លទ្ធផលស្វែង​រក​សម្រាប់ "ងក្រី"

ងក្រីVpredict calamity/good from another source if one fails to do Xឞូ​នហុម​ងក្រី​លាស​មឞាង​ឆុរ​មឞាង​អ្យារ់​មើ​ពាង់​ឞាស។This is different from a threat where the speaker is the one who will cause hardship on the hearer. With this verb, another source will cause the calamity or good. It's a way to motivate someone to do X. It is often used in the context of shaman who states that the sick person must sacrifice X,Y, Z or the person won't get better.
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