With much gratitude we present to you the long-awaited Baatɔnum - French Dictionary.
From the outset, we would like to point out that this is a basic dictionary, that is, a dictionary of the most common words in the language. It can therefore in no case be complete. We hope to add a second volume to it, including above all more technical terms and neologisms. In the meantime, we hope that this first volume can already serve as a valid working tool for those who wish to correctly transcribe the language.
It should be noted that we have taken up with some additions, notably the names of trees, the work of the Baatɔnum-Français Lexicon published in Parakou in March 1977 by the "DAPR" with the financial assistance of UNESCO. We also used the work and research of the late Madame Jean Soutar (SIM) and Fathers Audouin, Cardot, and Durif, (SMA) and Pierre Marchand.