baheiVtr1carry it (to)The primary meaning of {bahei} is to carry something on one's shoulder.antabi autiov. synbahei 3geuiloloi 1kapu1laba 12carry it (to)"Tau an~gaibu yo tau nom~gaibu, giluna ibona, haba ya bahei, The one who eats nothing (unworthily) and the one who eats nothing (unworthily), he himself carries the guilt, When used metaphorically {bahei} means "to bear or carry an emotional or mental burden."3carry on one's shoulder (to)Egu alahiya E abi na egu lopeu E bahei.I got my spear, and carried my catapault (slingshot pole) over my shoulder.Na hena ya fiyoma, na alahiya ya bahei, E ita mate, E siba suwana ya gwali e asuwali.But when he came back and I saw that he was carrying his spear on his shoulder, then I knew he had speared a pig, or a cassowary.Suwana wa ya lau funuhi. Ya ofi, sa bahei, sa kalamahanoma edi luma yai.He killed the pig, and when he had finished, they carried it and arrived at their house.Ya baheidi be ena dafu hewana yai ya toledi, na ya au fapatudi.He carried them on his shoulder and put them on his raft, and he fastened them together by tying them.Yau yo Diyawiliya yo Hekau, ema waga 'e bahei, be 'e lidiyen Tamonau wopu yai.Diyawiliya and Hekau and I carried our canoe, and took it down to Tamonau Bridge.antabi autiov. synbahei 1geuiloloi 1kapu1laba 1

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