Search results for "ambò"

gotol v To tie together as with the rattan ties of a bamboo floor or of a bogias fish trap. Balagon ka iggotol to so-og no manalingboka ka ighikot to bulu. Rattan is used to tie the flooring together and and single strands are used to tie the bamboo [slats]. [The tying process of gotol differs from gopot in that the ties of flooring are wrapped in loops around the bamboo slats whereas in the gopot process, a hole is made and the ties go through the holes. The design and manner of reinforcement is also different in the two processes.] see: gu-os 1; gen: hikot 2; gen: banggut.

indan phr.: Indanan nu man... 1v To remember Og-indanan to mgo batò ko hondo-i ogtugpa ka batu no intugdò dan. The children remember where the stone went down that they threw. see fr.: maningkalagan 2; osyn: pulù 5; see fr.: maningkalagan 1; see fr.: abin 1.1; see fr.: igmaganangon. 2v To reserve. Ko du-on og-indanan ku no kuddò, ogbogoy a to babuy no igpohun-a ku. Sikan ka igmaganangon ku to og-indanan kud on. If there is a horse which I will reserve, I will give a pig as a downpayment (lit. that which I [give] ahead of time). That is my guarantee that I have reserved it. see fr.: hikot 3; see fr.: bakos. 3v establish Ka inggasap no bulu no malintok, sikan ka igsokod to baloybaloy oyow ogko-indanan ko hondo-i ka mgo sinabong woy ka balokun woy ka pusina. The small [pieces of] bamboo which were cut, those were used to measure the diagram of the house to establish where the rooms, the porch and the kitchen will be. 4v set, as a date Ko ogkabatukan ta ka pitsa no du-on liwak, og-indanan ta ka sikan no allow no oglibulung. When we have discovered the date which is open (lit. has room), we set that day for gathering together. [Although the example of reserving a horse and setting a date seem similar, DB sees them as different because one chooses a date because of something important. Also, to reserve a horse is like “putting dibs on” that horse - there is a payment and if the terms of agreement are not met, you won't get the horse. There is no payment involved in setting a date (or “reserving” a day)] 5v That which is used to guarantee. Woy nu ogkapurut ko du-on on ka ig-indan no oghimu to sabut ko kon-u ogkagampusi -- ka ogkatibò on ka igbayad. You won't be able to take it until there is something to use as a guarantee which makes the agreement about when you will pay the remainder -- when [you] pay in full. see: maganangon 1. 6v To promise 7v signify Du-on uran no ogngaranan noy no saginwalu. Sikan ka indanan noy no wawalu no allow ka ungod og-uran. There is [a kind of rain] which we call saginwalu. That signifies to us that it will constantly rain for eight days. 8v To reserve or engage. 9n A sign, something used to signify something Ko du-on sagboka no batò no ungod ogsinogow, sikan ka pog-indan to du-on ogpoko-uma no mangayow. If there is a child who is always crying, that is a sign that raiders will arrive.

kagud 1n Wooden hoe-like instrument, but also applies to metal hoe. 2v To scrape out or grate, as coconut, when using a shredder or other instrument such as a knife. Ka otow no oggulay to tubod,ogkagud to niug no iggatà din. A person who makes a recipe from the tubod plant, grates coconut with which he makes coconut milk. see: hasò 1. 3vs To be scraped unintentionally. Ko batò no nakarogpak, nakagud ka pa-a rin to batu no napalisan on. The child who happened to trip and fall, scrapped his leg (or foot) and it was abrased. 4deriv n A coconut shredder, made of bamboo or now often made of an piece of serrated iron attached to a wooden piece on which a person sits as he/she scrapes the flesh from the inside of a coconut. Pigkagud on ni Asat ka niyog. Asat grated the coconut.

katupis 1n A covered, rectangular covered container varying in size from 8\"x6\"x3\" but also in larger sizes, woven of rattan or bagtok bamboo skin. Smaller ones are used for carrying a lunch but larger ones are used for carrying anything from straps of abaca to idems of clothing. [Similar to binoboy except the latter is round.] 2v To get soaked, as from rain. Ka otow no og-uranan, ogkatupis to uran ka nasubid on sikandin. The person who is rained on gets soaked by the rain when he gets wet. see: nalum-og; see: makamos; see: subid 1.

kukung n Small bamboo water pole the length of one knot to another, carried in rainy season in order to wash feet before entering house. [This and other bamboo water containers are coming into disuse in the towns because of the availabilty of plastic containers and because the water soon becomes bad tasting. However, they are still used in the mountains.]

kutkut v 1To scratch with claws, as the ground. [DB says pangalkal applies particularly of chickens scratching in lagut leaves, etc. Whereas kutkut applies more of scratching/digging in dirt. (Is this different from “digging” below? DB gives an example of a chicken is digging up seeds with its claws.)] see fr.: kalus; see fr.: kalkal; see fr.: kali 1; see: kalkal, pangalkal. 2dig (as a dog or other animal) 2.1To dig with claws or one's hands. Ogkukutkut ka asu su og-abalangon din ka ambow diò to lungag to tanò. The dog is digging because he is relentlessly pursuing a rat there in a hole in the ground. 3Scratch (as something that itches.)