លទ្ធផលស្វែង​រក​សម្រាប់ "ខាត"

ខាត1Vto looseគ៝ប់​វាង់កាឆា​តាច់​នទើ​លិច​ពែស គ៝ប់​ខាត​អ៝ក់ងាន់។ I sell somthing is not well, I sell at loss. Synយ៝តរ៝ស
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ខាត2Vto clear the throat.អីមេៈ​ដាៈ​អីក៝ន​ឞូអូរពាង់​ខាត​នហាក​តា​ត៝ង​ក៝ន។ ​The mother talks with her dauther for cleaning phlegm in her throat by expiration.
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ខាត់Vខាត់​ជាល ខាត់គ្រែ ខាត់​រានាញ​ជា​ពាង់​ទោល​ខាត់​ជាល​ គៃមា​តាច់​រាគ៝ល់​ក៝ន​ឆុរ​ឞូមាម៝ត់។ He are weaving the nets to production for batter net for a pig.
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យ៝តVto disappear, go away, euphemism for ‘dead’Synខាត1រ៝សយ៝តក្លាក់comp.to leave, disappear
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រ៝សVto lose, disappearSynខាត1យ៝តDerងគ្រ៝សរ៝សក៝នខៃcomp.the time when a pregnancy begins to show - or when theperiod stoppedSynរ៝សខៃcomp. ofរ៝សរ៝សក្លាក់comp.to disappear completelyរ៝សខៃcomp.Cfឆៃឆាក់time when a woman stops menstruating due to pregnanccy;around the time when a pregnancy begins to showAntគែសឆាក់ 1comp. ofគែសគែសឆាក់ 2comp. ofគែសSynរ៝សក៝នខៃcomp. ofរ៝សរ៝សរាង៝ត់comp.to disappearរ៝សហេងcomp.Vlose irretrievably, disappear, destroy
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