Search results for "តាច់ឞើក"

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តាច់2Vsever, break, cut off from a whole, tear apart (e.g. rope, electricity)ទោល​គ៝ប់​ឞើយ​អុច​តាច់​នហ៝ម់ គ៝ប់​កាស​គឹត​មឞើស​ឆើមWhen I was close to wanting to part with my breath (dying), I remembered to pray...'Bunor'.SynDកាតាច់តាច់យើតcomp.inconsistent; intermittant; unreliable; a little here, a little there; cuts in and out (e.g. antsthat aren’t in a line together, a stream that is dried up so has pockets of water and thendry areas, or a pen that doesn’t write smoothly, singing that is faltering)តាច់ឞើក sever, cut offតាច់នហ៝ម់id.breathe one's last; die
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