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anoy₁ 1deriv n First; in the beginning. An-anayan, og-umawon nu. Ko konò oggoram, oggongonan ta oyow ogka-antog. First, you call [the sleeping person]. If he doesn't sense it (lit. feel) we take hold of him so that he will be disturbed [from sleep]. Ko du-on oghimuon ta di ko du-on igkasasow ta, na-akoban ka oghimuon ta porom no an-anayan no na-aloy ki diò to dangob no warò ta nato-ori. If we are doing something but if there is something worrying us, the thing we would have done in the beginning is supplanted (lit. layered or covered over.) And then we are distracted to something else so that we didn't accomplish [what we started out to do]. 2adv Since; ever since; from the time that something happened. Anoy ki oglibonglibong no ogtalabao no ogkapolaan ad. Since we keep going back and forth (lit. returning) to [our] work, then I am becoming weary. Anoy a no batò, warò inoy ku no nigsagman kanak woy sagboka bag ka sabinit ku. Ever since I was a [smaller] child, I haven't had a mother to attend to me and I had only one item of clothing. Anoy on no-otow si Huan, diad on ka Magboboot to pusung din su kandin ian ka nigbo-ot ki Huan no no-otow. From the time that John was born, God was in his heart because He [God] was the one who determined that John should be born. syn: aligbat 1; osyn: taan 3. 3adv After having [expected something]...then [there was an unexpected result]. Anoy no og-iman-iman to pila no bulan ka pogtagad dan to ogsanggì no warò nakasanggì. After having anticipated for how many months as they were waiting to harvest, then they were not able to harvest [after all]. [The sense here is that the end result is not that which was anticipated. ] 4adv Habitual. Napolaan ad to batasan nu no anoy kad ogkalasing. I've become tired of your conduct of habitual (lit ever since) drinking. 5deriv n Firstborn child. 5.1v To be born first.

antog 1v To purposely disturb or jostle something or someone. Ogtu-uran ta to og-antog to duma ta su ogko-on kid on; ogpukawon ta. We purposely disturb our companion because we will eat now; we awaken him/her. [such as when wanting to awaken someone] see fr.: dugnal 1. 2vs To be jostled. Ko ligad ki no ogkakois ta ka lamisaan, ogka-antog su nawo-il. If we brush against the table as we pass, it is jostled because it moved. 2.1vs To be disturbed as by a touch, a noise or a movement. Ko ogkoirogò ki to mo-ugtu no du-on ogkakagi, ogka-antog ki no ogkapukawan ki. Ka doromdom ta ka na-antog. If we sleep at noon and there are those who are talking, we will be disturbed and we will be awakened. It is our thinking which was disturbed. Na-antog ka lapinid to nabus-ugan to woig no pigsogod si Elena. The wasps were disturbed by having water poured on them and then Elena was stung. 3v To jog someone's memory; remind. Ko du-on utang to duma ta no konò ogbayad, og-antogan ta to og-insò. If one of our companions has a debt which [he/she] doesn't pay, we jog his/her memory by asking. Magi-insò ka igbogoy ku no babuy kaniu, ig-antog ku to doromdom nu ko kalingawan nu ka kanak? The pig which I am giving to you is being used to open the door to inquiry to jog your memory (lit. thinking) if you have forgotten that which is mine [that is, an unpaid debt for help with a bride price]? [such as when a debt has not been paid.] 4adj To disturb someone emotionally. Na-antog ka goinawa rin to bayungbayung dò kandin. Natokow ki su warò ki no-inso-i. His emotions (lit breath) were disturbed by those were were just making [false] accusations. We were taken by surprise because we had not been asked [about it]. [that is, to have negative emotions triggered by some incident]

antuk 1v To use another name for an in-law, avoiding the use of the person\\\\\\\'s actual name, the use of which is believed to cause a curse. [ogbusungon]. 2n Something with a hidden meaning; a riddle. Nahan ku ko ian tu-ud to antuk din ko og-ugpò a to malayat pad no allow. Dokad di lo-in ka tu-ud din. Ogbogayan a poron to boi. I supposed that the meaning of his riddle [was] that I would stay for several days (lit. a long day). However his purpose was different. He wanted to give me a girl. 3v To make up riddles, especially at a vigil for the dead. [It is believed to be pamalii "bad luck" to tell riddles at any other time.] 4deriv n A riddle, especially that told at a wake. [To make up riddles at any other time than a death is believed to be bad luck. The purpose seems to be to distract the grieving from the reality of the grief over the loss of a loved one. Someone gives a characteristic of a balubatò "bachelor" or a dalaga "maiden" and others make guesses as to the meaning. An example might be a "maiden covered with eyes" which turns out to be a pinapple. ]

apusow n An edible forest plant with heart-shaped leaves. [It's leaves and fruit of certain varieties can be cooked and eaten. One edible variety is called kalamkalam. The kind called apusow to bilog |“apusow of the eel”cannot be eaten.]