled. Ko ligad ki no ogkakois ta ka lamisaan, ogka-antog su nawo-il. If we brush against the table as we pass, it is jostled because it moved. 2.1vs To be disturbed as by a touch, a noise or a movement. Ko ogkoirogò ki to mo-ugtu no du-on ogkakagi, ogka-antog ki no ogkapukawan ki. Ka doromdom ta ka na-antog. If we sleep at noon and there are those who are talking, we will be disturbed and we will be awakened. It is our thinking which was disturbed. Na-antog ka lapinid to nabus-ugan to woig no pigsogod si Elena. The wasps were disturbed by having water poured on them and then Elena was stung. 3v To jog someone's memory; remind. Ko du-on utang to duma ta no konò ogbayad, og-antogan ta to og-insò. If one of our companions has a debt which [he/she] doesn't pay, we jog his/her memory by asking. Magi-insò ka igbogoy ku no babuy kaniu, ig-antog ku to doromdom nu ko kalingawan nu ka kanak? The pig which I am giving to you is being used to open the door to inquiry to jog your memory (lit. thinking) if you have forgotten that which is mine [that is, an unpaid debt for help with a bride price]? [such as when a debt has not been paid.] 4adj To disturb someone emotionally. Na-antog ka goinawa rin to bayungbayung dò kandin. Natokow ki su warò ki no-inso-i. His emotions (lit breath) were disturbed by those were were just making [false] accusations. We were taken by surprise because we had not been asked [about it]. [that is, to have negative emotions triggered by some incident]

awang phr.: ogma-awang to goinawa. 1adj Light, as that of a lamp, or sun. Ka goinawa ran, ogpoko-uma sikandan to ma-awang pad. . It was their desire (lit. breath) to arrive while it was still light. Ko du-on manggad no manipis, mo-ilag ka pogpitow ta su oglagbas ka ma-awang. If there is thin materials, it is show-through because light goes through it. Ka allow, ogbogoy to layag to ma-awang. As for the sun, it produces (lit. gives) rays of light. see fr.: ilag 2; osyn: ting-ow 1, ilag 1; see fr.: ilag 3. 1.1phrase To be free of apprehension; peaceful. With negative, to be unpeaceful. Ka sikan no ma-agkap so goinawa ta, ogkalituk to, ma-awang ka goinawa ta. Ogpakasalig ki kandin. When we feel OK about something (lit. as for our breath which is light-weight), it means that we are free of apprehension (lit. our breath is clear). Ka sikan no ogka-aras, lagboy no konò ogma-awang ka goinawa rin. As for that being frustrated, she was definitely not at peace (lit. her breath was especially not clear/peaceful). 1.2v To be clear, sediment free. Ka woig no mating-ow, mo-ilag dod. Ka mating-ow woy ka ma-awang, warò ogpaka-atang. Water which is sediment free, is also transparent. That which is sediment free and that which is clear have nothing obstructing the light. 1.3adj (Fig) Clear, as of understanding, comprehension. Ogmataloytoy, matul-id woy ma-awang ka pogsabut ta. The meaning is uncluttered, straight and our understanding [of the words] is clear. 1.4adj Empty, as an open space. Du-on batò no magalat ka ngipon din. Ka ngipon din, du-on olatan no ma-awang. There is a child whose teeth are far apart. His teeth have an gap between them which is open. 1.4.1adj Open or unobstructed, as when a roof has been blown off. 1.5v [A command] to clear [something] of debris or make something which has been said more understandable. 2v To clear or become sediment free like water in a spring fed pool clears after rain has muddied the water. 3v To make free of clutter. 3.1v To say or do something to prevent, or clear away a harmful situation. [When a misfortune such as an injury or illness happens to someone, others will put index finger between lips, spit and say ‘pa-awang’, pointing to the ground, so that the same thing won’t happen to them.]