Balochi - English
راپچی rápchi 1 n camel-driver; cameleer syn. پاجی páji ساربان sárbán 2 n servant
راپِنگ rápeng راپنگ n food made from buttermilk
راجدار rájdár adj having a lot of friends and relatives
راجدَربَر rájdarbar راجدربر n politics statesman; stateswoman
راجدَربَری rájdarbari راجدربری n statesmanship
راجدْرۆه rájdróh راجدروه n traitor
راجمانزانت rájmánzánt n sociology sociologist
راجمانی زُبانزانتی rájmáni zobánzánti راجمانی زبانزانتی n linguistics sociolinguistics; the study of language in relation to social factors
راجمَستِری rájmasteri راجمستری n politics republic
راجی زُبان ráji zobán راجی زبان n national language
راجی سئوت ráji sawt راجی سوت n national anthem
راڑ rárh 1 n a long, narrow piece of fabric 2 n a slice of a fruit etc.
راز ráz 1 n secret syn. اَسرار asrár 2 n secrecy 3 n manner; way
رازدار rázdár 1 adj confidant; entrusted with secrets 2 adj reliable; trustworthy
رازداری rázdári 1 n confidentiality 2 n secrecy
رازی 1 rázi 1 adj secret; confidential
رازی بازی rázi bázi n compromise; trade-off; deal
رازیگ rázig var. رازی 2 rázi 2 adj in agreement syn. رَزا 2 razá 2 رَزامند razámand رازیگ بئیگ rázig bayag رازیگ بیگ v. itr agree
راسبَندگِر rásbandger راسبندگر n logician; an expert in or student of logic
راست rást 1 adj true 2 n truth 3 n./adj right (direction or side) 4 adj correct 5 adj straight (of direction)
راستانک rástánk n philosophy truthology; the study of truth
راستباز rástbáz adj candid; righteous; truthful
راستبازی rástbázi n candour; righteousness; truthfulness
راستزانت rástzánt n philosophy truthologist; a person who studies the truth
راستنِبیسّ rástnebiss راستنبیس n linguistics orthographer; a person versed in orthography or spelling; a person who spells correctly
راستنِبیسّی rástnebissi راستنبیسی n linguistics orthography syn. اِملا emlá
راستوانی rástwáni n correct reading; pronounce correctly while reading a word
راستئواری rástawári راستواری n linguistics orthoepy
راستی rásti n truth; fact; truthfulness; correctness
راسدێمی rásdémi راسدیمی n positivity; positiveness ant. چَپدێمی chapdémi
راشِن ráshen راشن n ration; provisions; food
راکَٹ rákath راکٹ n technology rocket; a space vehicle
راکَٹ لانچَر rákath lánchar راکٹ لانچر n weapons rocket launcher
راکَسی rákasi راکسی n cannibalism
راگ rág n music raga; melodic modes used in Indian classical music
رام 2 rám 2 1 n anatomy medicine stretch marks; linea albicantes; striae gravidarum; lines seen on the abdomen, buttocks, and breasts, frequently caused by pregnancy or obesity 2 n medicine melasma; chloasma; pregnancy mask; a pigmentation disorder that causes darker patches on the skin, primarily on the face
رامَگ rámag var. رامُگ rámog رامگ adj domesticated; tame syn. لامئو lámaw
راندَگ rándag راندگ n outcast; reject
راه ráh var. رَه rah n road; path; way syn. جادَه jádah کِشک keshk راه دئیگ ráh dayag راه دیگ v. tr send راه کَپَگ ráh kapag راه کپگ v. itr start doing well راه گرَگ ráh gerag var. رَه گِرَگ راه گرگ v. itr begin to walk; set off
راها ráhá 1 postp by way of; via; through 2 postp on the way; on one's way; in the course of a journey
راهِب ráheb راهب n religion monk; a man who has dedicated his life to religion, partly by giving up some aspects of regular, worldly life
راهِبی ráhebi راهبی n religion monasticism; monachism; monkhood; the character, condition, or profession of a monk
راهَکّ ráhakk راهک n agriculture peasant; a poor person of low social status who works on the land syn. بَزگَر bazgar شَریکّ 2 sharikk 2
راێنَگ ráénag pst. راێنت ráént راینگ v. tr zoology animal mount for mating; (of ram with ewe) mate; mounting of ram on ewe for mating and breeding
رَباب rabáb رباب n music rubab; robab; rabab (a plucked string instrument)
رَبَد rabad ربد n architecture stone wall
رَبودَگ rabudag ربودگ adj blathering
رُبۆٹ robóth ربوٹ n technology robot; a machine resembling a human being
رَبّی 1 rabbi 1 ربی n religion rabbi; Jewish scholar or religious leader
رَبیَتپَسُند rabyatpasond ربیتپسند n./adj sociology traditionalist; an advocate of maintaining tradition, especially so as to resist change
رَبیَتپَسُندی rabyatpasondi ربیتپسندی n sociology traditionalism; the upholding or maintenance of tradition, especially so as to resist change
رَبیَتی rabyati ربیتی adj traditional
رَبێدَگزانت rabédagzánt ربیدگزانت n anthropology culturologist; an expert in or student of culturology
رَبێدَگزانتی rabédagzánti ربیدگزانتی n anthropology culturology; the science of culture
رَبێدَگی rabédagi ربیدگی adj anthropology cultural
رَبێدَگی زُبانزانتی rabédagi zobánzánti ربیدگی زبانزانتی n linguistics cultural linguistics
رَبێدۆست rabédóst ربیدوست n culturati; people who appreciate the arts and culture
رَبئیی rabai var. رَبّی 2 rabbi 2 ربیی n botany a sort of date fruit Phoenix dactylifera
رَپتار raptár رپتار n physics speed
رَپتارکَچّ raptárkacch رپتارکچ n physics speedometer; an instrument on a vehicle's dashboard indicating its speed
رَپتارکَچّی raptárkacchi رپتارکچی n physics speedometry; the measurement of speed