Search results for "Ata"

gamowgamow n A female spirit with long hair which lives in the water. Ogkabaya-an ka to gamowgamow, ian nu igdaralu su nataboran ka to malayat no bulbul din. When you happen to encounter the gamowgamow spirit, the reason for your illness is because you become tangled up in her long hair. [They believe that if an adult or child gets tangled in the hair of this female spirit while bathing, it will cause them to be ill. They also believe that unless a special spirit ceremony if performed to remove this illness, the person may die. The believe a withered calf is one form of this illness but any illness following bathing is suspect.] see: agpu-unan 1; see fr.: agpu-unan 2; see fr.: agpu-unan 1; see fr.: limuan.

v 1To treat or to speak nicely to someone. Hu-a nu ka batò oyow konò ogsinogow. Speak nicely to the child so that he won't cry. [If word is used of an adult it would mean to help that person in some way, such as good advice, so they would feel better. If word is used of a child, it would imply doing things for him or with him so that he would be happy. (It applies to the activity whether or not the child has a reason to be unhappy.)] 2“Butter up”, that is, treat nicely, or teach carefully but with alterior motives. Moon-ing ka mgo otow no oghu-hu-an dan no ogka-ayatan dan no oggawayan dan. There are many people whom they are buttering up and so they entice them and deceived. [When the reduplicated form is used the connotation is that the activity is being done with deceptive or alterior motives.] osyn: imu-imu-an, ayat 1.

ibog 1n A strong desire or craving for something. Ka miow, ko ogdatong ka ibog dan to lukos no ungud ogmasamuk ka ogmiawmiaw su sikan ka batasan to miow ko ogko-ibog to ogpa-anak. DB Dic Nt May/2006 As for a cat, when it's craving for a male [cat] arrives, it noisily miows because that is the conduct of a cat when it craves to have offspring. 2vs To be thirsty. Ogbuyù a to woig su ogko-ibog a. I’m asking for water because I am thirsty. see fr.: laklakalan. 3vs To stongly desire something such as to be hungry for some specific food or for merchandise in a store. Purut ka. Alam ka to ogko-ibogan nu. Take something. Choose that which you are hungry for (lit. which is craved by you). Ko nokoy ka ogko-ibogan din, ogbolion. Whatever he/she strongly desires, [he/she] buys it. 3.1vs (With negative)To not have an appetite or desire for food. Du-on allow no konò ki ogko-ibog. Og-alam ki to ogko-ibogan ta. There are days when we don’t have an appetite. We choose what we desire [to eat]. 3.2v To strongly crave for something such as a pregnant woman who craves for a particular food. Du-on ka iam no alunggun, ko ogpangiram ka boi, ogko-ibog-ibog to bogas to mangga no ogpogos to iglukos din to ogpakuò to mangga. Mangkuan ko du-on on, konad ogko-ibogan. There was a newly [married] couple, [and] when the woman was in the beginning of pregancy, she strongly craved the mango fruit and so she forced her spouce to get a mango [for her]. Later, when it was already there she was no longer hungry for it.

ingkatalaran ... ka goinawa phr. of: talad. to have a generous attitude, lit. share one's breath (=be generous). Ingkatalaran nu ka goinawa nu diò to Maambago. You were generous toward Maambago. [Context was that of sending relief rice to Maambago. The gift itself was the result of an attitude of generousity.]

ipag 1n A man\\\'s sister-in-law; the female cousins of his wife are also “sisters-in-law”. Ka olin patalahari no boi to asawa ku, ipag ku sikandan. No ka sulod to asawa ku no boi, woy ka sulodsulod din, songo ipag ku rod. [A man's brother in law is called boyow, but a woman woman's sister-in-law or brother-in-law including her husband's male or female cousins are also ipag.] 2n The brother or sisters-in-law of a woman; also her husband's male or female cousins. Ka asawa ku no boi, mgo ipag din ka mgo hari ku no boi woy ka mgo lukos. As for my wife, her 3Call each other “ipag.”

kagud 1n Wooden hoe-like instrument, but also applies to metal hoe. 2v To scrape out or grate, as coconut, when using a shredder or other instrument such as a knife. Ka otow no oggulay to tubod,ogkagud to niug no iggatà din. A person who makes a recipe from the tubod plant, grates coconut with which he makes coconut milk. see: hasò 1. 3vs To be scraped unintentionally. Ko batò no nakarogpak, nakagud ka pa-a rin to batu no napalisan on. The child who happened to trip and fall, scrapped his leg (or foot) and it was abrased. 4deriv n A coconut shredder, made of bamboo or now often made of an piece of serrated iron attached to a wooden piece on which a person sits as he/she scrapes the flesh from the inside of a coconut. Pigkagud on ni Asat ka niyog. Asat grated the coconut.