dav.1to buyMaa yaali ain n da boroboro.I want to buy bread.2to sell, to be soldBa jam yig Dagbama, Sisalisa ale Mamprusa a da.They caught people of the Dagomba, Sisaala and Mamprusi and sold them (into slavery).diak n.
da-beungdabɛuŋ or dabuŋ; h mda-beungku,da-binta (sing. rare)n.yeast; yeasty deposit of millet beer (pito), used for increasing the fermentation of the new beerNaawa poowa a kpiiri da-bintanga a duen dabiaka sungsung.The chief's wife poured yeast into the centre of the courtyard.
da-biril lm mda-bini,da-bie [l m]n.bullet (of gun or pistol)N ta kambon-duok alega ka da-bie.I have a gun but no bullet.da-bi(ri) fookempty cartridge
da-chierikl m mda-chierika,da-chierisan.woodpeckerKantuengkade n suoku a tong da-chierik.This afternoon my brother shot a woodpecker.Mesopicos goertae
da-chogsingm m mda-chogsintan.wooden part of a (bullock-) yokeNiinga yokwa ta da-chogsinta.The bullock-yoke consists of da-chogsinta.synda-fering
da-diiadv.the day (on) which; whenDa-dii alaa saari nganaansi wa la,...When the fourth day came to its end...
da-dinan.+interr.pron.what day? which day? when?Da-dina ate fi nue school?On what day will you complete school?Fi chien ka da-dina, n ko-a? When will you come back, Father?
da-feringda-feringka, da-feriman.wooden part of a (bullock-) yokeLalika a yi ká da-fering.The bull has got a wooden yoke.synda-chogsing
da-gamingm l h, l l mda-gamingka,da-gamsan.tiny branches or twigs of a tree used as easily combustible firewoodBa pa da-gamsa a ju ka ngang-basima.They use da-gamsa-wood for baking pots.
da-gerikdagɛrik; l l mda-gerika,da-gerisan.1interwoven tree; term used for a tree that has completely grown into another oneBiika jo ka dagerisa po.The child got into (lit. entered) the da-gerik-tree.2intricate problems that make sb. go to (e.g.) a divinerDa-gerik ale bo ti yeni po, ate yeni-nyonowa a cheng ain wa bog gbanta te ti goa.There is a problem in our house, and the house-owner went to do the gbanta-ritual (i.e to the diviner's) so that we can sleep (in peace).
da-gbierikl l mda-gberika,da-gbierisan.stump or stub of a treeNaapie-kpagni a kal a vuusi da-gbierika zuk.The leader of the shepherds sat down and rested on the stump of a tree.
da-korikl l mda-korika,da-korisan.big piece of dry wood, dead tree...wa yaa nya da-korik.Then he saw a big piece of dry wood.Adakorikname of a piece of bushland east of Sandema Boarding School
da-liikh hda-liika,da-liisan.pot for millet beer (pito)N kowa pok baanka a me da-liik a te mu.The younger wife of my father made a da-liik for me.
da-mienam h hadj.(lit. all days) always, every day, at all times (transl. ‘every’ with a term of time)Maa jam da-miena.I come every day.(Prov.) Yaaloa kan ko da-miena.A hunter does not kill (an animal) every day.Wa jam dela ka Azuma da-miena.She comes here every Friday.
da-miisingh m mda-miisingka,n.‘sour beer’, ‘sour wine’, mod. vinegar
da-nyuiroadaɲɥirɔa; h m mda-nyuiroawada-nyuiroabada-nyuirik, def. da-nyuirika, pl. da-nyuirisa or da-nyuriban.drunkardDa-nyuiroawa a bora nag wa poowa.The drunkard is beating his wife.
da-tuakh mda-tuakada-tuaasa [datɥa:sa; h m m]n.not completely fermented millet beerMi nyu da-tuak, ate n poi a dom.I drank da-tuak and my stomach is hurting.
da-viungl lda-viungtan.long, wooden crossbeam (of a yoke)Lali-kpaansanga ta ka da-viung nga ngienga zuk.The bullocks have a crossbeam (of a yoke) on their necks.
da-yengadv.1one dayDa yeng yaa boro, baa yiri a nying cheng ain ba yaali vaata. One day they went out to fetch leaves.2on the same day, at the same timeFiisa ale Pungsa nyin Yuiluk a jam ka da-yeng.Fiisa and Pungsa left the Kasena area at the same time.3daily(from the Lord's Prayer:) Te ti jinlade da-yeng ngan-diinta.Give us (daily) our daily bread.da-yeng da-yengevery second day, on alternating days, sometimesWa cheng wa choroawa yeni ka da-yeng da-yeng.She goes to her husband's house (only) every second day.
da-yongm madv.another day, another time, one day (refers always to future), in days to comeWa le jam da-yong.He will come on another day.Ti ngman tu chaab da-yong.One day we will meet again.Da-yong-aa?See you later. Bye-bye. Cheerio. (lit. another day?)
daa1conj.if, whenNi daa kuli ni ta n foruku kuli.If you go home, take my bag home.Kan daa kum nying, ti miena taa tog naab yerim.If not because of death we all would speak proudly (like a chief).dan conj.
daa2v.not to be(Prov.) Popola daa nyeka.Thoughts are not deeds.Ku daa dila.It is not so.Daa mi le yueni ain...?Is it not me who said that...?Daa dii?Is it not so? (suggesting a positive answer)antale4
daam1hdaamudaatan.local millet beer, pito, (mod.:) any alcoholic drink (millet beer is also called da-moanung or da-muning [h l m] i.e. brown alcoholic drink)(Prov.) Nya fi ningka daamu ti bu kum.Watch the fermentation of the pito in front of you (mind your own business).dig daamto brew pitodaam dika dokroom for brewing pitoda-beinunfermented pitoda-busa [h h m] or (Wi.) da-pusadark brown waste product in the production of millet beer; is fed to fowls and pigs (da-busa remains in the sieve)daam-dung or (Wi.) daam-dong [h h]sponge (saapok) that is put into the pito for better fermentationda-kumfermented pitoda-moanung(lit. red beer), millet-beer (used to distinguish it from other alcoholic drinks),da-nubi(lit. female beer) old, well-fermented beer (can be used for sacrificing), als called ‘black beer’da-pagrikstrong drink, brandy, ginda-paalik(lit. new beer), fresh beer (just brewed, cannot be used for sacrifices, fermentation not yet finished completely)da-pieluk(lit. white beer) palm-wineda(am)-masik"sweet" drink, soft drink (non-alcoholic)da-puuk [h h], pl. da-puutafoam on pitodaam-bierikladle for pito (made of calabash)da-paarungmillet beer after the deposit has been removed by strainingdaata nyuka(lit. drinking millet beer), name of the fourth day of the second funeral-celebration (juka or ngomisika)
daam2lm or ladv.1some days ago, the other day, recently, some time ago, then (cf. dilapo which refers to an earlier time in the past), daam untransl. marks past tenseMi jam daam.I came recently (some time ago).Baabatu daam jam ka yom-yigroa.Ba(a)batu was a slave hunter (daam jam refers to an earlier time in the past than daam alone). daam [lm] pa te diem(lit. the time in the past that takes from and gives to yesterday) the day before yesterdaydaam dem [l m]old people, older generation (still alive), cf. dilapo dema, older generation, people of olden times (not alive)Daam dem ale yueni...old people say (introductory phrase to proverbs)daam tengka [l m h]the world of the past (of our fathers)daam-daam [l l]since long, a long time ago2last, previous (transl. adj.)Wa jam dela daam Atani dai.He came here last Monday.
daam-kalikdaam-kalisadaa-kalik, daa(m)-kaling, daam-chalikn.a small ceramic vessel (e.g. bimbili-type) for serving, storing and measuring millet beerNipoowa a te nisoma ka daa-kalik.The woman gave the old men a small pot of millet beer.