Search results for "sikan"

bala-as 1n A swamp, or swampy area of an uncut field. Ko du-on ka niglanowlanow no woig no konò ogko-oti-an, sikan ka bala-as su warò pad aligbat makamoti. Ko ogkakamot on, ogko-oti-an on no maroyow to homoy su ogmalambog. When there is a shallow mini-lake of water which doesn’t dry up, that is a swamp because it has never (lit. not yet ever ) been cut. When it will be cut, it will dry up and the rice will be good because it will be well developed. [The area is also called bala-as because it is mabbonos (either from being full of weeds or plants.) But the area will dry up if cut so ithen it is no longer called bala-as.] 1.1v To grow [something] in a swampy area. Ogtuga lagboy ka homoy ko ogbalbala-as. The rice will be abundant if it is grown in a swampy area. 2n A stage of growth of rice when it is beginning to bud. [For taller rice, that is when it is about 4 feet high but the height of the rice would depend on the kind sown.]

balungkag 1n The long hair at the back of the neck. Ko du-on ka malayat bulbul to tongol to otow, ogngaranan to balungkag to babuy. Ka lituk, ogpoko-utol to babuy no magintalunan. Ka dangob no lituk to sikan, ogsu-ut to babuy. If a person has [some strands of] long hair at the base of the neck, it is called the balungkag of the pig The meaning is that he will be able to get a wild pig. The other meaning is that he resembles a pig. [especially of a pig or goat] 2n A necklace or belt made with beads sewn or woven into hair. [This may be a chain-like necklace of human or animal hair but is often made from hair of a horse's talil.; May be made into a necklace or belt.] see: bagakis; see: siapid. 3v Have hair standing on end, as of pig or cat.

bangì v To be afflicted with a sinus-like headache which is believed to be caused by someone withholding information such as an intention to marry. Ka otow no natokow to masakit ka kiloy rin, ogbangi-on sikandin. The person who is taken by surprise that his/her eyebrow hurts has a sinus-type headache.| Bangi-on a. I have a headache.caused by withheld information. [Pain may be on one side of one's forehead or shift to the other side,sometimes extending down over one's eye. The sufferer may attribute his/her pain as a sign that there is some circumstance, such as an unannounced intention to marry, of which he/she has not yet been informed. If he/she becomes aware of such a circumstance, he/she will request a coin or a button from that person to rub on the hurting forehead so the headache will go away.]

bangkalow 1n A hoop, such as a rattan one which is thrown or a plastic one which is put around the waist to twirl. Ka bangkalow, balagon no oglangkungon to ogmalibusonon, no igbangkalow to pogliid no ogsabo-on to ogpilak ka ogli-ag no mgo batò. A hoop is [made of] rattan which is wound in and out into a circle which is tossed to roll and is caught with a thrust of [of a stick] as the children play. 2v To throw a hoop so that it rolls. Koddì ka ogbangkalow to sikan no balagon no nalangkung. I’ll be the one to roll the hoop of coiled rattan. [This is a game where one person throws a hoop so that it rolls. Another person tries to catch it with a stick through the center. If he fails, he will be the one to throw it next.] 3v To roll as a hoop which is tossed 4n A kind of sugarcane with a grey, hard outside layer [There is a another kind called bakalawan to ubal “hoop of the monkey” which is a hard sugarcane and can only be chewed if the hard surface is shaved off.] 5v The run or walk of a lizard. ??