Each word is accompanied by its lexical or grammatical categorical written under the abbreviated forms as shown below. As no explanation seems necessary, we will list the basic abbreviations followed by more cumbersome ones below the chart.
acc. | completive |
acc. neg. | negative completive |
adj. | adjective |
adj. num. card. | adjectif numéral cardinal |
adv. | adverb |
adv. int. | interrogative adverb |
adv. nég. | adverb of negation |
class. | botanical or zoological classification |
conj. | conjunction |
c.coord. | coordinating conjunction |
c.sub. | subordinating conjunction |
foc. | focal particle |
idéoph. | ideophone |
I ou interj. | interjection |
imp. | imperative |
inacc. | incompletive |
interr. | interrogative |
loc. adv. | adverb of locution |
loc. idiom. | idiom of locution |
lv. inv. | invariable locution |
MR. | emphasis |
n. | noun |
nég. | negation, negative |
num. | numeral |
num.card. | cardinal numeral |
num.ord. | ordinal numberal |
n:w. | n:w adjective |
n:y / adv. | n:y / adverb |
part. | particle |
part.habit. | habitual particle |
part. interr. | interrogative particle |
pl. | plural |
plfoc. | plural focaliser |
postp. | postposition |
prép. | preposition |
pron. | pronoun |
pron.compl.1ère pers.pl. | 1st person plural complement pronoun |
pron.comp.1ère pers.sing. | 1st person singular complement pronoun |
pron.compl. 2ème pers.sing. | 2nd person singular complement pronoun |
pron.comp. 3ème pers.pl. w. | class w 3rd person plural complement pronoun |
pron.compl.3ème pers.sing. | 3rd person singular complement pronoun |
pron.compl.sing. g. | nominal class g singular complement pronoun |
pron.dém. | demonstrative pronoun |
pron.impers. | impersonal pronoun |
pron.interrog. | interrogative pronoun |
pron.pers. 1ère pers.pl. | 1st person plural independent personal pronoun |
pron.pers.suj.subj. | personal subject pronoun of the subjunctive verb |
pron. suj. v; subj. b. | subject pronoun of the subjunctive verb b |
S. | substitute |
S, compl. | complement substitute |
s.dem. | demonstrative substitute |
s.det. | determinant substitute |
sg. | singular |
s.ind. | independent substitute |
s.rel=. | relative substitute |
s.poss. | possessive substitute |
Ss. | subject substitute |
s2s. | substitute personal pronoun substitute |
sp. | species |
suff. adj. | suffix for forming an adjective |
sx. | suffix |
synD: | synonym |
v. | verb |
vd. | derived verb |
v.descr. | descriptive verb |
vd. int. | derived intransitive verb |
vd. tr. | derived transitive verb |
veq. | qualifying verb |
v.h.p. | verb out of pardime |
v. int. | intransitive verb |
v. int. inv. | invariable intransitive verb |
v.stat. | stative verb |
var. | variant |
adj. b (ou g, m, n, s, t, w, y) adjective of nominal class b
adj. pron. dém. b (ou g, m, n, s, t, w, y) adjective and demonstrative pronoun of nominal class b
adj. pron. indéf. b (ou g, m, n, s, t, w, y) adjective and indefinite pronoun of nominal class b
adj. et pron. (ou n, s, t, y) interrog. g adjective and interrogative pronoun of class g
adj. poss b (ou g, m, n, s, t, w, y) possessive adjective of nominal class b
dém. g demonstrative of nominal class g
lv. 1 (ou 2, 3, 4, 5) verbal locution of group verbal
lv. int. 1 (ou 2) verbal locution intransitive group verbal 1
lv. inv. int verbal locution invariable intransitive
lv. tr verbal locution transitive
lv. tr. 1 (ou 2, 3, 4, 5) verbal locution transitive of verbal group 1
n:b noun of nominal class b
n:g noun of nominal class g
n:m noun of nominal class m
n:n noun of nominal class n
n:s noun of nominal class s
n:t noun of nominal class t
n:w noun of nominal class w
n:y noun of nominal class y
pron. comp. b complement pronoun of nominal class b
pron. comp. g complement pronoun of nominal class g
pron. comp. n complement pronoun of nominal class n
pron. comp. t complement pronoun of nominal class t
pron. ind. 1ère pers. sing. 1st person singular independent pronoun
pron. ind. 2ème pers. pl. 2nd person plural independent pronoun
pron. ind. 2ème pers. sing. 2nd person singular independent pronoun
pron. ind. 3ème pers. sing. 3rd person singular independent pronoun
pron. ind. b (ou g, w, y) independent pronoun of nominal class b
pron. interrog. b interrogative pronoun of nominal class b
pron. interrog. w interrogative pronoun of nominal class w
pron. poss. b possessive pronoun of nominal class b
pron. poss. g possessive pronoun of nominal class g
pron. poss. m possessive pronoun of nominal class m
pron. poss. n possessive pronoun of nominal class n
pron. poss. s possessive pronoun of nominal class s
pron. poss. t possessive pronoun of nominal class t
pron. poss. w possessive pronoun of nominal class w
pron. poss. y possessive pronoun of nominal class y
pron. rel. b relative pronoun of nominal class b
pron. rel. g relative pronoun of nominal class g
pron. rel. n relative pronoun of nominal class n
pron. rel. s relative pronoun of nominal class s
pron. rel. t relative pronoun of nominal class t
pron. rel. w relative pronoun of nominal class w
pron. rel. y relative pronoun of nominal class y
pron. suj. 1ère pers. pl. subject pronoun of the 1st person plural
pron. suj. 1ère pers. sing. subject pronoun of the 1st person singular
pron. suj. 2ème pers. pl. subject pronoun of the 2nd person plural
pron. suj. 2ème pers. sing. subject pronoun of the 2nd person singular
pron. suj. 3ème pers. sing. subject pronoun of the 3rd person singular
pron. suj. 3ème pers. pl subject pronoun of the 3rd person plural
pron. suj. b subjet pronoun of nominal class b
pron. suj. g subjet pronoun of nominal class g
pron. suj. m subjet pronoun of nominal class m
pron. suj. n subjet pronoun of nominal class n
pron. suj. s subjet pronoun of nominal class s
pron. suj. t subjet pronoun of nominal class t
pron. suj. y subjet pronoun of nominal class y
pron.suj.subj.1ère pers.pl 1st person plural of the subject pronoun of the subjunctive verb
pron.suj.v.subj.3ème pers.sing. 3rd person singular of the subject pronoun of the subjunctive verb
pron. suj. v. suj. b subject pronoun of the subjunctive verb of nominal class b
pron. suj. v. suj. g subject pronoun of the subjunctive verb of nominal class g
pron. suj. v. suj. m subject pronoun of the subjunctive verb of nominal class m
pron. suj. v. suj. n subject pronoun of the subjunctive verb of nominal class n
pron. suj. v. suj. t subject pronoun of the subjunctive verb of nominal class t
pron. suj. v. suj. y subject pronoun of the subjunctive verb of nominal class y
suff. adj. y suffix of an adjective of class y
vd. 1 derivative verb of verbal group 1
vd. 1 derivative verb of verbal group 2
vd. int. 1 intransitive verb derivative group 1
vd. int. 2 intransitive verb derivative group 2
vd. tr. 1 transitive verb derivative group 1
vd. 1 verb of verbal group 1
vd. 2 verb of verbal group 2
vd. 3 verb of verbal group 3
vd. 4 verb of verbal group 4
vd. 5 verb of verbal group 5
v. int. 1 intransitive verb of verbal group 1
v. int. 2 intransitive verb of verbal group 2
v. int. 3 intransitive verb of verbal group 3
v. int. 4 intransitive verb of verbal group 4
v. int. 5 intransitive verb of verbal group 5
v. tr. 1 transitive verb of verbal group 1
v. tr. 2 transitive verb of verbal group 2
v. tr. 3 transitive verb of verbal group 3
v. tr. 4 transitive verb of verbal group 4
v. tr. 5 transitive verb of verbal group 5