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burun n larvae, of various honey bees and wasps. Ka patiukan, tamo-ing tamusan, woy ka tabu-uan, lapinid, baga-baga, tibò du-on mgo burun. Sikan ka mgo anak dan. The honey bees patiukan, tamo-ing tamusan and the wasps tabu-uan, lapinid, baga-baga, all have grubs. Those are their offspring. [DB says the larvae of the honey bees (including tamo-ing, patiukan) as well as the larvae of the large wasp tabu-uan) can all be eaten, but are usually cooked first but the honey, the wax and the fluid from which the honey is made, are all eaten raw but may be cooked to preserve it over a longer period. Many children eat not only the larvae of the various honey bees but even the larvae of various wasps and don't bother to cook them. These larvae are reportedly very good bait for fishing.]

dakol phr.: Dakol ka goinawa; phr.: ian dakol. 1adj Big; large in size. Ka abu-on, dakol no manukmanuk no og-ugpò to koilawan. A heron is a big bird which lives in the forest. see fr.: pagamayan. 2adj A lot, or large amount of something Dakol ka hilamonon to homoy ni Inò Mother has a lot of weeds in her rice [field]. 2.1adj many Ko dakol ka igko-untud to gakit, ogka-agod-od on. If many [people] get on a raft, it will become submerged. 2.2adj lot, or large amount of something. Ko dakol ka urang, ogkaponù ka luang to balutu. If there is a lot of rain, the interior of the boat will become full [of water]. 3adv Profuse. Dakol ka pogpasalamat ku ki Joaquin ka nigpangabangan a rin. My expressions of thanks to Joaquin were profuse for his having saved me. [DB says he would have expressed his thanks in words -- it implies many but also includes the emotion of joy.] 4adv Very much. Ka bogas to katumbal, dakol no ogpakabulig ko du-on turakan ta no agoloy no ogtasikan. [As for] the fruit of the red pepper, it helps very much if we have a corn field which has a tasikan blight/disease. see: lagboy 1. 5adj Forceful. No ko oghulid sikandan, ogdagsangan to dakol no lugung woy kilat. And then when they laid down next to each other [to sleep], they were struck by a forceful [clap] of thunder and lightning. see: agbot 2. 6v To increase, do something in greater measure; excessively. Ognangonan ta ka magaliug ta to, “Pango-on ka; hinalatoy ka,” oyow ogdakol ka ogko-onon din. We tell our guest, “Eat up; fill up”, so that he will eat more (lit. increase his eating). Nigdakol ka uran gabi-i su napawa-an no warò pad nigtilo-tò. It rained excessively yesterday because [it rained] all night until morning without stopping. 7v To increase Ogdakolon ta ka homoy to og-angoy diò to pinayag su ogka-atangan ki to oglanog ka Liboganon. We will increase [the amount of] rice which we fetch from the rice shelter because we will be blocked by the swollen Liboganon [river]. 8v To do something in great measure, such as to give a large amount of something. Bogayi nu si Tunin to homoy woy dakola nu to ogbogoy. Give Tunin some rice and give her a large amount [of rice]. see: timul. 9adj very large Ka ogbobol-og, ogpamusil to babuy no magintalunan, usa, ubal, ko manukmanuk no dagdakol. Those who go hunting with a weapon, they shoot wild pigs, deer, monkey(s), or very large birds. 10adj Forceful, very heavy (lit. very big), as rain Wà dò malugoy, nigdagsang ka ma-agbot no kilat woy lugung woy daddakol no uran. Not long later, a loud crack of lightning and thunder struck along with very heavy (lit. very big) rain. 11adj Very big; biggest Ka takubung, ngaran to ambow no daddakol no lukosan. Takubung is the name of the biggest of the male rodents. 12adj Bigger Dakoldakol ka lumansad no kalusisi to boian. The male love bird is bigger than the female. 13v Increase see: timul. 14Bigger, biggest, larger, largest. 15n Size, measurement Nigsokoran ku ka hawak to batò oyow ogkatagaan ku ka karakoli to hawak din. I measured the child's waist so that I would know the measurement of her waist. 16v To exalt, oneself or someone else. Maro-ot sikandin no ogpakabulig no igparakol ka batasan din. Maroyow poron ko duma no mgo otow ka ogparakol to ngaran din. That person is bad who has helped and then uses it to exalt his own conduct. It would be good if someone else was the one to exalt his name. 17To exalt oneself Ko ogparakoldakol ki to duma ta, sikan dod, songo og-ampow-ampow ki to duma ta. Ogdo-isokon ta ka duma ta. If we exalt ourselves over our companions, that is also, the same as making ourselves higher than our companions.

dallug n Tips of the sweet potato [camote] plants, the leaves of which are eaten.

doga deriv.: karoga. 1vi To act out as a result of feeling slighted such as to not eat or throw a tantrum. Ko do-isok ka igbogoy no ko-onon, ogdoroga on ka batò su do-isok ka ko-onon. Ogsinogow no konò ogko-on. If given just a small amount of food, the child will act out [a feeling of being slighted] because he has a small amount of food. He will cry and not eat. 2v To discourage others [from helping] by one’s behavior. Ka otow no konò ogbayad to talabau, sikandin ka ogpandoga to mgo otow no ogbulig kandin. A person who doesn't pay those who work, he discourages the people who help him/her. [Such as someone fails to pay those who worked in his field, the people he hired are discouraged from ever helping him again.] 3vs To be discouraged from continuing an activity or behavior. Ko oghirogoon, to inoy ka batò, ogbogayan din to dakol oyow ogkaroga. If the mother does something to put her child in his place, she will give a lot [of food] so the child will be discouraged [from acting up]. [ The same word would apply to someone who erred while learning a skill and was so embarrased that he/she would be discouraged from ever trying again. ] see: sapad 1. 3.1v To have had it with someone, such as to have totally given up trying to help in the fields if not paid. Narogaroga ad on ian ka so-oyò no otow, konà ad oghutuk ogbulig. I’ve really had it with that person; I will never help [him] again. 4v To put down; punish. Igdogaroga rin ka duma rin. [It was said] to put down his companion [for repeatedly going back for more food]. see: logpad 1. 5v With negative: [Not] to give in, not to yield or not to quit. [This form with a negative can be used in a negative or positive sense. The negative sense would describe a child or adult who will not yield to discipline or pressure and who will continue to do whatever his parents or others are trying to get him to do, or not to do. The positive sense would be that a person will not give up and quit trying if something is difficult to accomplish.]

dogkit 1v Side by side, close together; adjacent, as two fields. Du-on darua no otow no nokogdogkit ka kamot dan. There are two people who have made their fields to be adjacent. [When people make fields side by side, they often leave a space between them both for an area of shade, but also to keep the fire of one field from burning into the other if one person burns first. However, DB says sometimes two people will clear a wide field together and then divide it at the time of sowing seed. Those fields are also considered nokogdogkit “adjacent”. Also, there are those with adjacent fields who will clear the fields up to the edge of the other field. In that case they will burn both fields at once and divide them later.] see: longod 1; see fr.: dagkit. 2v To be reached set on fire as a field which is caught on fire by the embers of another field which is being burned. Ko hontow ka oghun-a no ogsilab, konò ogdogkitan ka dangob no kamot to hapuy. Whoever is first to burn [their field], [the fire] will not reach and set the other field on fire . [This is a dialectual variant used in Kapugi. Maambago, has dakitan for this meaning.] see: ; see: . (dial. var. dakit) 3v To lay something side by side near each other. 4To be side by side.

galat₁ 1adj Wide-spread, far apart. Du-on batò no magalat ka ngipon din. Ka ngipon din, du-on olatan no ma-awang. There is a child whose teeth are far apart. His teeth have open spaces between them. [Does not mean loose as an item of clothing that is too big.] see fr.: tago-urò. 1.1adj Loosely woven, not close together Ko oghimu ka to bogyas, magalat. Magalat ka lawa to bogyas; magalat ka galow. When you make a fish trap, it is loosely woven. The body of the fishtrap is loosely woven and the prongs are also far apart. [Fish traps, nets and screen are all magalat because there is space between the strands of rattan, nylon or wire. These items are built strongly, the pieces intertwined but not solid.] 2v To leave behind in someone's care, esp. of a child Ko oglo-ug ka inoy to batò no oghilamon, ipagalat din ka anak din diò to songo otow no ian ka ogtamong. When the mother of a child goes to weed [her field], she leaves her child in the care of someone else and that person watches over him/her. 3v To take care of someone left behind Si Taganay ka niggalatan to anak ni Lita. Taganay is the one who took care of Lita's children who were left behind. 4v To leave something behind for someone, such as food for a child Ka inoy, oggalatan to homoy no igpalugaw no igpako-on to anak din. A mother leaves rice behind for gruel to be fed to her child. 5vs To leave behind (involuntarily) Ko ogkamatoy ki, ka mgo kalaglagan ta ogkaggalat dò no konò ta ogka-alap diò to kamatayon. When we die, our possessions are simply left behind and cannot be taken where we will be after we die.

gamowgamow n A female spirit with long hair which lives in the water. Ogkabaya-an ka to gamowgamow, ian nu igdaralu su nataboran ka to malayat no bulbul din. When you happen to encounter the gamowgamow spirit, the reason for your illness is because you become tangled up in her long hair. [They believe that if an adult or child gets tangled in the hair of this female spirit while bathing, it will cause them to be ill. They also believe that unless a special spirit ceremony if performed to remove this illness, the person may die. The believe a withered calf is one form of this illness but any illness following bathing is suspect.] see: agpu-unan 1; see fr.: agpu-unan 2; see fr.: agpu-unan 1; see fr.: limuan.

ganti v 1To reciprocate in work. Sampulù koy no otow ka ogpagagantioy to ogkamot to tu-id. We are ten people who willreciprically help one another to cut fields. [If ten persons have agreed to work in each others fields, they obligate themselves to be there. The group will not work if not all of them come. If one is ill, he/she will pay someone to take that person's place. (Ceb word means to give as a reward or praise which is different from Ata Manobo meaning.)] see: bulig; see: awon 2. 2Help each other.

gapas phr.: sugpang to gapas. n 1Cotton. 2A tree with cotton-like pods which can be used for pillows. It can also be spun into thread. [DB says this plant will only bear one crop and then die. (ck if this is same plant or different. DB says it is not the same as kapok.] 3A kind of white camote.