barmonjakirreg. infl.barmɔnjatnan animal which easily sleeps (male)N baa baruk won soor barbonjak wonn.My father's trap caught Barmonjak yesterdsay.Li ki ŋan nirɔ -ii gɔɔnt nan barmonjak na.It is not advisable for any human being to sleep like this animal.Bonkobit nba mɔk taa ŋanna
baa1vto fallPiar won tinne ki saa baa ŋmak nuu.Piar was running when he fell and got a sprain of his hand.Liiyab won faa boll ki li saan saa baa Meri kpinbobir ni.Liiyab played ball and it went and fell into Meri's pot of soup. RnWBim20
baa2pl.baa nbanfatherN baa sanne BukarMy father's name is BukarRnWBim20SɔnKpiirKpiir
baabuprt'no'Poodaan boi a John won jan a buuk wonn-ii? Ki u jiinɔ a; baabu, li ki tee moni kaa. Poodaan asked; did John steal your goat yesterday? No, it is not true. RnWBim20
baak2vfallWaanjak yaa u baak soa nan bekintu.The male monkey says its to fallis better than miss a step on the tree.Kpinkpeuŋ ni mɔk donu nan baak.Trading has profit and loss.Bonlia
baakchiauŋmuch respectNoanleeb mɔk baachiauŋ ki teen u naa.Noanleeb has great respect for his mother.Ti kur mɔk baakchiauŋ ki teen ti doodaanɔ.We all have great respect for our president.Bonlia
baakinpl.baakit2vshow respect to me Kojo won baakin nan waa baar ki tan foontin na wa.Kojo respected me for coming to my house to greet me.Bonlia
baakir1pl.baakaaneagleBaakir fit yuuk ki do sampagbant ni bonchiann.The eagle can soar high into the clouds.Baakir won soor n konaaŋ wonn.The eagle caught my hen yesterday.Nɔɔnii
baakir2vhonor, respectNurɔe baar tan foonta a ŋaak ni u tura baakire.If one comes to your house to greet you he/she has honoured you.Baakir ki tee mabir kaa, li nyi par niie.Honour is not force, it comes from the heart.Nisaarik nan binbensiak
baakit1vrespectsLambon baakit sɔkur toonin naLambon respects everyone at this workplaceWunba ki baakit ki mɔk jilima niib boor niHe who does not respect lacks honour from peopleTanjon baakit u sɔrɔ liŋannTanjon respects her husband well.Bonlia
baakitav-objrespect youN baakita kimaan a tee n yɔɔrɔ-eI respect you because you are my senior brother.N baakitae ŋaan li ki tee n tiina kaa.I respect you but I don't fear youBonlia
baakitɔv-objrespect himDubik baakitɔ bonchian.Dubik respects him a lot.Pookper baakitɔ nan wa tee u sɔrɔ na paake.Pookper respects him because he is her husband.Bonlia
baakjokpl.baakjotnmale eagleBaakjok mɔk paŋ ki gar baaknaaŋ.The male eagle is stronger than the female eagle.Nɔɔnii
baaknaaŋpl.baaknaaniinfemale eagleBaaknaaŋ waak jenna paak n ŋaa tiik paak.A female eagle is brooding on eggs on the tree in my house.Baaknaaŋe tuu tumii u waas yukiru.The female eagle teaches the young ones howm to fly.Nɔɔnii
baakoouŋpl.baakoontndry valleyTi din gɔrin ki saa baar baakoouŋ nna ni ki ya ti kpo nyunnyukuruWe were hunting and got to a certain dry valley and nearly died of thirst.Ti nei bot ki saa kɔɔ baakoouŋ nna ni ki kpo kpo.Our cattle strayed into a certain dry valley and all died.Tiŋ