An entry gives information on the spelling and pronunciation of the headword; for a substantive the nominal class and the plural are indicated where appropriate. Then the definition in French, English, German, and Basaa is given. Then an illustration and/or a proverb is given which is translated into French, English and German. The synonym, variant, antonym and a series of related words can also be given.
The headwords are presented in the spelling form recommended by the Language Committee Ɓàsàa (COLBA), but under the variant we have indicated some other possibilities:
jǒy noun ; jǒl nose - hàndugi lɛ apart from; variant hànduk lɛ.
The words appear in alphabetical order.
Homonyms are words or phrases that are pronounced and written in the same way, but have different senses and/or meanings:
pemês1 [pémês] Pl. (ident.). n. 7/10. ■ frais mp ; dépenses fp. ✦ expenses. ● Kosten fp, Unkosten fp. ★ lìɓim li ŋkùs mùt à mpēmês.
pemês2 [pémês] v. ■ faire sortir ; congédier : inviter à partir, mettre dehors; faire échapper, laisser partir, perdre une occasion. ✦ discharge, dismiss. ● entlassen, verabschieden, beurlauben, abdanken, hinausgehen lassen. ★ ɓɔ̀ŋ mùt lɛ a pam; ɓɔ̀ŋ lɛ yɔ̀m i pâm, lɛ yɔ̌m i kɛɛ̄.
ɓa1 [ɓá] Pl. bìɓa. n. 7/8. 1) ■ rancune f. ✦ anger; resentment; hatred. ● Groll m. ★ hìun, jàm lìɓɛ mùt à mɓòŋol wɛ̂, ndi ù teedana nyɛ jɔ̄ i ŋɛ̄m nì màkidîk lɛ wɛ̀k ù mɓɔ̀ŋ nyɛ jɔ̄; hìun ù ntēedana mût ŋɛ̄m. 2) ■ prédisposition f. ✦ presence. ● Veranlagung f. ★ lìɓâk li mût tɔ̀ li yɔm. 3) ■ âme f. ✦ soul. ● Seele f. ★ ŋ̀ɛm u mâm ma mbuu.
ɓa2 [ɓá] . ■ être : je suis ; tu es; il, elle est; nous sommes; vous êtes; ils, elles sont. ✦ be: I am; you are; he, she, it is; we are; you are; they are. ● sein: ich bin; du bist; er, sie, es ist; wir sind; ihr seid; sie sind. ★ yìlà, nɛnɛ̂.
ɓa3 prn. ■ ils, elles. ✦ they. ● sie. ★ yìhàjoy i àt jòy ni pāhlɛnɛ.
Most substantives have a plural, this is indicated by the abbreviation Pl.
mùt Pl. ɓòt. n 1/2. ■ être humain, la personne, homme m ; un habitant : personne qui vit ou réside ordinairement en un lieu; qn. ✦ human being, man; person. ● Mensch m; jemand. ★ hègel i nnìŋ; i ye (ī) ŋgìi bīni bìhègel bìpɛ; i mpɔ̄t; i ɓɔŋɔ̀k màm.
nùga [nùgá] Pl. bìnùga. n 7/8. ■ gibier m, viande f, animal m. ✦ animal; meat. ● Fleisch, Wild, Tier n. ★ tidi, ǹlamb.
hyɔ̀mɔm hyɔ̀mɔ́m Pl. cɔ̀mɔm. n 21/13. ■ petite chose f. ✦ trifle, small thing. ● Kleinigkeit f. ★ mǎn yɔ̌m ǹtidigi; hìsǐnà hi yɔm; yàngà mût i ŋgi màhɛɛ.
hìnùni hìnùní Pl. dìnùni. n 19/12. ■ esp. oiseau. ✦ sp. bird. ● Vogelart f. ★ ŋgìm nùga ì gweē bìlèè nì ǹsɔ̀hɔ̀l; bìjò bi bisu biye màpàbi bi mbus màkòò.
In the case where the plural form is identical to the singular form, the abbreviation (ident.) is used.
ka ká Pl. (ident.). n 9/10. ■ pangolin m commun. ✦ scaly ant-eater, Tree pangolin. ● Weissbauchschuppentier n.
Abbreviations for parts of speech
The abbreviations for parts of speech are given just after the headword and the pronunciation (see the list of abbreviations).
lìlà Pl. bìlìlà. n 5/6. ■ piège m à poisson mis dans un barrage m; tuyau m d’un barrage, une nasse. ✦ keep net; fish trap; fishnet. ● Fischnetz n; eine Falle für Fische; eine kleine Fischreuse. ★ ǹsòŋ, ǹten hyandi i gwèlèl cɔ̀bi tɔ̀ màla.
sɔ̀lnà v. ■ s’insulter mutuellement. ✦ insult one another. ● sich gegenseitig schmähen, beleidigen. ★ sɔ̀l wàda nì nuu.
à3 prn. ■ il, elle. ✦ he, she, it. ● er, sie, es. ★ yìhàjoy yada.
bìnděē Pl. (ident.). n 8. ■ visions fp, clairvoyance f. ✦ visions, clairvoyance, acuteness. ● Hellsehen n, Träume mp. ★ tɛhnà tɔ̀ yi u mâm ma nlɔ̀.
kìhkìs ono. ■ bruit de pas. ✦ stamping of feet. ● Stampfen n des Fußes auf dem Boden. ★ bìkìm bi bitamb.
yɛ̀gɛ̀p v. ■ rester calme, d’un air triste, malheureux. ✦ go silent. ● verstummen: warum verstummen deine Besucher? ★ yèn ŋwɛ̀ɛ, kònhà ŋgɔɔ.
Noun classes
The noun class is indicated after the part of speech by numbers separated by a slash mark.
mùt Pl. ɓòt. n 1/2. ■ être humain, la personne, homme m ; un habitant : personne qui vit ou réside ordinairement en un lieu ; qn. ✦ human being, man; person. ● Mensch m; jemand. ★ hègel i nnìŋ; i ye (ī) ŋgìi bīni bìhègel bìpɛ; i mpɔ̄t; i ɓɔŋɔ̀k màm.
nùga [nùgá] Pl. bìnùga. n 7/8. ■ gibier m, viande f, animal m. ✦ animal; meat. ● Fleisch, Wild, Tier n. ★ tidi, ǹlamb.
hyɔ̀mɔm [hyɔ̀mɔ́m] Pl. cɔ̀mɔm. n 21/13. ■ petite chose f. ✦ trifle, small thing. ● Kleinigkeit f. ★ mǎn yɔ̌m ǹtidigi; hìsǐnà hi yɔm; yàngà mût i ŋgi màhɛɛ.
hìnùni [hìnùní] Pl. dìnùni. n 19/12. ■ esp. oiseau. ✦ sp. bird. ● Vogelart f. ★ ŋgìm nùga ì gweē bìlèè nì ǹsɔ̀hɔ̀l; bìjò bi bisu biye màpàbi bi mbus màkòò.
When the headword has multiple meanings, the literal sense of the word is given followed by the figurative sense; i.e. when possible, the main meaning of the word is given before the abstract meaning. If the word has multiple types of uses, we first give the nominal, then the verbal use, for example ɓèhèl is the noun, a gift that someone receives, then the verb is given with each different meaning: 1. to arrive on time, 2. to acquiesce with somone's words, 3. to succeed in killing a game animal, and 4. to cut up raw vegetables.
Definitions are given in French (■), English (✦), en German (●) and in Basaa (★).
ɓèhèl2 v. 1) ■ arriver au bon moment où un ami reçoit qc. ✦ arrive on the right time when a friend receives a big present. ★ kèdà i ŋgèdà mùt wɔ̌ŋ à ǹnɔl nugā tɔ̀lɛ à ŋ̀ko᷇s likèblà. 2) ■ acquiescer. ✦ agree. ● in etw. einwilligen; etw. beistimmen. ★ kèmhɛ̀ hɔp. 3) ■ achever un animal d’un coup. ✦ give death blow finish off. ● ein Tier vollends erledigen. ★ mɛ̀ɛ̀hɛ̀ nɔl, pɛndɛ̂l, hola nɔ̄l. 4) ■ recouper en petits morceaux, lambeaux. ✦ slice very fine again. ● wieder zerschneiden. ★ tììmbà hɛ̀ɛ̀ bikay.
Scientific names
Several words for plants and animals are labeled in Latin:
ka [ká] Pl. (ident.). n 9/10. ■ pangolin m commun. ✦ scaly ant-eater, Tree pangolin. ● Weissbauchschuppentier n. ★ nùga bikay nì dìɓàbà i nhōoba ŋgèdà i ŋkɔ᷇n wɔŋi. Sc. Phataginus tricuspis.
sa1 [sá] Pl. màsa. n 11/6. 1) ■ Ozigo, esp. arbre, safoutier m. ✦ sp. tree which bears “bìtòdò” fruits. ● Baumart f, die bìtòdò-Früchte trägt. ★ ɛ i nnūm matam ɓa njɛ̄. Sc. Dacryodes buettneri (=Canarium buettneri=Pachilobus buettneri). 2) ■ esp. arbre. ✦ sp. tree which bears “bìtòdò” fruits. ● Baum m, der bìtòdò-Früchte trägt. ★ ɛ i nnūm bitòdò. Sc. Safoutier m ; Dacryodes edulis (=Pachylobus edulis et p. saphu ; =Canarium saphu et c. edule ; =Sorindeia deliciosa).
lolo [lóló] Pl. bìlolo. n 7/8. ■ esp. poisson. ✦ sp. fish. ● Fischart f. ★ ǹten hyɔbī. Sc. Sardinella aurita.
Many words have a similar meaning. These are identified as syn (synomyms):
hùlɛ̀ Pl. bìhùlɛ̀. n 7/8. ■ genre de plantoir. ● Pflänzer m. ★ yɔ̌m ɓa ntīmîl. ☀ Lɔ̀na mɛ̀ bìhùlɛ̀ gwɛ̂m. Syn. timil.
mbom [mbóm] Pl. (ident.). a. ■ gros(se), grand(e), aîné(e), ancien(ne), usagé(e), important. ✦ fat, tall, firstborn; new born and fat. ● dick, groß, der, die, das älteste. ★ ǹlòmbi, ǹtoo. Syn. mbamak.
mìnjɛ [mìnjɛ́] Pl. (ident.). n 4. ■ condiments mp ; assaisonnements mp. ✦ dressing ; seasoning. ● Soße f ; Gewürz n ; Würze f. ★ bìlembha ɓa mpòdna i nès ǹlamb. Syn. bìkùlɛ; bìco; bìkalo.
There are many words that are the opposite meaning to one another. These are marked Ant.:
àt2 v. ■ joindre, unir, coudre. ✦ join, unite. ● zusammentun, -fügen, -fassen, -kleben, vereinigen, nähen. ★ tòòmà gwɔ̀m lɛ bi yilā yɔ̀m yada. Ant. àdàl
bìjùbul [bìjùbúl] Pl. (ident.). n 8. ■ entrée f. ✦ entry, entrance. ● Eingang, Anfang m, Einreise, Zulassung f. ★ ŋgèdà mùt à njùbùl. Ant. bìpemel
Under this rubric, we have put certain dialectal variants of the lexemes; they can be considered as synonyms:
lip [líp] Pl. bìlip. n. (3/8?) ■ endroit m profond dans l’eau. ✦ deep hole in stream; deep hole with water in it. ● Tiefe f des Wassers. ★ ndip, njòôŋ hɔma i lēp; tɔ̀ sɔsɔ̄ ǹjòôŋ ɓɛɛ nì màlep. Var. lìp, dip, ndip.
lìpùm Pl. ( n 5. ■ poussière f. ✦ dust. ● Staub m. ★ nyùu ì bìtèk tɔ̀ lìɓu. Var. lìpùmi.
lìtoà [lìtóà] Pl.màtoà. n 5/6. ■ voiture f. ✦ car. ● Wagen m, Auto n. ★ ŋten kak ni màkòò manâ inyùu ɓɛ̀gɛ̀ɛ̀ ɓòt tɔ̀ màmbɛ̀gɛ̀ɛ̀. Var. lìtowà.
Borrowed words
Several words in ɓàsàa have been borrowed from other languages. This information will be indicated in parentheses before the abbreviation for the part of speech. Inside the parenthese will be the abbreviation Empr. (Emprenté) du. followed by the abbreviation for the source language or the word from the source language:
mbònjì Pl. (ident.). (Empr. du.) n 9/10. ■ fleur f. ✦ flower. ● Blume, Blüte f. ★ ǹten ɛ tɔ̀ ɓɛ̀ɓɛlà bi bi ntī bisɛ̀m bi nnɛ̄nɛ lɔŋgɛ ī mǐs.
haarɛ̀n [háárɛ̀n] Pl.
bìhaarɛ̀n. (Empr. al. Heide) n 7/8. ■ athée m, païen m. ✦ pagan, heathen. ● Heide m, Atheist m. ★ mùt à tà ɓe i ɓàsɛ̀ i Nyambɛ wàda. Var. haydɛ̀n, haidɛ̀n.
sàhpân Pl. mìsàhpân. (Empr. ang. saucepan) n 9/6. ■ casserole f. ✦ saucepan, pot. ● Kochtopf m. ★ ǹten hiɓɛ̀ɛ̀ hi lembêl.
bɔ̀ŋbɔ̂ŋ Pl. ɓàbɔ̀ŋbɔ̂ŋ. (Empr. fr. bonbon) n 1/2. ■ bonbon m. ✦ bonbon; candy. ● Süßigkeit f; Kandis(-zucker) m. ★ ŋgìm yɔ̌m ì nnɛ̄ mùt à ŋŋwīt.
Related words
Under the abbreviation Cf., is a word that is the source or main word from which this lexeme may have originated from:
ànɛ̀2 v. ■ action de diriger ou surveiller les affaires publiques ou une entreprise privée ; commander, administrer, donner un ordre à adonnai ; le droit légal d’agir. ✦ rule over; reign; dominate. ● herrschen über jn, beherrschen, befehlen, regieren. ★ ɓa i ŋgìi mùt nûmpɛ i kàl nyɛ màm à ǹlama ɓɔ̂ŋ, helês mùt i ɓɔ̀ŋ jàm. Cf. ènɛ̀.
ɓɛt [ɓɛ́t] v. ■ grimper ; monter ; s’élever. ✦ climb; mount (a horse); rise. ● steigen, hinaufsteigen, klettern. ★ kɛ̀ hàà i ŋgìì ìlɛl hɔ̀ma ù ǹnyɔdnɛ̀.
ɓedel [ɓédél] Pl. bìɓedel. n 7/8. ■ marche f escalier m. ✦ step of stairs. ● Stufe f. ★ yɔ̌m i nhōla inyùu ɓɛ̄t. Cf. ɓɛt.
ɓedêl [ɓédêl] v. 1) ■ grimper pour qn. ✦ climb up for sb. ● klettern für jemanden. ★ ɓɛt inyùu. 2) ■ découvrir qc, tomber sur qc qu’on n’attendait pas. ✦ discover, find. ● entdecken, finden. ★ lèbà, nyɛk nì puhɛ ja᷆m. 3) ■ provoquer qn ; s’élever contre qn. ✦ provoke, challenge, irritate. ● provozieren, herausfordern, aufreizen. ★ nyùmbùl, ɓòdòl ɓɔ̀ŋ mahɔp ni mùt. Cf. ɓɛt.
ɓedês [ɓédês] v. ■ lever, rehausser les prix. ✦ raise, increase. ● heben, erheben, erhöhen; hoch heben, etw. höher hinauf tun. ★ pà i ŋgìì, soŋôs yɔ̌m tɔ̀ mùt i ŋgìi, kìs mùt bisū. Cf. ɓɛt.
ɓedhà [ɓédhà] v. 1) ■ monter ensemble. ✦ do sth together with others. ● miteinander etw. tun. ★ ɓɛt ŋgèlè (ŋgɛ̀m) yàda. 2) ■ faire gravir, faire monter. ✦ climb up. ● Berg besteigen. ★ ɓɔ̀ŋ lɛ mùt a ɓɛ̂t. 3) ■ faire ramasser. ✦ let soe pick up sth. ● aufheben lassen. ★ ɓɔ̀ŋ lɛ mùt a ɓada. Cf. ɓɛt; ɓadâ.
lìɓedel. ★ hɔ̀ma ɓa mɓɛ̄t. Cf. ɓɛt.
lìɓɛdɛ̂k [lìɓɛ́dɛ̂k] Pl. màɓɛdɛ̂k. n 5/6. ■ façon de monter. ★ kìi mùt à mɓɛ̄t tɔ̀ nùga i mɓɛ̄t. Cf. ɓɛt.
màɓɛda [màɓɛ́dá] Pl. ( n 6. ■ endroit m au niveau m plus élevé, là haut, le nord. ✦ northwards; upstream. ● nördliche Richtung, dort oben. ★ ŋ̀ɔ mbɔk. Cf. ɓɛt.
màɓɛt [màɓɛ́t] Pl. (ident.). n 6. ■ fait m de monter, la montée, une ascension. ✦ going up. ● Hinaufgehen n, Himmelfahrt f, Aufstieg m. ★ lìkɛ̀ hɔ̀ma à yè (i) ŋgìì, lìɓɛt (ī) ŋgìì. Cf. ɓɛt.
Example sentences
The definitions are altered or replaced by one or more examples: shortened idioms to facilitate comprehension and to teach the use of the word in a ɓàsàa context. They are preceded by the symbol ☀.
ɓìhlà v. 1) ■ poser beaucoup de questions. ✦ ask many questions. ● stellen viele Fragen. ★ ɓàdà màmbàdgà ŋgàndàk. ☀ Nunu mààŋgɛ à mɓìhla ŋgandàk. ■ Cet enfant pose beaucoup de questions. ✦ This boy asks many questions. ● Dieses Kind stellt viele Fragen. 2) ■ être fouillé(e) à fond. ● gründlich untersucht werden. ★ tɔ̀ŋlànà ɓàŋga. ☀ Lini jàm li mɓi᷇hlana ŋgandàk. ■ On a fouillé cette affaire à fond. ● Die Angelegenheit ist gründlich untersucht worden.