emaGPC1our.exclEaubada ena nuwatohatoha umi emi, yo ai ema fuia ou'ouli, Iesu hesana eai te mahumahuli.It is always because of God's mercy, you yours and we ours, in Jesus name that we live.2ours.exclNa ema aba lau yai na, Lalasi o hwayahwayau heyayana 'e lobahi.But as we were going we encountered a Lalasi wind, or a bad windstorm.Egu family ema lauto'i um yo Russ yo nanatumiu yo tamamiu tinamiu mahudo'imiu E lauto'imiu.Greetings from our family, we greet you and Russ and your children, and your father and your mother, all of you.Na ite Sabati te hinaga, ena ea siuhwalo haba 'e lau Wagawaga, 'e lau'u'ula. Mate, ema antaumana wasana.And on this Sunday also, if it is dry weather, we will go to Wagawaga for church. that is the news about our church visitation.

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